I shouldn't be shocked but I am.

by reneeisorym 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • LeslieV

    Sorry that you have had to experience the love that the JW teaches....which is really no love at all.

    But I sure think you have a beautiful cat...I have two cats somedays they are what keeps me sane.


  • reneeisorym
    No offense, but she isn't too bright. It must have skipped a generation, cause you got your smarts from somewhere other than your parents.

    Half of what pisses me off is that my dad is very smart. He's just too stubborn and prideful to look into the organization. My dad has the will power and intelligence to leave if he would ever let go of some of his pride. My mom wouldn't even let me talk about scripture. It was always about what life seemed the most enjoyable at the time. She didn't care if the org was part of the UN or about mexico/rhawanda or blood. Truth never mattered to her.

  • truthsearcher

    Renee: I can't believe this too, it is shocking in one way, but understandable in another way. The kind of blindness can only be explained as a spiritual darkness that has clouded her thinking Think of all those people who were with Jesus when he did his miracles, but then turned on him in the end.

    I am praying right now for you to have a loving mother substitute figure in your life who will love you unconditionally and give you some stability! Meanwhile, keep praying and asking that the love and forgiveness of Christ that has been shown to you, would fill your heart towards Mom (easy to type, I know, but not so easy to do--that is what makes it a supernatural thing.)

  • carla

    I can share your anger today! This just pisses me off so much! Today, on this board we have your mom abandoning you, another guy's mom (sorry poster I'm not going back to look you up at the moment) just up and moves away without a word and folks here feel 'sorry' for the jw. I just don't get it sometimes. In normal life people don't even go away for the weekend without letting someone know where they are going, they do not abandon their children for switching churches.

    This cult truly affects generations not just your immediate situation. Your children will not know the grandparents or any other jw relative. Entire family histories are changed by this insidious cult. I wish you guys could see how appalled non/don't know anything about jw's people are when they hear stories like this. The usual comment after the intitial shock is 'then it would be best for all the kids to never get baptized right?' then you have to fill them in on what happens if they don't, the pressure, possible marking, bad associate, etc.... I think many of you grew up in the org and look at things as 'normal for a jw' and are apathetic towards the rules & regulations of the org. I wish I could articulate properly how abnormal your lives were as jw's. Even if you had 'good' jw parents who did not beat you the emotional and spiritual abuses are still there. The jw bubble that most jw's grow up in results in so many difficulties in daily life and because many of you have the same questions about how things are done on the 'outside' you cannot see how it looks to one who has never been a jw.

    Most of you are here because you had the courage to 'make sure of all things' or by using your God given brain and could see the hypocricy, the hurt, the destruction and human wreckage left in the wake of the wt. Our jw's do make a choice, they choose to remain jw's. They lack courage and integrity. They often talk about making sacrifices for jah yet they really are not willing to sacrifice anything for God. Taking up your time with busy work is not true sacrifice. They choose to follow men rather than Christ.

    Tell these stories to people, the jw's are their own worst enemy. They are a hate group just like the Klu Klux Klan, Skinheads, Nazi's or any other group that believes in genocide. Only in the case of jw's they do not discriminate on the basis of color or ethnic backround, they think everybody deserves death equally for not being one of them.

  • dawg

    Man, I've heard that tune.... sorry to hear what you're going through; in your mom's case, i think there's hope.... she knows something is wrong yet hasn't found the courage to do anything about it yet. I think time will tell.

  • Eliveleth


    I feel your hurt. It is hard to get up your hope, expectations and then have them dashed to smithereens. I have had little perceived kindnesses from my son and sister. I get up my hopes and then the next time, I have occasion to communicate with them, they avoid me like the plague. They have these fractured ideas about "family business" and they play with it. So sometimes you hear from them and other times you will not hear from them in years. This has been my experience.

    Your kitty is beautiful and will give you the unconditional love you need. You can depend on that. She will love you and appreciate the things you do for her and give you back affection.

    God is good. Just give this hurt to Him and let Him give you the love you need. I have found that ranting just keeps the hurt going.
    Forgiveness and acceptance is the way to get beyond it. I will be praying for God's joy and peace to be with you as you deal with this.

    Love and hugs,


  • RollerDave

    Fricking AMAZING!

    "Oh, sweetie, I just conditionally love you soo soo much, and really liked seeing how happy your life is, now all I need for you to continue having me in your life is to wreck all that and join me in sticking our heads so far up our own asses that we can look at the backs of our teeth."

    "I've got to get right with JeWatchtowerHooba and you know what THAT means..." rolls up sleeves and prepares to deliver a beating...


    Sometimes we just have to accept that we just don't have parents.

    Mine should have raised me and dropped the ball, then expected to play on the fact that they presided over the traversty that was my childhood to interfere and fuck up my attempts to do anything useful with my adult life, well they can forget about it, I got where I am by going against their advice, I'm sure not going to cut off my nose to spite my face!

    Selfish foolish ignorant brain-dead morons!

    Nothing is more infuriating that an ignorant fool that will defend their stupidity to the death it leads to!

    I hope that was angry enough and was of some help.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((Renee))) words fail me - what kind of 'love' is it that screws around with peoples' lives like that. Certainly not the love described in 1 Corinthians 13

    Kitty is gorgeous! I love the more oriental breeds, they're so sleek - but I do think many have weird traits like yours!

    If I could get a pedigree, I'd like a tonkinese - they're apparently prone to depression so we could try cheer each other up LOL!

  • *summer*


    Your cat is beautiful AND LOVES YOU unconditionally. Then again, it has not been brainwashed by any cult.

    Much love sent your way...


  • oompa

    ((((((( Renee & Kitty )))))))

    Dear Mom, I am fine thank you, and always will be. I have friends that love me without strings attached. Since we both know that no Loving Father above could ever treat his children in an unloving, uncaring and hypocritical manner, I feel soooo sorry for you reattaching yourself to a religion that thinks it is somehow the spiritual thing to do.

    No Renee, I am not really trying to write your mom for you, nor suggest you should (even though she communicates that way), but that was so stinkin awful I needed to for therapy!!! I like others here feel truly sorry you have to endure this, but you can and will....oompa

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