ATTN: Sign Language Jezebels! Get those hats back on! (BOE letter)

by BFD 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metaspy

    Could we get a scan of this thing?
    Or did I miss the link?

  • BFD
    btw, BFD, are you an elder?? You just describe yourself as so FLAMING that it seems like you would not be "used" for "privledges"...

    No, not me, but honestly it would be their privledge, dahling!

    Or, my flamingness could be a really good cover. Nah, you can't make that shit up, or can you?

    As for the request for a scan our paranoid elder friend is concerned about the Borg using "document Identification" technology to track down leaks. If the Borg does start taking leaks seriously, it would be pretty simple to do these days.

    So sorry, no can do.


  • Jim_TX

    My older sister - and younger brother - do the sign language for the deaf here locally. From what I understand - among the intrepreters - there is a whole big bru-hah-hah going on. A lot of 'politics' from within the ranks of the JW-intrepreters - AND those deaf ones who have to 'listen' to the sign-language.

    It appears that there are two groups of intrepreters. One who use a certain 'style' of words when translating - which is considered 'worldy' by the second group of intrepreters - who use 'christian' or 'jw-like' signs. Just which signs - I do not recall. I seem to recall my sister babbling on about this a few years ago.

    So - what do they do? Well, they tend to seperate into the two 'groups' of intrepreters. This means that they will travel out of their way to attend/intrepret meetings - AND - assemblies - just to be able to mingle with their own 'kind'.

    From what I understand - the deaf - and the intrepreters - are a VERY divided group of people within a 'unified' organization.

    So - reading something like this - is no surprise. I can only imagine the nut-case intrepreter who stirred up this pot. (No offense meant for any ex-jw intrepreters - or deaf.)


    Jim TX

  • MadTiger


    What you are seeing is a dynamic that has been played out thousands of times, with various elements involved.


  • sixsixsixtynine
  • BluesBrother

    Will this one be alright, Brother?


  • jgnat

    hmmm, interesting. Hubby and I have visited a deaf congregation in Calgary a few times. I'd noticed the interpretation had been quite horrid the first time; very jerky. Perhaps that was Witness-speak. This last time, translated by a woman, was quite fluid and lovely to watch.

  • Jim_TX
    "I'd noticed the interpretation had been quite horrid the first time; very jerky. Perhaps that was Witness-speak. This last time, translated by a woman, was quite fluid and lovely to watch."

    Naw - that's called 'experience'. You get that with any translator - no matter the language.


    Jim TX

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    Blegh, excuse me while I just throw up - how utterly ridiculous... I had completely forgotten about the head covering rule... now I remember my mother dashing around at a FS meeting that was held at our house and no brothers were available to do the prayer! I wish you all could see the signs that I was showing my computer as I read this!

    As a vaguely related story... the whole sign language interpreter thing was how my parents actually met... my Dad's parents were both deaf. At some assembly my mom was fascinated by the sister who did the interpreting then and she went up and asked the sister to teach her. Somehow through this all, my mom and dad met (the sister who did the sign language interpreting was the one who brought my gran into the truth and thus my dad) and the rest is history.

  • changeling

    Ridiculous!!!!!!! Let's beat the women even deeper into submission, lest they forget "their place".


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