Do You Have A Goal Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses???

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    By looking for opportunities to help others, we can make a huge difference. Sometimes not being so overt is better than shoving something down their throat.

  • hopie

    I think it is important to move on with you life, and find your own stability, and happiness. In addition to that, I personally feel it is imperative to make yourself available to expose this cult in anyway you can. I lost my daughter to this cult because of their shunning policy for ten years.

    In 1993 I went back and got re-instated, and became a member again to get my daughter out. Being an elder's wife, I knew all their in's and out's as to what to say and do to accomplish my mission. It took two years to accomplish my goal, and at the same time expose my daughter's elder husband as a child molester.

    I wrote a book about my 2 year sucessful rescue journey so I could use it to help others see the dangers of this cult. This is my goal in life.


  • JulieM

    Well I was only df'd two weeks ago, so I still hae issues, having been a JW from birth. I have no idea how long it will take me to get over that, but I'll get there.

    As for opposing the JWs, I would try and discourage anyone from joining, and help anyone who wanted to leave, but I doubt I'll join in attacking them yet. My parents still talk to me, and I'd like that to continue. If I got involved in anti -JW activities, they might shun me.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I've given up trying to subtlely help current JW's learn the truth about the truth. Right now my goal is to live life to the full, be the best person that I can be, and have a happy and fulfilling life. Hopefully, by some miracle, this could help somebody recognize that not all ex-members are crazy. Even if this doesn't happen, I can still live a happy life.

    This isn't easy, though, as I'm still having some trauma over the way I've been treated by certain family members. Every day, I have to make a concerted effort to be thankful for the good things in my life instead of wallowing in self-pity.

    Clyde keeps telling me, "Live well. That's the best revenge." And he doesn't necessarily mean in a material way.

  • Honesty
    Do you want to expose the religion for the fraud that it is (like I do)?

  • Younglove1999

    I'm not sure-

    I just want to be able to enjoy my life with my husband and daughter and still be able to talk to my parents.

    I'm not sure what their reaction will be when they see me fully immerse myself into holidays and birthday, but I'm hoping they'll just look the other way and we'll all continue on our merry way and still be a family.
    But if they decide they can't "handle the guilt" of knowing their daughter is sinning and "tell" on us or if we somehow get df'd for some other reason and they shun us? Well then I'm not sure what I'm going to do in that scenaio or where it'd take me in terms of my "goal with JW's"

  • The-Borg
    I see some longtime posters here that regularly contribute helpful info for struggling exjws. I don't think one must "forget" the past in order to move on positively.

    Good point.

  • minimus

    If one feels so inclined, it's good to hear from others as to how they dealt with situations when they were trying to get out. There's a lot of good advice on this site!

  • jaguarbass

    I dont really care about the wactower any more. I am happy to expose their lunacy here. But that is not my lifes purpose. In fact thanks to the WacTower I have no lifes purpose that I can realistically pursue.

    But thanks to the Wactower, at least I have someone to blame for that.

    I dont have to wander around wondering what happened to me?

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    To get the courts to recognize the immediate threat the shunning policy presents to an individual's mental and emotional health and well-being. Not everybody who faces the prospect of shunning will commit suicide, but some have, and anybody who has done so is one too many. See the following thread: //

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