Come on people! Can we inundate this paper with protests?

by Shawn10538 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    Shawn, Maybe I'm missing the page you're talking about, but I don't see a template. I see a page that has a box for your contact info and a blank box for your comments.

    Here is an example of what I'm talking about: This has a built-in letter that can be customized or not, depending upon what the writer wishes.

    I have often considered posting occasional "Action Alerts" on this forum when cult issues arise, like the one you're concerned about. When I've done this (elsewhere), I've had the most success being REALLY succinct, like this:

    Title: ACTION ALERT--Holocaust Museum Library has wts Propaganda

    Issue: The National Holocust Museum in Washington, DC {link} has a library containing revisionist retelling of history by the wts. In the past, they have refused to add the wts' documents from the 1920s-1940s that reveal the truth--the wts supported Hitler. Write them now and tell them to include these documents.

    Deadline: {explain the time frame for taking action and why, if there is one}

    Talking points: {insert 2-3 main points suggested for inclusion in people's letters, in whole sentences so people can copy/paste if they want to, factual statements only, with references to back it up if possible)

    Contact name and title:
    Email address:
    Mailing address:
    Phone number:

  • Madame Quixote
  • SirNose586

    What "paper?" Are you seriously going to write that rag? They don't even use quotation marks; the paper looks like it was written by a fourth- grader. No, I take that back--a fourth-grader would know the basic rules of grammar and punctuation!

    Write something if you wish, but I wouldn't spend a second arguing with that "article."

    It's crap.

  • purplesofa

    What "paper?" Are you seriously going to write that rag? They don't even use quotation marks; the paper looks like it was written by a fourth- grader. No, I take that back--a fourth-grader would know the basic rules of grammar and punctuation!

    would you rate that on a higher level or lower level of WT and Awake articles?

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Good reply posted now by a Michael Dean from Long Beach, CA. Anyone here write this?

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Hey, bro

    Listen, there are a lot of ways of handling this: I apprciate your frustration, however, we are all at different points "in Journey" and the one thing I am learning is patience with everyone especially myself.

    Right now, I am so overwhelmed that one more thing and I think my head will explode. I post here, mainly, for the "lurkers" and to encourage as I can. It is one way of showing I care. We all need comfort or a place to vent or it out. This is a great site for all those things...and, if you want, discussing whether or not you shave your pubic hair: not a thing I plan on commenting on, but, it is all ok....

    Here is something I have found: the WT effects a few a LOT and it effects the vast, vast majority NOT AT ALL. Many times we are shouting "FIRE" when it appears a flickering match to the people looking. We are hyper sensitive and with very good cause: we know what happens when the match meets some dry material.

    That is all: I am exhausted and will be up in a few hours.

    With you in this Struggle,


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Well, the editor should arrive back at work today to a major headache lol!

    Mme Q - I do wonder whether they'll publish my letter to show they now have international readership - that might be a major event if this is only a small place lol!

    That other story you linked to is a bit disturbing, Although its very noble of her to make the request for a non-custodial sentence, I suspect that poor girl is likely to develop some 'issues' later in life when it really hits home what happened to her

  • snowbird

    Bump for those who weren't on this weekend.


  • WTWizard

    Well, they just got my protest. I saw how the paper errantly wrote a biased article, probably because they didn't consult anyone except an active Witless. When the media contact the Witlesses like this, the Witless is programmed to give the impression that the religion is sound. I gave them a couple of Web sites to research and still see if the religion really is Christian and if they really do obey the law except where the law is against the Scriptures. The Malawi/Mexico scam and the pedophile issue should embarrass the Watchtower Society here.

  • mavie

    I was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses from birth to the age of 28. I was baptized at the age of 17. Many of my peers were baptized as early as the age of 9.

    I gradually lost my faith in the Witness religion and decided to leave it. Since I was a baptized Witness, this caused me to become disfellowshiped.

    This 'loving' arrangment resulted in losing any meaningful contact with lifelong friends and family members. If I had not gotten baptized at the age of 17, or 9 in the case of some of my peers, I would not have been disfellowshiped. How can a 9 year old make such an important decision?

    Thank you.

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