How many years before you left did you realise it was not the truth?

by jambon1 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • feenx

    I was never fully convinced in everything they taught, but I also didn't think anything specifically was wrong. I just knew I didn't like it. I knew that I didn't like the feeling of having to work to be a good person and to be righteous through my works instead of my heart. And really non of the stuff studied ever really made sense, not that I didn't understand what they were saying, but I always struggled with why they made such issues about things that they did, how they came to some conclusions, etc. etc. But because of what my father told me, that my issues stemmed from my grandfathers abuse because he put bad things in my head, and once I seperated that from my issues with the religion I'd see it was "the truth," I just let it all go. When I was disfellowshipped I didn't go back because I couldn't take the hypocrisy, and I told myself that even IF I didn't make into "paradise Earth" I was ok with that because if it meant I had to live my life with people like that I didn't want it.

    It wasn't until about a year or two after I was DF'd that I started seriously questioning the entire basis of "the truth."

  • ninja

    the NGO affair sent me a studying ....and once I realised it wasn't true....I left......stressful times they fell apart a bit....but knew it would get better and it has....slightly...but I'm confident it will all work da

  • InquiryMan

    11 years. Started when I was en elder. Tried to combat it, but it grew stronger, and the internet reinforced my opinions and reading CofC and IsofC substantiated that I was right in leaving.... It was though though. Was afraid to loose friends and family. Well, of course lost all friends, and have limited contact with family.

  • jwfacts

    10 depressing years. I would recommend that if anyone has the inkling it may be wrong, don't let fear put off doing the reasearch and making to the tough choices.

  • helncon

    The same day i was baptised.

    I remember a sister saying to me "once they have got you under the water, that's when you see the real way they treat you". She was right. It all changed after baptism.

    This did it for me too.


  • garybuss

    In 1974 when I saw the year text I knew we had been conned about 1975 but I hadn't figured out it was all a con yet then. I quit as a member in 1974.

  • oompa

    Expressed doubts 25 years. Knew some1thing was very wrong...2 years. Knew it was a lie 11 months.....oompa

  • Honesty

    3 weeks.

    That is how long it took to find out enough about the Watchtower Society to realise how brainwashed I was.

  • willyloman

    Is there a prize for remaining an idiot the longest? I'll play:

    I got my first real lightbulb moment in 1990 and knew, I mean really knew, this was not the "truth." I lived with that thought for 13 years and finally left in December 2003. We were all captives, in some fashion.

  • jaguarbass

    I left in 83, Thats 8 years after Armegedon failed to materialize or be recognized by the society.

    After 8 years, I realized they were yanking my chain.

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