Anecdotes needed for my research on bullying within the JWs

by Scully 23 Replies latest members private

  • Confession

    I think, given a little time, I could make a few good contributions to this topic. But, since I don't have such time at present, I'll just relate an experience I had when speaking to my mother about five months ago. For more than one year she'd not spoken to me, since I told her I no longer recognized the WTS as being God's sole channel. When I tried to reason with her about how evil it was for this organization to threaten her not to speak to her own son--in an attempt to protect their authority, she seemed to understand. But this perfectly intelligent woman said...

    "But if I talk to you, then your brother and sisters won't talk to me."

    It really was as simple as that.

  • sass_my_frass

    I don't know how relevant this is to you, but anyway... Something I'd like to deal with better is the way that my family whitewash how they treat my husband and I to the rest of the family (who aren't JWs). I know, for example, that each of them has specifically told me not to contact them again, and while I can't respect it I accept it and comply. What the non-witnesses are told is that I have made a choice, and that I knew that it would result in my being cut off from them, and it is therefore my own decision to leave the family. The witnesses tell them that they love me and they miss me terribly (and they probably do) but it's my decision to no longer be among them. The thing is, I didn't leave them. I got kicked out of their religion, and then realised that I don't believe in it anyway so I can't go back. It is impossible for me to fix this problem.

    I know that the way they treat us is wrong and that I shouldn't even want a poisonous relationship like that in my life anyway, but... they're my family and friends. They were the only people in my life. The multiple rejection has been a massive blow to my self-confidence and self-esteem. I can't talk it out with them and there's nowhere to direct my frustration and bewilderment, so I've found myself taking it out on workmates and other innocents. I am probably the office wacko.

    A marking anecdote: I had started dating a non-witness. The elders in my mother's congregation decided that I was to be 'marked'. They lived 3000km away from me, and I hadn't lived there for 15 years, but apparently it was important for the unity of their congregation that my mother bear the humiliation of her daughter being a cautionary example. Flash forward five years: the relationship had ended with me unscathed if you know what I mean, the planet kept turning and I was back in my old hometown for an unusual event - a triple funeral for three members of my old congregation being held in the assembly hall. The family had arranged outside catering but a few of us went out the back to do the dishes. I was in a room about half the size of your average kitchen with the elder who had decided I needed marking and his wife and a few others, and I was still invisible to them. They were chatting among themselves, everybody just trying to get through this bewildering event, helping each other out, and pretending I wasn't there. Apparently they thought I still needed some punishing.

    The only method I have of coping with the bullying is to talk about it - my husband is trying to understand, and the bits that he doesn't get I can talk about here. I've tried a counsellor, but she didn't get it. I just hope that it will hurt less with time.

    BTW all the best with the thesis. On that golden day when it's done, can we read it? I don't see myself being cured before then.

  • compound complex
  • DannyHaszard
    DannyHaszard This is Danny Haszard account of cruel cult hazing at the hall Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses 1988-1992

  • Scully

    CoCo, Confession, Sass, and Danny:

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. These are going to add an incredible amount of dimension to my dry, boring research.

    Sass, this is most definitely going to be posted here. It's slow going at times to get this put together - sometimes I find myself so sad and overwhelmed with anger for what you lovely good decent people have been through, that I need to step away from writing for a little while and regroup. Researching on the WT CD and in the more recent WT articles and finding language that basically endorses this behaviour also gets me very very angry.

    Thank you all again for your support of this project. By telling your stories you are taking away the bullies' ultimate weapon against you: your silence.

  • Mum

    I'm not sure these stories fit your research criteria, but here goes:

    When my daughter turned 5 and started kindergarten, it was 1977, 2 years after the 1975 "end" that did not appear to happen. I decided I might need further education because I might actually live into old age in the real world. My elder husband was dead set against it. I fell into a deep, long lasting depression to the point of becoming catatonic. He finally relented and told me I could go take some classes if I would "get over this 'don't care' thing." The other condition was that it was "not to cost [him] any money." I got the money from worldly relatives to take two classes. He picked a fight with me every day. One of the other elders in the hall told me I could "teach English" in the "New Order." (Do sarcastic comments count?)

    Finally, after two more years, I could not take the constant conflict and self betrayal to please others who did not care one iota about me. My mental health was entirely at stake, so I left. Unfortunately, I allowed my daughter to go back to live with her father (at her request). Therefore, he had legal custody.

    My daughter was bullied terribly by her father. She was told she would never see me again. She was reminded constantly of the anniversary of my departure. She was bullied about unimportant things, such as disagreements with her father about choices of clothing. She was reminded that I "would not free [him] to remarry." (Seriously!) I can't go on right now. This is too hard.

    My daughter really suffered, and I am left with so much guilt and a daughter who, at times, barely functions. I try to be supportive, but nothing I do is good enough.



  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness


    First, love your avatar. I was a big X-Files fan! Secondly, I have some snippets for you! My hubby is a JW, neither my children nor I are. I fully believe he learned his bullying tactics from his mother and the mother organization. Here we go:

    1. As mentioned in another post, he bullied me by constant aggravation to throw out a much loved collection of books because they were by Stephen King and therefore "not good for my daughter to see sitting on the shelf, and did I want her to read that sort of stuff" and basically inferring that I was a foul mother if I allowed her to read that sort of stuff. This made me in turn have to "prove" that I was a good mother (at least in his eyes) and remove the offensive material from our home. (I am kicking myself now)

    2. My daughter is active in her school (she's in 6th grade) and ran for student council again this year. My husband, of course, didn't like the idea and so "talked" to her about it and made it sound like she was a bad kid for wanting to be a positive force in her school community. She told me that he "ruined" it for her and he asked her if she was concerned about doing what is right in Jehoover's eyes. I told her that she shouldn't feel bad and that she's not a JW so phooey on Jehoover.

    3. The tone of my husband's voice when he accuses me of "not caring about the bible" is so derogatory that even though I disagree with much in the bible, I feel like I should feel bad because I don't believe it.

    4. When my hubby & I are "discussing" doctrinal issues and I ask him to please stop the conversation because it's fruitless and painful, he continues right on. I can't figure out if he's trying to get me to agree with him or just to get me to cry. I usually end up walking out of the room.

    5. When I get in some good points against the WTBTS, he attacks me personally. I try to steer the conversation back to the point at hand and he won't stop attacking.

    6. This is pre-his current JW stint, but still indicative of the bullying tactics he employs. He didn't want my daughter to stay with my "worldly" parents and so accused (to me only) my father of being a child molester (so far from the truth and isn't that ironic?). At this point in the relationship, I had become hip to his mess and, knowing he was 100% off the mark, I went against his wishes.

    7. Also pre-stint, he was actively isolating me from friends and family and so told me some not-so-nice things that a friend of mine said about me and asked me "how can you call her a friend?" Never mind all the good things she had done for me over the years. He continued this line of thought until I, stupidly, broke the friendship. In the same vein, he doesn't like another one of my friends because she smokes, therefore she is a bad influence on our children, no matter that she has a heart as big as all outdoors. I am still friends with galls him to no end, but because he's a JW now, he smiles a fakey smile.

    8. His mother...a staunch, full-on JW for over 30 years (pioneer house cleaner) was staying with us for my hubby's baptism. We had five adults and one pre-teen sharing one small bathroom. I waited while everyone showered and did their morning ablutions, all except for MIL, and announced "I'm going to shower, does anyone need to use the bathroom". Negative responses and silence greeted me. I prepared for my much-awaited time alone with myself and some hot water and who do I see coming down the stairs with her toiletries? Queen JW. She sees me in my robe & slippers and says "Oh, were you going to use the bathroom" (totally passive-agressive crap I hate) so I said "Yes, and I'll only be a few minutes", so she says "well, it is your house", like "how can you treat me, Queen JW and house guest this way?". Now, if this had been a few years ago, her tactics would have worked, but as I said, I'm hip to the game now and her bullying failed her miserably.

    I will think of more, I'm sure. Later.

  • Scully

    Thank you everyone for your continued support of this topic. My research and writing are plodding along, hindered by my work schedule, but even moreso by the emotional drain this subject brings to me. Bad memories are being triggered left and right, but I think this is overall a good thing because it is forcing me to confront the behaviour I experienced as a JW and review it from a completely different perspective, as the target of emotionally mean and aggressive intentions. It's rather liberating to unburden myself of the responsibility for these "friendships" not working out, to recognize that the tactics were designed to "break" me and force me into complicity. That the friendships were never genuine at all, and that it wasn't my fault for it being that way.

    I'm at a point right now where I am exploring how JWs utilize "secrets" shared among "friends", gossip and information as currency within the organization. CoCo already mentioned this above:

    Information about me was passed on to [the elders] secretly by the aforementioned female [wife at the time].

    I know that I have experienced this phenomenon first hand - both as a JW and with other exJWs who continue to employ this tactic. I've also experienced it among my colleagues at work as an adult, and during my school years.

    I'd like to include some specific examples of this occurring within the JWs. As before, anyone is welcome to share privately via PM or here on the thread. I appreciate your input tremendously.

  • rebel8

    "JWs utilize "secrets" shared among "friends", gossip and information as currency within the organization."

    That is such a powerful statement, and SO true!

    I can't think of a specific example except to say that I did notice females doing this more than males. At the time, my brainwashing explained that by saying females have innate bad qualities like the Bible says, one of them is gossiping.

    I've just thought about it and realized it was about POWER. The whole religion is based upon secret knowledge of God and how many degrees of separation you have from the Almighty Governing Body, the only source for Jah's late breaking news.

    Men are the only ones with the conveyed and innate power in that religion, therefore they have the knowledge.

    Some females try to overcome that by sneaking secret info from their elder wives, cuddling up to the pioneers and other sources of info (newbies, newlyweds, popular people) to find out what's new, or even by making up stories so they can be the source of the all-important coins of knowledge.

    Whoever has the most coins is top in the social pecking order and has currency to buy her way into paradise.

  • dedpoet

    Great topic Scully, I see it's been up for a while, I must have been off
    the board when you first posted it. Anyway, I don't know if this is what
    you are looking for, but here goes.

    Around 8.5 years ago, I was a ministerial servant, and very popular
    in the congregation, especially with the boe, as I was a real "company
    man" at the time, and there was every likelihood that my name would
    be put forward at the next circuit visit for appointment to elder.

    It was a Sunday in April 1999, about 30 minutes into a public talk that
    I was delivering, that my personal epiphany occurred. I had just said
    that a mark of the true religion would be consistency in it's teachings,
    and the thought came into my head that maybe the watchtower weren't
    so consistent with theirs. I finished the talk, but couldn't get the thought
    out of my mind, although I tried.

    I did nothing about it at the time, but a few weeks later I started my
    own independent research into watchtower history, and soon started
    to discover things about them that I could barely believe. When the
    co visited a few months later, I was recommended for elder, but
    eventually turned the appointment down when it was offerred. By
    this time I wasn't sure that I wanted to be part of the watchtower
    any more, and I guess it showed in my attitude.

    Once I'd refused the elder appointment and resigned as an ms,
    the attitude of the boe towards me changed almost overnight. From
    doing everything right, I was now doing everything wrong in their
    eyes. They accused me of a variety of offences, none of which
    were true. I had been accounts servant, and had been previously
    commended for the accuracy of the accounts. Now though, a
    rumour went around that I'd misappropriated congregation funds,
    and I'd been taken off the job because of it, complete bullshit, but
    some believed it and maybe still do.

    I had to cancel a talk in the tms due to illness, but I phoned a
    brother to ask him to take it to help the school overseer out, and
    he agreed to do it. I then phoned the overseer to tell him about it,
    and he thanked me. The night after the meeting however, the overseer,
    and another elder came round and accused me of simply not
    turning up and not informing them of my situation. I phoned the
    brother who'd taken the talk, and he denied I'd rung him - he
    later admitted that the elders had pressured him to lie.

    I was rumoured to be having a secret affair with a "worldly" neighbour,
    presumably because I'd been seen giving her a lift home from
    shopping. This was again completely untrue, but the elders and
    some servants started watching my flat on some non meeting nights,
    and if I went out I was questioned by the elders about where I'd been
    and who I'd been with at the next meeting. I told them to mind their
    own business, which turned them against me even more.

    I was receiving phone calls in the early hours of the morning, with
    no one at the other end. I guess they forgot where I work - I was
    able to trace some of them despite them being anonymous, and once
    I'd confronted the persons concerned, 2 elders and an ms who I knew
    had early morning cleaning jobs, the calls stopped, even though they
    denied being responsible for making them.

    I was ignored in q&a items like the watchtower study, despite raising
    my hand several times, then counselled for not commenting. I was
    accused of not turning in my field service slip, although I knew I had
    done so. When I was an ms, I had at times tried to involve some of
    the children in my service meeting items by asking them to read a scripture
    or make a comment. I was praised for this at the time, but once I'd
    stepped down, the po inferred that my interest in children might be
    "unhealthy", in his opinion. I was well aware of what he was inferring,
    and have often thought since that I should have gone with my initial
    thought when he made the comment, and punched him - he definitely
    deserved it.

    Apart from the elders campaign against me, the rest of the congregation
    had been advised to have as little to do with me as possible. They
    didn't all follow the advice, but most did, which of course served to
    isolate me even more. By the time I walked out of the kingdom hall
    for the last time in November 1999, only about 9 or 10 people were
    on friendly terms with me.

    Looking back, I guess the elders were trying bully boy tactics on me.
    I'd rocked the boat by resigning, and refused to reconsider when asked
    to do so, and I deserved punishment in their eyes. While this was
    happening, my attitude towards the org was changing, not because
    of the bullying but because my research, which they didn't know about,
    was convincing me that the watchtower religion was false. I began to
    miss meetings, stopped going in fs and eventually left altogether, all
    of which was inevitable I suppose once I started my research, but after
    having a pretty smooth ride in my first 8 years in the org, the last few
    months were pretty rough, and I was thankful when they ended.

    I don't know if that's what you're looking for Scully, but you are welcome
    to use it if it is.


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