letter from my MOM(response to COC)

by purplesofa 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa


    Thanks for sharing this book with me. Although I'm sure this book is accurate and these things have happened within the Governing Body, it did happen a long time ago and even the "annoited" are imperfect men.

    After alot of thought and prayer I chose to stay a witness- an active witness to my ability which is now limited. This religion and its congregations got me through a tough time when I had no direction, hope or faith in anything anymore.

    I choose to be dedicated to Jehovah even though there are many flaws and imperfections in the organization. I know so much more now and my life has been so much better since I've studied the Bible. I'm very grateful for the knowledge I Have now and my conscience can guide me to my decisions along with help from Jah.

    I do wish you would try to remember some of the positive and good things you learned and not openly oppose Jah or his organization.....

    my love to you


    this scan from w05 8/1 was enclosed: highlights hers

    first line is

    On the other hand, there is a continuing


    She wrote in another letter that she would not coming down for my daughters baby shower. She would only be able to help from afar.

    with this scripture

    2Cor 1:2-4

  • skeeter1

    I know you were so hopeful she would come out. At least she took the book home and read it. That's a start. It may take her a few more years, more injustice, to realize that the Truth isn't the Truth. My father is very old, and sounds very much like your mother. Those he has his many disagreements with the Society, he keeps his head down and plunges ahead. He had a terrible childhood, and being a JW is the highlight of his life. In the end, it's much harder for older people to realize that they wasted this life on a book publishing company. My brother told me that a few years before my mother died, she asked him, "What if the JW religion isn't the truth?" My brother told our mother, "The emporer wears no clothes." That was her one moment that she doubted. But, she waited since the early 1950's for an Armegeddon that did not change. To realize that the JW was a lie, was to mean that her life was wasted. So, she lived until her death....rather to live a lie than to realize her 70+ years were wasted. Sometimes, it's better to let the weaker people live with their rose colored glasses. Skeeter

  • changeling

    Wow! That's amazing! She has crawled right back into denial mode.

    Poor baby.

    Hey, at least you gave it your best shot and she is not "shunning" you.

    You can be honest with her, that's a good thing.

    You've gotten farther with her than most of us ever will with our relatives.

    Hang in there,


  • BabaYaga

    I agree, thank heavens she didn't shun you! I think she took it really very well!

    It is hard, VERY hard to leave the org... and all of us here know that. I think it is exponentially more difficult for older ones... they first have to admit that their life and everything they believed in was a lie... and then start their life over from there.

    Cheers to you, Purps... miracles happen every day.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    It sounds like she's heading down the shunning road, though, if she doesn't receive the expected apology from you. I'm sorry to hear this sad news, although in light of what we all know and have experienced of brainwashing and control-freakiness, it's not too surprising. Still, it is a disappointment for you and for all of us to read that. At least the seeds are planted . . . perhaps a few more nudges, and she will nod awake. Hugs, purplesofa!

  • sass_my_frass

    Tell her you love her and send her photos of the baby shower. Life goes on...

  • journey-on

    Don't let her letter get you down, Purps. If she indeed did read CoC, then she's probably struggling to hold on for dear life

    to her security-blanket religion. The seeds have been planted. Be patient. Carry on with your life, enjoy your daughter's

    shower, and wait and see.

  • purplesofa

    I think the enclosure from the article

    When Is there a Basis for Taking Offense says it all.

    She is offended and wants an apology. It makes it seem as though my approach was hard and uncaring. Anyway,

    I can't/won't do much more.

    My mother really has no other life. She has only been in the religion since 2000. Her children and grandchildren have not much at all to do with her, but it had nothing to do with the religion.

    I think she can be there and is content with her life.

    I did ok with the letter, but the enclosure of the article was a little much.


  • restrangled

    Dear Purps,

    I read your original thread concerning your mother reading COC.

    I am sure you are feeling disappointed......I know I am, but you made great strides in getting your mom to even look at that book, much less read it! That is a huge road block that most of us, including myself cannot get our parents to do.

    Your mom has chosen to ignore what she read and stay with her beliefs. I think at that age it would be pretty hard to let go of what she has followed her entire life. Its too much, and they are too old to take a different course.

    Respect her decision, as she seems to have respected yours. Hold firm with your beliefs and know you inspired many here on this board with your experience.

    Take care and know you are supported and admired by many.

    Love, R.

  • purplesofa
    Don't let her letter get you down, Purps

    thanks, i needed to hear that.


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