Well, Trev is ill now!

by iamfreenow 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Hi Marion, I'm so sorry, but not surprised, to hear that Trev is ill. I agree that men can be very hard-headed. My husband is the same way. Maybe they think it's a sign of weakness. But I'm glad he finally listened to you. I hope you take care of yourself too. I know that Trev doesn't believe but I continue to pray for him (and all of you), that he will be comforted during this horrible time. Take good care, hugs from all of us here.


    LadyLee..Chicken Soup!..LOL!!..It works for me..I have no idea why,it just does.............Marion..Your a good Woman!..Keep Trev`s ass in bed till he gets better...OUTLAW

  • Gill

    ((((( Marion ))))) Glad to hear that you're there for Trevor!

    Send him my best wishes and I hope he begins to feel better soon. I should imagine losing Linda is something he could never have prepared for in a million years. Hardly surprising that he's unwell now!


  • Sunspot

    I would think that somewhere deep down he is extremely grateful to have such good and trusted friends to be able now, "give in" to long-needed sleep and know that things are in good and capable hands while he is not able to tend to them right at the moment.

    I am sorry to hear he is not feeling very well, but under the circumstances, it is not surprising at all. You and Julie and Gareth are certainly bright stars in his dark period right now.



  • RollerDave

    If I ever have to go through this, losing the other half that makes me sane, safe, and whole; I hope I have a friend like you who will take care of me when I am vulnerable and without form until I can reconstitiute myself in some fashion.

    I remember when the feeling was returning in my legs after being without sensation for over a year, I was going through pins and needles agony for months. For two whole weeks I was unable to get more that an hour's sleep a night from the pain, but being a bullheaded male I refused to address the issue.

    My Becky came over on a day she wasn't even supposed to be here, levered me out of my bed, got my clothes on me, somehow got me into her car and to urgent care. They, of course, put me on narcotics. LOTS of them.

    I slept.

    Then I remember waking and being so confused and she was there with a cold drink and hot ravioli.

    Then I slept again. I don't know how long.

    I don't know exactly what trev is going through, but I imagine it's pretty bad, the thought of going through what I did without my Beck brings me pretty close, I imagine.

    You are an Angel in the flesh for being there for him. If ever there was a sacred service, you are performing it right now.


  • juni

    Dearest Marion,

    I'm so glad that you "swore"! Men can be very stubborn when it comes to taking care of themselves. Good idea about the car keys. Trev needs lots of TLC (tender, loving care)...I'm so happy that you, Julie and Gareth and other friends are there to help him.

    Love to you hon.


  • GoingGoingGone

    Poor Trev (((((hugs))))) But I really think it's his body telling him he needs a rest. His mind won't listen, so his body shuts down and makes him listen. It's happened to me... I get thru the crisis just fine, and afterwords I fall apart.

    I'm so glad you are all there for him to take care of him during this terrible time. Don't forget to take care of each other, too. You're mourning a loss yourselves.

    ((((((hugs)))))) to all of you.


  • JK666


    Please take care of Trev until he is able to. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!


  • bisous

    One really needs a true friend or 2 in times like these. Many years ago when my husband died, I had a dear friend who literally came and set up housekeeping in my home. I was still *in* ... and there was a barrage of people calling, stopping in, etc. She shielded me from them, cooked and served visitors, and eventually took me in to her home and cared for me (I was preggers at the time). It is all such a blur now (many years later), but she was there for me like no other person in my life.

    In fact, I believe I owe her my life. at the minimum, my sanity.

    my point is, your kindness and friendship will be remembered for a long time and is definitely making a difference.

  • megsmomma

    Trev, please let everyone take care of you and get to feeling better soon. ((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))

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