What's wrong with JW's in a nutshell.

by JeffT 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    That's a good observation I never quite saw it from that angle, but surely enough they don't want to let their members have a direct relationship with God.

    And when one comes to think of it the great crowd concept is calculated to do just that, the R&F dubs can't be part of the New Covenant and can only benefit from it through the "anointed" or the FDS who are in practice the GB. That is the expressed JW doctrine.

    In 1980 a lot of dubs got thrown out of the New York Bethel for seeking to study the Bible without the WTS literature.

  • ferret

    Apostate Kate2 I have to agree whole heartedly with your comment. I also have had the same experiences in life as you have, never let anyone take that away from you.


    Good point Jeff!

    Your posting reminded me of a comment a pastor from a local church once told a small group of people (I was among that group too) It just FLOORED me, because it was something I had NEVER heard before and my first reaction was, "OMG, he is soooooooooooooo right. That is one thing JW's never taught, believed or would even consider".

    His comment:

    "I will NEVER tell you people what to do, what to wear, how to behave, because when you have Jesus in your heart, you will KNOW!" WOAH......Amen brother! He couldn't have said it better.



  • WTWizard

    "Having a form of Godly devotion, yet proving false to its power". That is the whole problem. They rant about how they are the only ones in touch with God. They tell you how everyone else is out of touch with God. They pray to God (Jehovah). But, they actually worship the Mother Organization--relying on it instead of God (note the no independent Bible study rule from the Sept 2007 KM). All the while, they condemn idolatry, and are vocal about it (if you doubt that, just try setting up a "sun-worship" tree in the living room and inviting Brother Hounder to see it).

    No, I am not saying that one should worship God. I don't claim to be worshiping Him anymore, and I don't really give a crap about how He feels. But, to misrepresent your organization as the only one that is worshiping God and then directing worship to that organization in lieu of God is more than idolatry. It is FRAUD, designed to usurp money and time from people that are afraid of dying in the very near future. At least my antitheism is not in an attempt to rip off people and control their every detail of their existence.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Too bland--they need a little salt, or at least some good bbq sauce.

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Jeff.

    Today I dont know if there is a god or not. But I remember when I was a witness I would pray that God show me the truth.

    And the next thing Crisis of conscience came out and I found a newsletter called comments from the friends.

    And then I didnt go to meetings any more.

  • lfcviking

    Good observation Jeff.

    Following on from your line of thought, i have often wondered; why do we need an organised religion to worship god anyway?

  • carla

    "I will NEVER tell you people what to do, what to wear, how to behave, because when you have Jesus in your heart, you will KNOW!" WOAH......Amen brother! He couldn't have said it better.

    While I personally really like the above comment and agree with it, a jw wouldn't even have a clue as to what that means would they? My jw has no concept of a personal relationship with his jah or Jesus (of course, if you aren't allowed to talk to Him how could you have a relationship?) but the idea of having Jesus in your heart would be scary to a jw wouldn't it? like a possesion of sorts? The jw would also have problems with using the word 'know' because they don't understand free will and see that we often know something is wrong but do it anyway. Even the jw does this but cannot see that it applies to them, somehow their mistakes are just that, only a mistake not a willing action. For the rest of the world we are willing and knowingly sinning on a regular basis, at least according to my jw. He on the other hand does not sin or at least tries not to. whatever.

  • greendawn

    These are the subtle differences that most dubs and non dubs fail to perceive how does having a leadership that imposes things differ immensely from a leadership that that gives advice and let's people find their own level. There is a world of a difference between the two, totally different perspectives.

    And the JWs believe that there is no spiritual life or grace outside their org!!! When they are the ones that have a pseudospiritual society.

  • Apostate Kate2
    Apostate Kate2


    of course, if you aren't allowed to talk to Him how could you have a relationship?)

    After I had a life changing experience with Jesus physicaly manifest as a miracle, witnessed by my JW "sisters", I asked them; when did it become illegal to talk to Jesus?

    When Jesus walked the earth we were allowed to talk to him.

    When Jesus died and rose on the 3rd day we were allowed to talk to him.

    When Jesus rose to heaven we were allowed to talk to him. (Paul's life changing experience, Steven spoke to him at death)

    So I asked my sisters exactly when did it become blasphemy? They seen the miracle. They were afraid of course, said they would "look into it." But that was it. I was poison and that was the last time they spoke to me.

    Bless you ferret. That is the awesome aspect of having a personal relationship with Jesus, no one can take it away from you. Since my experience with Him in 1990, He has never left me. He kept the promise He made me that night.

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