Christianity in a nutshell

by serotonin_wraith 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweetstuff

    P.S.: Forgive any misspellings, etc. here. I have multiple sclerosis and am in the middle of
    a severe flare up of symptoms, and have to post without final review at the moment. Thanks to
    those who have read my severely long pontification—I hope it doesn’t come across as opposition
    to the many atheists here, but as a caution to look for more areas where we may not have see
    that the Watchtower has robbed us of the ability to act like the respectful people we are.

    ((Hugs)) Carl. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  • Carl_Hernz

    First, thanks, Sweetstuff. I hope I do too.

    As for the comment of Serotonin Wraith…

    Hasn’t the religion been based on the written accounts?

    While many epistles like the Pauline letters were distributed among churches, these churches still
    existed first before any letter was sent to them. If the churches had to wait for the epistles to
    be sent to them first before they developed, there would have been no place to send the epistles
    in the first place.

    This is not to say that the early Christians did not regularly learn their faith from what was
    written. They did. In fact, according to the earliest details available from persons like Pliny
    and Justin Martyr, the first church services included not only readings from the Hebrew canon,
    but “memoirs of the apostles” as well. The current liturgical practice of a 3-year cycle in
    religions like Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Anglican Churches, Lutheran, and others is based on this
    ancient practice.

    But was the religion based on these texts? No. As the Apostolic Fathers and history testifies,
    until the Marcion apostasy, many Christians opposed learning the faith from texts. Why? Because
    Christianity originated from an oral tradition, from people who literally walked and talked with
    Jesus of Nazareth when he lived on earth. Resistance to making their faith something that
    came from a book was very strong. Even the bishop Papias (c 60-130) stated: “It seemed to
    me that I could profit more from the living voice than from books.”

    Even the Gospel books in the canon today suggest that their information came from an oral
    tradition. Matthew, for example, drew from what is known as the “sayings source” or Q. John’s
    gospel makes what scholars believe to be direct reference to his source by numbering the
    miracles of Jesus, not literally (as if the wedding of Cana was the first miracle performed)
    but from an obvious well-known memory aid that many scholars call the “signs source.”
    The claim that the faith required “proof texts” developed out of the Gnostic challenge,
    especially from the rise of Marcion and his canon of the second century.

    How about books like Revelation?

    While the book was obviously passed on to the congregations mentioned, again they existed first,
    not afterwards. These congregations did not come into existence because of this written document.
    Of interest to note is that while Revelation is included in the present canon, it was not well
    received nor was it well known at the time of its inclusion. The Apocalypse of Peter was
    probably the best known of all apocalyptic Christian writings in circulation at the time.

    Doesn’t this show the Bible just as uninspired?

    Likely in the minds of many it does. My reasons for including these statements is not to suggest
    belief in the inspiration of the texts. I am concerned with the publication of verifiable data.
    Just because I have written this information it doesn’t mean that I hold it credence in my personal
    belief system, if I have any. I do know that this latest information is the best out there.

    As for the religions that do hold that these writings are inspired, they do so not on the basis
    that their faiths are to be based on their contents, but on the criteria of how well the contents
    matched with their faith. There were many gospel accounts and books in circulation that were not
    included, some because they were thought unnecessary but others that conflicted with the truth as
    well as the church knew it. Whether we are to believe in them or not is a personal matter that
    I will not take up here.

    As for your last comment about Muslim radicals, I am not sure if your point is mainly to try to
    discredit my writing or to offer practical advice. I believe that most people on this board are
    good thinkers and have educated themselves about religious fanaticism from their experience of
    the Witnesses to know I wasn't speaking in those terms. My statements regarding treating others
    respectfully do not include turning a blind eye to criminal behavior, whether done in the name of
    religion or not. I don’t approve of hatred towards others because a religion tells us we should
    view others as “infidels.” I don’t approve of anyone who reflects such hatred to others either
    through violence or, as you put it, “a healthy dose of disrespect.”

  • lovelylil


    You made some excellent points. I really appreciated reading your posts. You are so right that religious faith is not based upon the writings in the Bible. I've been trying to explain the best I can that we don't have to take everything written as literal but the Bible still conveys some excellent truths about life, living, spirituality, treatment of other people and much more. I think I am failing in my explanations. You though have done a great job. So thanks.


    Christianity DID exist prior to the Bible being put together. The early Church (body of believers) was already very active decades before writings were being put together that form the Bible cannon we now use. You are just wrong when you say Christianity would not exist. Christianity is based on faith in God and knowing God and his Son Jesus. NOT knowing and understanding everything written in the Bible. Jesus said that Love and Mercy was the two most important things he wanted from his followers. Not head knowlege or scripture understanding.

    Judaism was also in full operation well before Moses wrote down the Creation story or the history of the Jews or the Law Code given to Isreal. Niether the Christian faith NOR Judaism depended on having a written book to follow.

    Carl made some great points. I think we have been tainted somewhat by religious groups like the JW's who teach that the Bible is a rule or code book for life. Personally I believed in God and sought him out years before I even knew a book called the Bible existed and years before I could even read the Bible. The bible is in fact only ONE way to learn about God.

    Even then, you have to realize like Narkissos said that the Bible contains prophecies, myths, histories, allegories, illustrations, poetry, wise sayings and a host of other types of writings compiled together, not all is to be taken as literal. But in this book contains a lot of wisdom and beauty and that is what believers like me appreciate. btw: even many non-believers appreciate the bible.

    I fully understand that the Bible books have been somewhat revised over the years and I understand that much of it is not to be taken literally. But I also know that it teaches a lot of Literal truths anyway. I've read the bible more than 5 times all the way thru so far and each time I read it, I am literally awe struck.

    You may see a lot of errors in it, I see God's love for us because he used imperfect men under inspiration to give us a glimpse of his mind. And I will go to my grave cherishing it. Peace, Lilly

  • Carl_Hernz

    I got a personal response from Serotonin instead of his placing anything further in reply to this thread.

    While I respect your position and encourage the freedom for others to make the same (as I've stated in my posts), if you are trying to defend atheism, my point is that you are doing a diservice to it by posting innacurate information. For all you know, I am an atheist as well. But I don't try to give any of that away as I don't think it fair. And perhaps this is not the place for me either...I may just move on after a short time on here. But I know a lot about religion and apologetic methodology, because that is my job. I'm a writer. It's what I do. I live and sleep this stuff, including atheistic ideology.

    Your personal email entitled "Defending Outspoken Atheism" stated just this:

    04-Nov-07 07:55
    Sent Byserotonin_wraith
    TitleDefending outspoken atheism
    MessageHi there,

    There's a topic from a couple of months back you may be interested in, talking about why people here speak out against certain beliefs.


    My point through all this is take a look at what you are presenting as facts. They aren't. I'm not saying atheism is wrong. Sending me a personal email instead of seeing this through is not what I though this was about. I know very well even before you sent me this why people speak out against certain's the same reason I speak out against bad data. I won't stand for it.

    Maybe that's my weakness. I've enjoyed the majority of persons on here. But to be honest I didn't come here to defend or debate. I was also expecting people to be past this. I was looking for support and offering support. I was looking for friends who, unlike Witnesses, would like me regardless if I shared their beliefs or not. And I was hoping to find people who could deal with things honestly.

    I close this by saying (on my soapbox and with a white towel to "cover my butt" as I do), I have come to the conclusion that the Net makes some people feel they can act and say things they wouldn't dream of face-to-face with others. In other cases people who don't have the courage to say or act a certain way do so when they can write it and publish it in other forums. My belief is if you talk the talk, regardless of the medium, you had better walk the walk and pay up with the facts when someone demands payment. Perhaps it is old-fashioned, maybe it's unfair. It's likely because I give everyone the benefit of the doubt that if they say something with conviction then they have done their homework and they therefore deserve the respect their tone demands of others. What better time to ask questions or point out things that are inaccurate (at least that seem that way)...not to dethrone them, but because it puzzles you that someone so condfident in what they say could be wrong. It's naive, my own fault because it's how I want to treat people, and I am sure lots of people have tons of stuff against what I just said. It's just that the wisest people I've ever known or known of have been so humble that if I meet somebody who is so sure of their position, shouldn't they be even wiser? Yes, I know that's probably why people act so sure of themselves to make up for the lack of wisdom and humility, but then that's attributing dishonesty to someone.

    Serotonin and others don't need me to defend their positions or to counter-argue their views. I am sure like me, they have had enough of that. I come from an arena where I do that on a regular basis anyway, so I will stick to that one. With all due respect and hope for the peace and growth of everyone associated with this board, I sign off, happy, content, and in peace,

    Carlos Hernandez, Pensacola, FL

  • lovelylil


    Another great post. I really enjoyed that.

    Obviously I am a Christian but I don't feel the need to "convert" others to believe what I do. I was simply trying to answer seratonins Q's the best I could. But, after a while it ocurred to me that no matter what answer I give, seratonin will not accept it.

    I was starting to think I was very inadequate in answering his Q's and I really felt bad. Because although I don't feel I have to preach and convert others, when they ask me what I believe to be an honest Q about my faith, I will give them an answer. So again, I felt like I was doing something dreadfully wrong until I found out why Seratonin would not ever accept my answer

    With your last post, I now can see no matter what answer I gave Seratonin would not accept it because he was trying to convert me to his way of thinking. I guess its not just Christians who do this.

    I agree with you that we all had enough of that. And personally if someone is happy in life with religion or without it, that is alright to me. Peace, Lilly

  • serotonin_wraith
    I got a personal response from Serotonin instead of his placing anything further in reply to this thread.

    This was because this thread is about the basic beliefs of Christianity, and I saw no point in posting what I put in the other thread, here. You seemed to have concerns about respecting beliefs, so I directed you to a thread that dealt with that exact subject. It was not to avoid responding to you here. It was because that line of thought had already been dealt with recently- in the thread I directed you to. Posting a PRIVATE message in the public arena is not what I expected to see.

    Now, again I ask - because still no one can answer this - exactly what in the first post is not true? Point out one sentence that Christians do not believe. People say there are lies there, yet when asked what lies there are, all I hear is that they just don't like the way it sounds, when the actual content isn't in question.

    I've enjoyed the majority of persons on here. But to be honest I didn't come here to defend or debate. I was also expecting people to be past this. I was looking for support and offering support. I was looking for friends who, unlike Witnesses, would like me regardless if I shared their beliefs or not.

    May I suggest you avoid the debating threads then and stick to the supporting ones. There are threads here for everyone, and if you aren't keen on one, nobody will force you to read it or take part in it. I also find it hypocritical of you to be talking about respecting beliefs, while at the same time you don't respect my belief that people can debate matters important to them.

    Who says I don't like you because we have a difference of opinion? If you honestly think that, all I can say is I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. You need to seperate the person from the beliefs.


    after a while it ocurred to me that no matter what answer I give, seratonin will not accept it.

    This is because I do not have blind faith. If a Muslim tried to defend Islam to you, I can't see you agreeing Islam is true. You would want good reasons to believe, and so do I. So far, you have presented no good reason whatsoever to believe in the Biblical god. Is it wrong for me to not accept your answers because I find them inadequate?

  • Narkissos
    exactly what in the first post is not true?

    Possibly, the writer.

    Cf. my post on p. 2 of this thread, ignored so far, if I didn't miss anything.

    Fyi, I no longer believe in "God" in the usual sense of this word, but I do think I understand, to an extent, what "religion" is about, and I find it deeply connected with the way I understand myself.

    How do you understand yourself, sw? Try to express it honestly, and I have a strong suspicion that the result will sound strangely "religious" or "mythical". Then it will be easy for anybody to parody the expression of your self-understanding in objective terms and make it sound ludicrous. The parody may be true to every single word of your speech, it will just overlook one thing: that it was not an objective description of facts but the expression of your self-understanding.

    Atheism per se may not be "religious" -- although it is, by definition, a stance on religion. However, your crusade against religious beliefs sounds highly religious to me.

  • lovelylil


    I am not asking you to believe in the Biblical God. You asked me to answer your Q's from the standpoint of being a Christian believer about why some things in the Bible do not make sense.

    I answered that you are taking it too literal and focusing on points that are NOT important to Christianity. As a Christian the Bible does not save me. What do I care if the creation account happened exactly the way Genesis says or not? It makes no difference. As A Christian I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ of which Mercy and Love are more important than interpreting the Bible.

    Why do you think I am trying to convert you? You are the one who poised the Q's to me. I have not said one thing about you being an athiest.

    If you are happy being athiest than that is great. Since most of here no matter what our current beliefs, at one time were Jehovah's Witnesses, the only thing I wish for everyone is to be happy in thier current life.

    You asked a Q which was "do you admit you could be wrong in your views" - my answer is yes. I could be wrong and I am o.k. with that. No one has all the truth, it simply does not exist. I have learned from the experience of being a JW that "truth is subjective". Peace, Lilly

  • startingover

    I can't believe what I'm reading. Trying to separate your christain beliefs from the bible, that's absurd!

  • lovelylil


    Most Christians except for those who are from legalistic groups like JW's understand that the Bible or understanding of it does not save people.

    When Jesus was asked what the 2 greatest commandments were he said "Love your God with you whole heart, mind and soul and strength' and "love your nieghbor as yourself" on these two the Laws and the Prophets hang. (Mark 12:29-31)

    So basically the entire bible hinges on these two things. And interpreting scripture is not one of them.

    Another time, Jesus told the Religious leaders of his day that he desired from them "Mercy and not sacrifice". (Matthew 9:13)

    Again, Jesus did not care that they could quote scripture. Another time he said to them "you keep examining the scriptures daily because you think you will be saved by them", "But you refuse to come to me". (John 5:39-41)

    Head knowledge of the Bible is not important. Jesus wants Christians to learn to be more like him. To go to him and learn from him. And that means exemplifying love and mercy to others.

    I am not seperating my Christian beliefs from the Bible at all. As a Christian I uphold the word daily in my everyday life. And if you wish I could quote scripture to you as much as you want to hear. But, I have to have the correct perspective which is the Bible does not save. And interpretation of it is open to subjection. Peace, Lilly

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