I know ur gonna hate this but i gotta ask.

by XOCO 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • XOCO
    Zeroday "INNER APOSTATE"

    i've already have. i mean its not fair that the elders kids can go to college but i can't? WTF thats when i began to see the politics and they have already.they have made one bro an example to the congo.

  • zeroday
    i've already have.

    Funny you should say that. I was baptized in 1976 probably before you were even born. We had a sister in our congo that had the NERVE to go to nursing school much less college and she was looked upon as spiritual weak. I mean how could she possibly consider any sort of higher education with the "END SO NEAR"...Mind you this was the 70"s and the end is soooooo near now with the breathern even considering college... screw them go to college or end up scrubbing toilets or selling used cars for the rest of your life...

  • XOCO

    i've read storys about that on x-jw on myspace where people where like its the end the end i tell you. and how it messed up their lives permantly. it kind of reminds me of the y2k or 9/11 when wt or gb said the end is near. but my view of the end is near is fire fall comming down from the sky just like in the art work in the WT

  • zeroday

    Well, you're living a double life and believe me I did for years. I was present at all the meetings but my mind wasn't. You get to a point in your life when you can no longer live this lie. Believe it or not I only DA'ed myself 3 years ago. I just hope you don't wait 28 years like I did...

  • XOCO
    I just hope you don't wait 28 years ...

    Well ever since i came 2 da board i've been thinking how would my life be if i left would i be more happy yes in a sense but my dad would be even more HAPPIER because he already seen the falseness BTW he was never ever in the truth only my mom, my mom was introduce in JW. anyway, and i know she would be sad b\c she won't see her daughter in da paradise. if i left i could do the thinks i want to do at late teens to early twentys would do. but the only friends i have are the dubs. some not so hardcore as others but the not so hardcore are the ones who really show display of love towards me.

  • AllTimeJeff


    Out of principle, I am not going to answer their interpretation. If you have WT library, you can type "transfiguration" into the search engine. Then you can read up on the drug induced fantasy that is the transfiguration. If you say it correctly in front of the TMSO, they will pat you on the head and tell you how spiritual you are. Just remember to recite the fairy tale properly.

    If you have the opportunity to go to college, go to college. You will figure out the rest from there, esp when you feel ready to do the inevitable...

  • freyd

    It's a vision of the future.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    I will share the truth of that event with you; however, I doubt whether those who you would intend to share it with will understand or accept it. I share it with you, however, because you have asked - I received it free; therefore, I give it to you free.

    The transfiguration was my Lord's way of showing the disciples present during that event the manner of "body" that we would have in the future. A body like Adam's, like his, "like the angels": one that "could go in and out." What does mean? It means that he possessed a body that could "put off" flesh... and enter into the spirit realm... and put it back on to manifest in this, the physical, realm. Adam could do that, as can/could angels.

    Adam was created outside the garden (i.e., in the physical realm), but later placed in the garden (i.e., the spirit realm). How could this be, if flesh... with its blood... cannot enter into the kingdom? It was because although Adam's physical body was taken from the physical realm, his SPIRIT... came directly from God. The Most Holy One of Israel blew His spirit into Adam's nostrils so that the VESSEL that was his flesh... came to [true] life..

    Angels (those that have not sinned) have this capability, too - they can put on and put off flesh, so as to go in and out between the two realms (remember the ladder/staircase that Jacob saw... and angels ascending and descending?). In order to be manifest in THIS realm, angels must either (1) "transfigure"... i.e., put on flesh... or (2) reflect God's glory... in order to be manifest. They are spirits and spirits have no mass such as physical beings do. They did this prior to the flood, in order to have relations with the daughters of men, as well as in Lot's day, when sent to lead him out of Sodom; they did the second, for example, on the road before Barak's donkey, in the fiery furnace, at my Lord's tomb, etc.

    My Lord was able to transfigure (i.e. "metamorph" from flesh to spirit, and then back again - put on/off flesh), because he was the same as Adam: a half-breed, of sorts. Both recieved their physical flesh from physical mothers (Adam, from the earth; my Lord, from his fleshly mother, Mary); however, neither came to LIFE... except for God's spirit! Both received their life force... from their father, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH (Psalm 68:4) of Armies. Both were half earthling man, half spiritual man.

    ANY being that has God's spirit... can transform... to spirit. Christ, Adam, and angels... were the first. After them, the Prophets could do so, by means of the spirit given them (after they were born in the flesh entirely) by God... holy spirit. Through this spirit, they could see, hear, enter into the spirit realm. That is what it means to BE "inspired"... IN [THE] SPIRIT. It is how Moses received the law, Ezekiel saw the throne of God, Daniel met with my Lord, Jeremiah saw the future of Israel, John received the revelation, etc.

    The Society, however, has absolutely NO clue as to this truth. Why? Because they are imposters and, contrary to what they teach, actually do NOT have the spirit of God, holy spirit. This is because rather than leading people to Christ, our ONLY Leader, our ONLY mediator, the ONLY One who stands between us and God, they lead people to themselves: they "seat themselves in the seat of Moses", carrying on as if they were our "mediator" and the means for ratification of the NEW Covenant between mankind and God. They are not. Christ... that the Mediator and there is NO other besides him.

    Anyway, I have shared this with you. I initially posted that I would not do so because I didn't want to "throw [my] pearls before swine" (them, not you). But my Lord revealed to me that either one of 2 things will occur: (1) for whatever reason you will either reject what I have shared with you and so it will never get to them anyway, or (2) they will reject if even if you share it. Doesn't matter, they will never get it, for it is not theirs to get.

    You, on the other hand, have been told the truth of the matter, whether you hear... or refrain. Whether you choose to put faith in it or not is up to you and between you and Christ. I have not lied to you, however, or tried to deceive you, and invite you to "test" the inspired expression that I have shared with you, as I have nothing to hide: I have shared these things with you just as I have received them from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ, of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, by means of holy spirit, and have not deviated in what he has told and shown me.

    I bid you the greatest of peace... and courage to speak the truth ABOUT the Truth (John 8:32; John 14:6; John 8:36).

    Your servant, as I am servant to all those of the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with,


  • Hortensia

    Hi Xoco, think for yourself. I wish I had started thinking for myself about 15 years before I finally woke up. You don't have to speak your mind yet, but certainly exercise your brain about the doctrines of this bizarre religion. Go to school, get a degree, I can pretty much guarantee you'll finish school before the end comes.

  • Warlock
    but i got a warning from the elders. about seeking higher edu

    I'm getting into an evil mood, so, ask them if they are going to be around to help you pay your bills when you finally figure out, at 50, that you are going to grow old and die.........without retirement, unless you call social security "retirement"?

    Are they going to pay for your health insurance, since you aren't going to be able to pay for it, because you are going to work at shit jobs for the rest of your life?

    Can they guarantee that the Big A will come along in your lifetime to save you out of your misery, because you listened to THEM!!!!?????



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