Racism has reared its ugly head

by dinah 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.F.

    I'm so sorry this happened.

    I wish that many people can grow to look past race and just see people for who they are.


  • NotaNess
    Last spring, the boy's parents didn't seem to have a problem. They actually dropped by to visit a few times. I have no idea what changed. My guess is a grandparent saw a pic of my daughter.

    Am I the only one here that doesn't see anything to do with race here???? Not one thing was mentioned about the parents showing or saying anything about the girls color to prove anything racially. There was a comment about a "GUESS" pertaining to the grandparent.

    I'm definitely not feeling good that your daughter and yourselves are having to go through this, I feel for you, but I sure as heck would be afraid to have some of you that posted, on a jury deciding my verdict in a crime I didn't do.

    Could it be that the daughter started rubbing the parents the wrong way over time, or did some things they didn't like?? If it was race, it would have been addressed back when they started. A true bigot, wouldn't let the relationship go that long without issues right off the bat.

    Hope it all works out for her somehow.

  • wanderlustguy
    If it was race, it would have been addressed back when they started. A true bigot, wouldn't let the relationship go that long without issues right off the bat.

    Not neccessarily...someetimes it takes a while for the old-enough generation to get wind of it and shut things down.

    It's right there... ALABAMA, along with LA and MS as some of the most prejuduced places to be.

    My brother got the same treatment when he was interested in a gorgeous black girl.

    Sorry to hear of it.


  • dinah

    Yes it was race. They started telling the boy that the BIBLE says not to mix races. Guess I left out some details but I didn't want to end up writing a book.

  • avishai

    That's awful....

  • snowbird

    Welcome to the real world, Dinah.

    I read your bio and I'll copy it here:

    Out 20 years. It's a scary world, but at least I'm not afraid anymore.

    The world can be scary and ugly at times. Yet, there is a lot of beauty, too. Don't allow the ugliness to make you ugly.

    This can be either a positive or negative learning experience for your daughter. I think a lot depends on you as to the outcome.

    Peace, love, and happiness to you and your daughter.

    Sylvia - fellow Alabamian

  • Mary

    Well that reallys sucks Dinah.......I see you're in Alabama though, so this isn't a total shock. One of my co-workers who recently retired, sent me some pictures of her grandkids. Two of them are mulatto and the one is stunningly beautiful, even though she's only 5. She reminds me of Vanessa Williams:

    LindasGranddaughter-4.jpg picture by sam3217LindasGranddaughter-3.jpg picture by sam3217LindasGranddaughter-3-1.gif picture by sam3217

  • Mary
    Yes it was race. They started telling the boy that the BIBLE says not to mix races.

    Where the hell does it say that? I don't recall any scripture that says that.........

  • eclipse

    It really is maddening that there are still backwards, ignorant, racist, bible-thumping morons left in this modern age.

    (as opposed to the educated, non-ignorant bible-thumpers)

    I hate how the Bible is used as a ROADBLOCK to education and reality

    and how some (not all) believers promote ignorance because of mistranslations, misapplications.

    I wonder how they would feel if they looked into their geneology and found their ancestors were black and or native, etc.

  • snowbird

    Ok, I've got two defenses to make.

    First, in defense of the Bible. When the God of the Bible instructed the Israelites not to intermarry with the people of other lands, it was for a religious reason. It couldn't have been racial because the patriarchs had origins in Chaldea, Syria, and Egypt. Moses married a Midianite wife. Rahab was a Canaanite. Ruth was from Moab. Get my drift?

    Second, in defense of Alabama. Yes, Alabama is noted for its racism. So are all other states. Let's keep it real. Let me relate a little story. Once, at my place of employment, an elderly White lady came in for a report. She brought along her grandkids. One, a young man of about 12 or 13, was bi-racial - which, I believe is the politically correct terminology. Anyway, this young man was one of the most handsome I've ever seen. His features were perfect. It's evident that he inherited the best from each parent.

    Well, it was also apparent that he was the apple of his grandmother's eye. I mentioned to her how nice-looking her grandkids were, especially the above-mentioned young man. She was beaming with grandmotherly pride and love. It was so heartening to see that someone of her age could see beyond bigotry and intolerance and embrace her grandson for the unique person he is.

    So let's not paint all Alabamians with the same broad brush strokes.


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