Do You Have A Goal Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses???

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Now that you're mentally out of the religion, do you have an expressed goal regarding the Witnesses? Do you want to expose the religion for the fraud that it is (like I do)?

    Do you want to set up a ministry devoted toward the destruction of everything Watchtower?

    Do you take opportunities to help people either "get out of her" or not become associated with the Witnesses in the first place?

    Do you even really care anymore about JWs? Are you simply pretty much content to lead your life knowing that you once were a Witness but the past is the past and it's time to move on???

  • The-Borg

    At the moment I want to help as many people as I can to get out and try to counter some of the destructive impact the WT has had on the people I know. This actually helps in my own healing.

    Going forward, one day I hope to be able to forget all about the WT. Not very likely as my wife's family are all witnesses.

    However I don't think it is healthy to obsess too much about them, everyone needs to move on at some point, wanting vengence and trying to destroy the WT for years on end has to be bad for your pysche and can be self destructive as we have recently seen.


  • minimus

    I see some longtime posters here that regularly contribute helpful info for struggling exjws. I don't think one must "forget" the past in order to move on positively.

  • tere1998

    I answer people's questions about the JWs truthfully and when my mom wanted to get me to go back (she is still a JW), I told her all my reasons for NEVER going back. I did not want to hurt her, but I had to be truthful. I don't believe in holding on to anger, because it will only bring you down. I see it as years of abuse I endured and I survived... time to move on and live my life. I do feel anger at times, when I dwell on the past, but I keep myself from going there very often.

    I DO believe that the truth about their horrid cult will come out eventually, and the whole thing will fold like a house of cards. Something built on that many lies can't stand forever.

  • mrsjones5

    My first goal is to never become one. Second goal: make damn sure my kids are informed and resistance to the jw drivel. Third: make sure my siblings never become jws, but they are too smart and informed to need my help so I'm covered on this one.

    I would love to bring my parents and any other family members that I could but they (the older ones) are so firmly entrenched that I don't see that as a possibility at this time so it's not a goal of mine right now. But I do make sure that any one who asks me about the jws and the bOrg, like my friends, get the 411 and that seems to be the best deterrent.


  • minimus

    I too find that being totally honest about JWs and their illogical beliefs can get an "honest hearted" person to think. Telling people the truth as to why JWs don't celebrate birthdays is actually quite effective. "Since the day of death is better than birth and since 2 people were murdered in Bible times on their birthday and since it's idolatry, Witnesses don't celebrate pagan birthdays".


    I`ve been effective with showing people associated with the JW`s,the real WBT$..The WBT$ won`t be getting any new members,from people in my life...OUTLAW

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Someday, I hope to forget. It's hard to forget about it when I still have family in. I still would like to get my only sister out, she's so unhappy but refuses to listen to any information I have. If there is an opportunity, I do tell other's about my experience with the Witnesses and the things that I have learned about the Borg. I still have hope for my sister and will never give up.

    Have I moved on anyway? You bet. My life is great now!

  • minimus

    Outlaw, I'm with you. If any person was ever thinking about showing interest in Witnesses, I would deftly and emphatically show them what the "Truth" is all about!

  • Hortensia

    I don't really care any more - I can tell I don't care because I don't mind talking about it. For a long time I wouldn't admit I had ever been a JW; now if the subject comes up I say I was a JW and that I'm not one now because it's just too twisted a religion. Mostly people agree, and no one ever asks me why I feel that way - they already have some personal info or experience that makes them feel the same way.

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