Christianity in a nutshell

by serotonin_wraith 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith
    its' simplistic tone leaves out the real 'power' behind the reason a person follows the example of One born 2,000 years ago.

    I thought they covered that bit.

    "He gets himself crucified, in order that he can sacrifice himself to himself for our good."


    to wait for the time when he will return to raise every human who has ever lived in bodily form for judgement, then cast most of us into a pit of fire and take a select few into his 'kingdom' for eternity where they will live happily ever after."

    You can dress it up and make it look fancy with words such as 'power' but that's the basic belief, and that's all I (or rather the article) was pointing out.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    You can dress it up and make it look fancy with words such as 'power' but that's the basic belief, and that's all I (or rather the article) was pointing out.

    You can diss it, dismiss it, put it down, deny it, fry it, whatever floats your boat. My fancy word 'power' has nothing to do with anything in that "enlighting" (not) article. The power I speak of is that which is real and which has been personally experienced. I can totally understand if one has not personally experienced something to be real why they would think others are deluded when they try to explain or defend their experience. I've never felt the need to explain or defend what I know is profound. My take on others beliefs are -"whatever".

  • Zico

    "Now change the word Christian for some other group.

    "if being a member of the KKK gives someone joy and happiness and fufillment, who is anyone to judge them for that?"

    "if being a nazi gives someone joy and happiness and fufillment, who is anyone to judge them for that?"

    "if being a suicide bomber gives someone joy and happiness and fufillment, who is anyone to judge them for that?""

    You've got to be kidding me... Surely you don't actually believe being a Christian is as harmful as being a member of the KKK, a nazi, or a suicide bomber?

    And if you don't, what was the point in making such a ridiculous comparison?

  • sweetstuff

    Thank you Zico, well put. I did not say I would condone anyone of any belief system who hurts others, mentally or physically. Huge difference between that and saying if someone is happy with what they personally believe, I don't judge them for it. And to lump all christians in with nazi's and members of the KKK, is absolutely insulting to many good people who happen to be christian in faith.

  • Gopher

    Dawkins does intend to oversimplify Christianity to get to the root of why he doesn't believe it. He makes believers upset by doing so.

    In similar terms, Christians may oversimplify Islam or other religions in which they don't believe.And it likely makes believers in those other religions upset -- (saying "there's more to it than THAT").

    Christians or Muslims or Hindus may strongly feel they have a mystical connection with the unseen and unknown. As long as they're not doing harm or interfering with the rights of others while believing, it really shouldn't be an issue to someone of a different belief or a non-belief.

    (I also agree with Zico that a sweeping comparison of Christianity to groups dedicated to hate is over-the-top.)

  • darkuncle29
    "if being a member of the KKK gives someone joy and happiness and fufillment, who is anyone to judge them for that?"

    "if being a nazi gives someone joy and happiness and fufillment, who is anyone to judge them for that?"

    "if being a suicide bomber gives someone joy and happiness and fufillment, who is anyone to judge them for that?""

    You've got to be kidding me... Surely you don't actually believe being a Christian is as harmful as being a member of the KKK, a nazi, or a suicide bomber?

    I believe that a person could have those thoughts and beliefs, as long as they do not act upon them and try to inflict their view or behavors upon other people, that is crossing a line.

    Surely you don't actually believe being a Christian is as harmful as being a member of the KKK, a nazi, or a suicide bomber?

    SOME christians, yes. Some Muslims, some blah blah pick a belief system, even SOME atheists. Any belief taken to extreme and then acted upon, especially to the harm of others is just wrong. I also think that people with extremeist views may be borderline mentally ill.

    Yes, SOME christians and religious groups mix their beliefs with politics, as do other religious groups.

    For athiests who just want to be left alone, being bothered and harassed by Religious nuts can be taxing, but they need to realize, that is not all of that group, just the active and crazies. just as I'm sure not all athiests want to kill all religious people, but I'd be willing to bet money that SOME do, and have in the past.

    Somebody brought up in another thread the culture as its written in the Star Trek universe. What does that universe have that we don't? Tolerance, maturity, an attitude of not interfering with the individual's way of being; as long as that individual reciprocates the same...I didn't say that the best way. The Wiccan rede could apply here, "An it harm none (including yourself), do what you will." There's more, but that's what I remember, well there's also "Be light of eye and soft of touch. Speak ye little and listen much." Which is similar to the golden rule of treating others how you want to be treated.

    I wish that we all could just wake up and treat one another like mature adults, with respect, kindness, tolerance. But I ani't holding my breath.

    I am not a christian or monotheist or blah. As far as the Bible god is concerned, I am an athiest; but also regarding Aztec gods, tribal gods, Roman gods, ect. But as far as strict athiests are concerned, i am not one of them either. My beliefs regarding my experiences and interpretations of reality are mine, not for sale, open for discusion but not by people who have locked in their own belief (or "negative" beliefs) and are seeking forced consensus.

  • Sirona

    I think most belief systems can be simplified to sound really stupid. LOL

    In the end, I respect the beliefs of others, even if they believe something really wierd. What I don't respect is when they tell me I should believe the same, or if they harm themselves, or others as a result of the belief.

    If someone wants to believe in the god of pink unicorns because he visited them and made them feel really good, that is fine. If they hurt all non-believers, or if they tell me I've got to bow down to the pink unicorn god, then I'd be mightily annoyed.


  • diamondblue1974
    If someone wants to believe in the god of pink unicorns because he visited them and made them feel really good, that is fine

    You mention the god of pink unicorns as an extreme and both you and I know that this is a dig at my beliefs - how very dare you - I am now very upsettings!

    May the god of pink unicorns strike you down!

    G x x


  • Sirona

    "And the peasant brought forth his oats and his wheat and his many grains;

    And the Invisible Pink Unicorn witnessed this event; And She declared,

    'Neigh, neigh neigh.'

    And there was much rejoicing."

    -- Feshuud 5:17-20

    "It is only through faith that we can see Her divine Pinkness."

    -- Arthur von Gromblin, Founder, IPU Ministries, Inc.

  • sparrow

    either way God and Jesus suck. A "loving" God lets things happen (half of it in the name of religion) and doesn't bother to do anything or give any real answers. It's all bulls$%t.

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