Come on people! Can we inundate this paper with protests?

by Shawn10538 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWActivist

    What is the UK Charity about?

  • purplesofa

    I have been a Jehovahs Witness for over twenty years.
    While your reporting is very informative, there is alot more to know about Jehovahs Witnesses.
    First of all, disfellowshipping. How many people have you talked to that are disfellowshipped that have refused help? These very people are being shunned by friends and family members. Three men have decided the very fate of this persons life. Whether their decision is right or wrong, it is respected by the members of the entire worldwide organization.
    These men, we are taught, are appointed by holy spirit, poured from the very throne of Jehovah. These are imperfect men that make mistakes, commit "sins" themselves, are caught up in the same world as the rest of us. There judgement is not always fair, accurate, or loving.
    YET, as stated in this article, it is a loving arrangement.
    I challenge you to some investigative reporting and interview ten disfellowshipped people and tell me what your conclusion is then.



    I sent this letter ..........

  • IP_SEC

    The WTS publishing company and its book distribution lackies AKA JWs are doing a fine job at killing themselves.

    Simmer down Shawn. We might meet each other some day and I'd hate to have to slap you down because of this thread.

    Have a nice sunday afternoon.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    see this thread started by Dansk

    If the Charity Commission get enough hassle, they will HAVE to investigate - or they will HAVE to come up with a good reason why they won't

    (ps I edited my other post out as you posted an explanation at the same time, no offence intended)

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Just to lighten this thread up a bit since it got off to a bad start.

    I'm tempted to outline this blatant misrepresentation of facts:

    In their large-print song book, Sing Praise to Jehovah, one noted that all of the songs are based upon some biblical text and are written by Jehovah's Witnesses. Texts and music arrangements are both melodic and singable.


    JWactivist.....J..Wactivist..Funny,but you may not be taken seriously..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • BizzyBee

    Done. I agree with you in principle, Shawn, though your tactics are a bit heavy-handed. No matter.

    I left all my contact information, too. Interestingly, I am going to be in No. Carolina in two weeks, visiting friends and playing golf with Mr. Bee. It would be great to drop in on the paper and give an interview!

  • IP_SEC
  • purplesofa

    i reread my letter, i think its pretty Good!!!

    I wonder if i will hear anything back from the reporter, might be interesting.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Edited to state, this is the text of the email I sent:

    I realize the writer was attempting to be objective in his approach to the Jehovah's Witnesses, but as a former JW, I must take issue with the statement that "disfellowship is a loving arrangement . . .whereby any member who commits a serious transgression" can be put out "temporarily."

    In many, many cases, the ousting is permanent and the "transgression" is not serious. There are many, many JWs whose family relations and longterm friendships and businesses have been permanantly destroyed by this "loving arrangement," merely because they disagreed with a point of scripture or because of a personality conflict with an elder or with a fellow "baptized" and therefore, "ordained minister."

    Imagine a 13-year-old girl making the decision to get baptized and then deciding at 15 that she no longer wants to be a JW. That's what happened to me. I have been permanently shunned by my siblings, parents, grandparents, and by most of my aunts, uncles and cousins ever sense. Additionally, because of this practice, there is an enormous and unnecessary rift in my family between non-JWs and practicing JWs.

    I know many other Jehovah's Witnesses who have experienced the same "loving arrangement," all for being human and disagreeing with the cult environment of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Please feel free to share that information with your readers.

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