Do You Have A Goal Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses???

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • tribalgirl

    I was under the impression that the WTS had already been exposed for the cult it is.

    Most people that I talk to about it seem to know this.

    I guess my goal is to try and help the one remaining sibling who is still "in" get out. She is very stubborn.

    She has no life outside the organization, so it's really hard for her to let go.

  • r.a.m.

    I have family in. Although, at times, I speak to them about the religion, I don't want it to be the main thing we talk about. It can be hard because they don't really talk to me much and it can hurt. But God is seriously taking the pain away. I make it a point to not dwell on the religion. Yes, I think about it and realize their sins. But it does not consume me. I've seen what that can do to people. It keeps people distanced from God.

    So I'm using my days to give the religion very little attention. Instead, I'm doing what I can to have more faith In God and Jesus. And it has helped me to heal tremendously. They are helping me to be made new, to get rid of my false self.

    I have freedom in Christ and am NOT enslaved to that religion. If I let the JW's be any kind of focus, to the point that it interferes with me being like Jesus, then I am enslaved to the religion still. Just because you are not a witness anymore, doesn't mean that you aren't still trapped. The more you let the JW religion upset you, the more power you give it. Enslavement. To them still. To revenge. To pride. To anger. Enslaved.

    My goal in Live the Kingdom Now. Love.

  • DocBob

    1. Dismantle the Watchtower, one brick, one person at a time.

    2. Inform potential JWs so they will not become just another brick in the Watchtower (wall)

    3. Support those who are questioning, doubting or on the journey out.

    4. Inform and support those who are romantically involved with JWs or who have married into a JW family. I've come into contact with more and more of these.

    5. Educate, equip and encourage Christians to witness to JWs.

  • Junction-Guy

    1. Have their tax exempt status revoked.

    2. Have their financial records completely opened to the public.

    3. Knock a hole in their armour by putting a chink in their "constitutional" defense.

    4. A possible class action lawsuit, or even a single lawsuit by myself that will garner national media publicity. Enllist the various churches and ministries to help with this endeavor.

    5. Have the Watchtower vs.Stratton Supreme Court case revisited and with the help of a couple of loopholes have at least one aspect of this case overturned.

  • oompa

    Funny Minime---I cant get over six questions in a row on a single original post, seven if including the subject line. Is that a record? Sorry but my short term memory is sooo short i would prob have to open a second screen and go side by side with

    Overall it is a very good question for me as a pretty new fader to dwell on. My goal is to sort through the insanity of how I could have ever repeated this drivel, while actually believing much of in the first place much less for 40 years. And I have not even figured how far I am going to go letting friends and family know I think there is so much BS taught as truth. It is a hard call. Part of me wants to say you can all go F_ck yourself and move on, but another voice seems to think it is not worth starting totally from scratch... I will give it some more thought MINI and try to recall up to three sentences at a time.....oompa

  • ferret

    I have been out for 27 years so I really do not care what happens to them. My goal is to get my daughters out and back into our family. I never give up hope that someday they may leave.

    On saturday my wife and I were sitting in a restaurant when a JW came in with her adult daughter to our shock she sat down in the booth beside me and filled us in on all the crap going on in their cong. This a woman that we were very close to for years, but since we were df'd in 1980 she has shunned us on many occasions so this was a complete shock to both of us. She sounds so discouraged and I think she is ready to leave.(I hope so) She thinks she has been marked because she associates with her df'd daughter who has remained friends with us over the years.

  • blueviceroy

    My goal is to bring understanding of our true nature as human beings and how wonderfull we are to anyone who will pay atention

  • Alwayshere

    All I want right now is to try and help my kids out ofthe cult. Beginning to think it is hopeless but won't give up.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Letting go is my primary goal. I have family I would like to see get out, and if the opportunity presented itself I wouldn't hesitate. But they don't concern me anymore, beyond that.

  • LoverOfTruth

    The only goal I have is to be a support for those are ready to leave the WT. They need Listening Ears and Understanding Hearts.

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