JWs Do NOT Care About Getting Converts. They Really Don't!

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Good point!
    It has long been known that the most effective way of reaching people is Television:
    -even the most hide-bound politicians had to finally wake up to that one during the 1960s
    (Like, it isn't exactly a new idea!)
    Anybody who is serious about converting others to an idea (religious or otherwise) would surely be using T.V. ahead of everything else.

    I tend to agree with those who have suggested that the WTS culture of "door-to-door", "field circus",
    (call-it-what-you-will...); Monthly Report ect. is more about control of the R&F than it is about making the maximum number of converts in the minimum amount of time.
    (It also has b--ger all to do with love, as you have noted on a previous thread).


  • minimus

    So, when the Governing Body says that we must do OUR utmost in getting the message out, THEY should set the first example. They are two-faced.

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    I had never really thought about it like that!

    But it is true - in the last 20 years or so the majority of publishers and pioneers are just going through the motions to be able to put in a decent report at the end of the month. The real purpose of what they do has been lost in the mindlessness of it all.

    If they truly believed that it is the end then they should be using TV, Radio (think of all those 5/10 minute slots that vicars etc have on Radio 2 with Terry Wogan every weekday morning) and of course the internet.

    Could it be that perhaps if the greater world audience got to know in detail about their beliefs that they would inevitably end up subject to a closer and more public scrutiny. The religion would never stand up to public opinion, and it would most probably result in even more numbers of existing JWs leaving.

    At the moment, out of the public gaze, they are able to keep a tight rein on existing JWs and keep the mind control games and the emotional blackmail alive.

    Good thread Minimus!

  • Effervescent

    I know when I was still in, the less people I had to talk to, the better. And I know most of the people around me secretly felt the same way. It was more about having some time to fill in on the slips to show you were a good little Dub.

    And more recently, I accepted a tract from a family that made it's way out to where I live. I was hoping to start a "discussion" with them in future return visits, but, alas... I haven't heard from them since. Maybe they have secret ApostaRadar?

  • minimus

    Thanks EF. This is one of my pet peeves.

  • Poztate
    You are correct! Almost no one wanted the responsibility of having a regular Bible study. If a JW typically doesn't want to study with another, they'll never have any converts.

    In my wife's congregation a couple who were almost inactive wanted someone to study with and help their young teenage (unbaptized) daughter so she would stay in the "truth" My wife turned down the chance for an easy hour a week and the chance to keep the child coming into the "truth" by saying it was the parents responsibility and it was more important to do "cold calling" in service. The teenage girl dropped out around the age of 17 and left the area.

  • deaconbluez

    It has been said that Rutherford emphasized door-to-door work, not because of the results that it brings, but because helped with the Witnesses' persecution complex. Going door-to-door often invites criticism, therefore giving Witnesses the opportunity to interpret that criticism as "persecution in these last days".

  • journey-on

    They probably still take the command literally that says to go door to door and house to house.

    Or, why should the corporation spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on TV programs and

    advertising when they have a built in market for their literature. They don't care who buys it

    as long as it gets bought. The publishers' money is as good as a householders money and if

    the rank and file have mags left over, they just get rid of them in laundromats and doctors'

    offices. The Society gets their money either way and doesn't have to invest in expensive means

    to get it.

  • llbh

    Hi minimus. the door to door work is about reaffirming the wtbs control an d belief system. I the days of the internet and other media there are far more efective ways of spreading beliefs.

    I have also been guilty of most of the above tactics in counting time. I havealso like the rest of us seen elders doing thier thing with each other.

    regards llbh

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You got it Min. It was like that 20 years ago. I can only imagine that it has gotten worse over time. In Winnipeg I only had 2 visits from JWs in 5 years. It took them 3 years to find me in the first place.

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