My Mom's Reaction On The Phone...Please Help Me Understand

by deaconbluez 25 Replies latest jw friends


    When I told my best friend about my concerns, she was convinced that I had either committed adultery or paid for my daughter to get an abortion.

    Kind of pissed me off to tell you the truth.

    No way they can see that you actually FOUND SOMeTHING WRONG with the WTBTS.

    You must be a big sinner, how else could you ever leave?

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    She behaved according to the rules, and the rules state that when someone challenges their beliefs, they:

    1) Challenge your words, 2) challenge your source and 3) attack you personally. Sounds like she went right for #3.

    Consider these rules anytime you confront a JW concerning their beliefs.

  • llbh

    All parents worry about thier children's choice of friends and religion. My mum and dad were upset when I became a JW. they were right. sadly they died not knowing that I had stopped going Be patient with them but do not comprimise

    good luck llbh

  • sass_my_frass

    She's going to grasp onto simple explanations to get her through it - 'you are bitter and angry', 'satan has blinded you'...

    It's a big shock to them. Give her a lot of time, patience and kindness. Sometimes you'll have to treat her as if she is very emotionally fragile, or a person with a mental illness. Sometimes she'll get it. Just live your life and be happy, and don't become a stranger to her - she's your mother, and very deep down that's the most important thing to her.

  • t33ap80c

    Hi Deconbluze,

    In regard to your mother’s reaction to your 10-page letter you asked, "What does it mean? What is going on in her brain?"

    It would seem that one thing it means is that she is not ready to face the possibility that the Watchtower Society isn’t Jehovah’s organization. And unfortunately there isn’t any way to force her to want to face that reality.

    Paul explained what it takes for people to be able to come a knowledge of the truth about spiritual matters. Here is a paraphrase of what he said as it might apply to your situation with your mom.

    "As a slave of the Lord you do not need to fight your mother but need to be gentle towards her, instructing her with mildness as perhaps God may give her repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of the truth about the Society and she may come back to her proper senses." 2 Timothy 2:23-25

    According to this then, although it is good to have evidence that your mother needs to know (like what you included in your 10-page letter) and to be able to present it to her in a mild and gentle way, whether or not she will be able to get the sense of it ultimately depends on what God does.

    What I notice is that it isn’t the evidence in your letter that will lead her to an accurate knowledge of the truth about the Society. Rather it is God giving her repentance that will do it. Hmmm...

    Question: T o whom does God give repentance, and why?

    In another letter Paul explained one of the ways God deals with people. Of those he was referring to he said...

    "Because they did not accept the love of the truth…that is why God lets an operation of error go to them that they may get to believing the lie." – 2 Thessalonians 2:10,11

    It is evident that Jehovah has let your mom and millions of others get to believe the lie that the Watchtower Society is His organization. But if he lets those who don't have "the love of the truth" get to believe (and keep believing) this lie, then perhaps he helps those who do have that kind of love to stop believing it?

    Hopefully your mom has that "love of the truth" in her somewhere that will eventually cause her to need to know the truth about the Society even if it means that it is not God's organization. It would seem that she will have to reach that point before Jehovah will give her the repentance that will enable her to get the sense of what you have said in your letter.

    All you can do is try to keep applying what Paul explained to Timothy as you patiently wait for Jehovah to do only what He can do so that she can "come back to her proper senses." - 2 Timothy 2:25,26

    Don Cameron

  • sweetface2233

    The night my sister disowned me she said, "Fine, just go live a life full of drinking, smoking, and orgies." WHAT??????

    That all saound nice and fun, but it's just not me.

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