Come on people! Can we inundate this paper with protests?

by Shawn10538 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Shawn10538

    I mean, there is so much bullshit TALK on this site, and every time there comes up an opportunity to take some action, you all just wus out. What will it take for you all to get a spine and DO something?

    Write a letter or email to this paper and let them know how you feel about their article. Get off you asses and mobilize. PLEASE! I mean, isn't this important to you all? Isn't that why we are here?

    I just don't understand the infernal apathy on this site. it's all well and good to bad mouth the society here in closed circle, but you just won't lift a damn finger to take a real action! So, again, OI BEG you. Write this paper. Let us settle the score and go on record for doing so. I want to see HUNDREDS of you writing this news paper, not tens. we can do it if you'll just get off your comfy little chairs. no wait, you DON'T have to get up out of your chairs at all. JUST SIT THERE AND WRITE A GODDAMNED EMAIL for chists sake!!!*0924-Bible%20belt,

  • Shawn10538
  • purplesofa

    nothing like attacking the very people you calling to a cause

  • Shawn10538

    Evidently sometimes we need a kick in the ass to get us moving. In any case, why refuse to write this news paper because your feelings were hurt by me? Haven't we all been hurt by the WTS? Get mad at them, not me. Take it out on them. Forget me and what I say and do. I am not important. Squashing the WT propaganda IS important. If you like, come visit me and I'll let you take a swing at me to relieve your hurt feelings. In the mean time, WRITE AN EMAIL TO THIS PAPER. I really do not understand why a single one of you would hesitate for ONE SECOND on this matter. Someone clue me in about this. Don't punish the rest of the world for something that I said.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Dear Friends:

    I am feeling extremely angry about this article regarding Jehovah's Witnesses (or whatever it is).

    If you are comfortable putting your name, address, and/or email out in public to decry the nastiness of this organization which has caused many, many of us great harm, feel free to innundate the paper with your personal experiences and feelings on the matter.

    If you are unable due to the circumstances of your life, I certainly understand.


    We've all been where you are Shawn, in one way or another, at one time or another. It is good that you are choosing to take some action. When others are ready and able, so will they.

  • rebel8

    You don't understand why? Ok. I have done a lot of this stuff on my job and in my personal life, and here's what I've noticed, FWIW. Possible reasons:

    1. People are overcommitted so they pick and choose what do about causes they care about. (After all, that's their right.)

    2. People do not want to be identified, even if it's by an email address.

    3. All people do not know how to write letters articulating important points, so they avoid it. Right or wrong, that's the truth. For that reason, you will see activism groups make it easy for these types by providing letter templates on their web site, requiring only that the person fill in a few blanks and push "send". Your project here leaves those types out.

    4. Hostility is a disincentive.

    5. People do not think on the local level most times. People want to take the wts down at the knees and don't bother with things on the local level that could actually do a lot of good. Truth is, most of us will never have the opportunity to affect the wts in any meaningful way. What we all have the opportunity to do is to reign in cult activities in our communities--write letters to airports, malls, colleges and get them to ban dubs from their property--leave informational materials in your library, laundromat, public bulletin boards--send AJWRB's great brochures to your local anesthesiologists--get your neighbors to put up "no trespassing" signs--and the list goes on. Those things can actually save people from joining, but few bother doing them.

    6. Prevention vs. revenge. Me personally--my only efforts are aimed at preventing people from being tricked into a mind control cult. I find that a big portion of people here are not interested in prevention, and this project of yours is aimed at doing that very thing.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    7. This thread has had 48 views so far. It may be that more are emailing than have replied to this thread.

    PS - Have you emailed the UK Charity Commission yet?

  • JWActivist

    The paper's site actually DOES provide an easy template to respond to their articles. Write the following if you are not able to articulate it by yourself:

    I did not agree with your article on Jehovah's witnesses.

    I think the paper should write a retraction and include critical information on the WTS.

    make up name if you are scared to go on record.

    The end.

  • JWActivist

    By the way, I was inspired by this thread to change my name to JWactivist. This is what I want to be foremost in promoting. Since I have never been invited to participate in the activism section of this forum, I want to start my own activism, and people can email me if they want to be a part of any activism.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    question deleted as JWActivist posted at the same time!

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