Remember OpenFireGlass?

by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Tell him hello for me! I remember!

    Stained glass artist extrodinaire!

    He may not remember me, but I remember him.


  • Es

    Wow would love to see some photos when he isnt too shy


  • skeeter1

    Oh NO!!!

    I miss open fire glass. His artwork, his pictures, and his posts I adored. I wish him the best in life & with his new doo.


  • delilah
    yeah. i'm never cutting my dreds. i don't think i can. its where my strength comes from. you delilah you.

    Hey! CHL....I'm the only Delilah in this here neck of the woods....and I sure won't be cutting off yer dreads man!! You're safe. lol psst....Good Girl....has OFG lost his strength yet?

  • kerj2leev

    Oh, this I gotta see!!

  • purplesofa


    yeah, want to see pics

    good to hear from you both


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Tell him hello for me! I remember!

    Stained glass artist extrodinaire!

    He may not remember me, but I remember him.


    Hey Restrangled, glass blower/glass artist, not stained glass but still glass. He and I are going to take a glass fusing class together soon now that my work week has been shortened to four days a week instead of five I will have time to explore the artist in me, which is so great.

    Wow would love to see some photos when he isnt too shy


    Hey Es, I would LOVE to show y'all pictures as I think he looks sooooo handsome (I can't stop staring at him, now that I've gotten over the initial shock, I just think it is so becoming of him - YOWZA). However, he has now deleted the pictures from my digital camera at least twice if not three times and besides that I can't get him to make a "normal" face whenever I do snap a picture. I'm trying to back off and hoping that he'll come around and stop being so shy. What a cutie.

    Oh NO!!!

    I miss open fire glass. His artwork, his pictures, and his posts I adored. I wish him the best in life & with his new doo.


    Thanks, Skeeter, that is sweet of you.
    psst....Good Girl....has OFG lost his strength yet?
    Not that I can tell, Delilah. In fact it seems to have bring out a new stubborness in him. Is stubborness a form of strength? Or maybe the word I'm looking for is obstinate. He's been rather sassy lately. Hah!
  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Oh, this I gotta see!!
    Yeah, no kidding, Kerj, ya really do! Glad ya checked in, bro, I've missed you! We need to talk soon!!!!
    Oct 25, 2007


    yeah, want to see pics

    good to hear from you both


    Purps, always good to see you too. Hope to have pics but gotta have permission from the boy first, and so far the answer is a big fat NO!
  • bigwilly

    I figured I oughta pop in and respond. The "what'd you do?" bit wasn't serious (I'm sure you got that). It seems like dreadlocks are a cyclical hairstyle. Everyone I've known to have dreads has shaved them at one time or another. Some grow them back, some do not. From what I know of OFG, I'm sure he's equally attractive with or without dreads and a beard.

    I understand the can't-stop-staring response. About 10 years ago I messed up trimming my beard and eventually shaved the whole thing off. The babyfaced result was traumatic to me and the source of much curiosity to my gf at the time. Of course my very supportive friends laughing their asses off at my 12yr old look didn't help either. Since then I have never shaved my goatee off. It's become part of my look and identity. So, I can also understand OFG's reticence to appear on film after such a dramatic change in his looks. Give the guy a little time to adjust to the new look and regain his comfort zone and I'm sure he'll be much less stubborn/obstinate about having his pic taken.

  • megsmomma

    Hey girl! Happy to hear from you! I bet he looks great, and it prpbably FEELS awsome to run your fingers thru it now!!

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