January 15, 2008 Watchtower & The One Mistake We All Made:

by t33ap80c 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Great post Don!

    (Note to self: Don't try to hide anything from Zev.)

  • Gill

    Too True!

    But to try to make a current JW understand this would be like making mud clear!

    'New Light' trumps any kind of argument you might try to have over the past issues with a current JW!

    When it comes to past beliefs, JWs just do NOT Care!! My father, in 2007 had still not caught up with the generation change of 1995!

    Too many dubbies have already switched their minds off and too many that have left don't care enough to attempt any rescue mission.

    In the end, it is all waffle, belief and doctrine. And when it comes to religion, you can believe as much waffle and doctrine as you like and NOBODY will try to stop you unless they love you enough to at least make an attempt!

    New Light is the WT's get out of Jail Card! This is backed up with, 'We are a Religion!' In the end dubbies don't care as long as the words 'Armageddon' and 'Live Forever' continue to ring in the cavernous atrium that once lodged a brain!

  • Mary
    When Christ inspectedthe faithful and discreet slave in 1918, he found those anointed ones on earth (Joseph Rutherford and his associates) to be faithful in providing spiritual food at the proper time. Hence, Jesus was pleased thereafter to appoint them over all his belongings.(Read Matthew 24:45-47)"

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, than this one says it all. Christmas at Bethel in 1926----8 years after Jesus supposedly "approved" them:

    BethelChristmaasMorning.gif picture by sam3217

    If Jesus 'inspected' the Watchtower in 1918, He would have seen that they were practicing things (like celebrating Christmas) that are now a disfellowshipping offense and will earn you a one way ticket to Hell. Where exactly do they get that they were "faithful" and "discreet" and "providing food at the proper time" if they were still practicing holidays which they claim are right from Satan the Debbil??

  • Sirona

    One of my JW family used the illustration of Paul and how back in the 1st century, the apostles speculated that the end was THEN.....but it wasn't. God still approved of them despite their speculations, therefore God still approves of the WTS despite failed prophesy.????


  • OnTheWayOut
    And T33 you are right about the proclaimer book...It really was a great tool to help kill my faith in WT! I am suprised they admited so much crap being taught and so many flip flops.

    Apparently, the actual truth of their past was being revealed by those they called apostates.
    They probably figured telling much of the actual truth scattered about a thick book would
    make them look honest, show how the light is getting brighter, and later allow them to say,
    "Yes, we are candid about our past, just as the Israelites who wrote the Bible."

    I doubt too many JW's left the organization over anything in the Proclaimer's Book, or that
    it was a last straw. Perhaps, years later- it caused problems like Don's book revealing it
    more clearly.

    Most JW rank and file don't know why the WTS does what it does. Often, they were trying
    to answer Olaf Jonnson or Ray Franz or somebody's claims.

  • dawg

    Hell, bro... I didn't make a mistake I didn't know about it! Can you really tell me that a person raised in the "lie"(quit calling it the truth a long time ago) could have possibly read through all those old bound volumes and found out about Beth Sarim and the like?

    I told my cousin that if I'd of known of those things then I'd of never, and I freaking mean never been baptised-at age 18 no less. Lying bunch of bastards that the GB is.

    Nah, the only thing I've been guilty of was keeping my mouth closed for 17 years once I did find out about it. Now, I'm working to rectify that.

  • Sunspot

    EXCELLENT reasoning and great information! I am shamelessly adding my post to this so that I can find it to use for future reference when needed.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    You got it!

    I will put something else out there. Failure to recognize that the Societies claims on the 1918/19 selection should be investigaed is the #1 reason why JWs don't understand why "apostates" refer to the old magazines.

    JWs are taught to laugh off referance to the old magazines as 'old light' and fail to realize how important they are to their own theology. Jesus Christ himself was supposedly checking these magazines to see if they 'passed the test' yet no JW checks to see what was even in them!

    It's a point that I stressed to my wife and eventually she got it, thank god.

  • WTWizard

    I can remember making this exact mistake. They had an easier time scamming me back in the late 1980s because I didn't have access to the Internet. I was too lazy to study the Bible independently, and the one book that I had about the subject was that damn Suffer Forever book. Hence, I did not have the resources to cross-examine the doctrine back then.

    Then, once I suspected that my getting baptized was a mistake, they kept making false promises (and I thought lying was a disfellowship offense). These promises of course went belly-up: they instead made rules that blocked fulfillment of anything. Ultimately they were successful in limiting me to just other men, and once that was all that was left, I had no qualms about blowing off all the meetings and field circus (and ultimately deliberately looking up those apostate Web sites).

    It took me about 9 months to make the mistake. It took less than one month for me to fix it. Now, usually one would expect one to take much longer to fix a mistake than to make it. Just goes to show what a flimsy foundation the Watchtower Society actually is built on. Now, if only I could fix the damage I caused by spreading this cancer as easily as I fixed my beliefs...

  • Gill

    'Christ Approves of them' for no other reason that they SAY that 'Christ approves of them!'

    Now! Let them PROVE it!

    As far as I am aware, the 'Christ' was not consistently changing his mind about matters. That is the ONE CONSISTENT theme that runs through the history of the WTBTS, constant change in beliefs and doctrines!

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