Staying a Christian Upon Leaving

by serotonin_wraith 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith

    So you found out the Jehovah's Witness religion/cult was bogus. Congratulations, it's a step in the right direction. Now all you have to do is escape the cult of Christianity.

    While other Christian groups are (perhaps arguably) less controlling (on the whole), the foundation Christianity rests on is bogus too. People can leave the JWs because they see through it. Those who left Christianity itself simply took a bigger step back and saw the whole thing was questionable.

    Consider the following- You may think it's disgusting that the JWs believe most of the humans alive now will die a horrible death soon. But at least with that idea the pain ends pretty quickly. If heaven and hell are real places, it means that most of the humans who have existed are now roasting for eternity in fire. Which is the better belief?

    We all know it can be hard getting through to JWs, they've been well and truly brainwashed with lies. Now take a look in the mirror. You are living a lie too. A comforting one perhaps, but a lie nonetheless. Not every JW lives a bad life, but by being members they give power to those making the rules, and bad things can come from them. It's the same with Christianity.

    We all wanted to know the real truth. Unfortunately, many here still don't see the real truth. The reality of our universe is still beyond the sight of Christians and people of other religions. You have not truly escaped at all.

    Would you have remained a JW even if most of the world was a member? If not, don't just blindly accept Christianity because there are so many Christians. Wanting something to be true does not make it true.

    Any reason you have for believing can be refuted, it's as simple as that. Once you see things from all sides, the only way you will remain Christian is if you want to believe in God. It's an extremely dishonest way to live. Isn't that the kind of thinking you feel holds back JWs from leaving when they hear things from our side too? Think about it.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I believe in two important things. Love God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Doctrine is not important. For the few years that I have remaining, I intend to live my life to the full, as much as I am capable. Not sure where I'll go when I die but have a sneaking suspicion I'll be dead eternally. I've learned to accept that. If God really does have a place for me that's not hot, I'll accept that too. If it is hot, then I'll be angry.


  • Outaservice


    After you have been deluded by JW's, do you think I'm going risk my future life because of your thoughts about Christianity? I don't think so!


  • Sunspot

    We all wanted to know the real truth. Unfortunately, many here still don't see the real truth. The reality of our universe is still beyond the sight of Christians and people of other religions. You have not truly escaped at all.

    It would have been nice if you threw in a bit of substantiating evidence in your (thus far) opinion of Christianity or any other religion. What do YOU FEEL the "real truth" is, that you claim we do not see?


    My inner feelings were never just right, which was why leaving them was easy and if the whole world i.e. 90% were JW's, I still would have left them because #1 for being DF and #2 because of that gut feeling, I wouldn't have wanted to ever be reinstated. I now feel a part of the whole universe, closer to God and I see all religions as a means of worship and since there are a variety of peoples on this earth, there are a variety of religions and customs to suit each persons desires. Therefore, nobody should insult, condemn or criticize what another person believes. If they want to worship Buddah, if they want to practice Wicca, if they want to be a Born Again Christian or be a JW...let 'em. Whatever floats their boat!


  • Sunspot
    I now feel a part of the whole universe, closer to God and I see all religions as a means of worship and since there are a variety of peoples on this earth, there are a variety of religions and customs to suit each persons desires. Therefore, nobody should insult, condemn or criticize what another person believes. If they want to worship Buddah, if they want to practice Wicca, if they want to be a Born Again Christian or be a JW...let 'em. Whatever floats their boat!

    Since leaving the judgmental and superior-to-all attitude taught by the WTS, I have come to feel more "at one" with fellow human beings. I can appreciate each one on their own merit and for their own contributions in my life and to the world in general. It is refreshing to NOT be so tightly bound in man-made rules and polices and to finally recognize the freedom in Christ that was before me all along.

    I am no longer restricted to choosing friends that are "ONLY other JWs" and methodically discounting all the rest simply because they do not worship the way some delusional old men in Brooklyn demand we should. Casting off THAT confining cloak has actually helped me (allowed me) to be a more compassionate and tolerant person that I can live much more comfortably with now.

    I do not feel that belonging to any "group" will assure you of peace and contentment, let alone that of salvation. I happened to choose Christianity. I have come to see that one's "religion" is purely on a one-on-one basis with developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, and has nothing to do with any denomination or with what ever sign hangs over the door to a place of worship. These "buildings" are merely for ones of like faiths to congregate together and has no bearing ON this personal bond I have mentioned.

    It ALL comes down to one's behavior and one's personal accountability before the One you choose to worship. Simply put---in the is all between you....and God.

  • poppers

    What is seen when distortions of the mind no longer arise? Religions may have noble intentions but the beliefs attendant to all religions have a distorting and polarizing influence that leads to conflict either within oneself or with others. In the end they hide truth. Truth cannot be found in beliefs, for they are small, limiting, and create separation. Be bold enough to question beliefs and to let them go. This takes courage because mind seeks solace in the mind, where beliefs are held, but unconditional peace lies beyond the confines of the mind.

  • Dansk

    I'm an atheist but I know so many people here derive immense comfort from their religion. Problems arise when one believes dogma is sacrosanct. On the whole I'd say members of JWD are an extremely amiable bunch and we get on famously with one another, be we religious or otherwise.


  • jgnat

    I call myself a Christian skeptic. I've spent years challenging many of my basic assumptions. One fact I cannot deny is that God intervened in my moment of desperation. I heard an audible voice tell me to call a Christian abuse hotline. At the time I was a young battered wife. I'm battered no more.

    So am I living a lie? To deny that experience would be to deny who I am today. I have no choice. I am a Christian, pulled from the miry clay by a loving Savior. Where my scepticism and scrupulous examination has come in handy is in a broadening and generosity of spirit towards people who are different, or believe differently than me. My borders are expanding, and that is a good thing.


    To: Jacethespace:

    Your thoughts about this universe is why I myself believe we do live on and on. I think we planned to live on this planet to experience what we do and after death, we may be on another planet experiencing yet something else. How are we supposed to know? God never told us, so no human can tell us anything factual.


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