Warning to Witnesses with blood cards = 11 bags blood but still alive!!!

by Witness 007 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I friend of mine wen't to a night club where things got out of hand, and a drunken fight resulted in him being stabbed in the abdomen with a large knife. Rushed to hospital {lucky boy 15 min drive} he arrives looking pale and too weak to walk, he already had lost alot of blood. Taken immediatley inside for emergency treatment. He was taken by chopper {blood bag hanging over him} to a specialist hospital and survived...but barely. Out of "Witness" curiosity I later asked the doctor "how much blood did he need?" The Doc. replys :"He needed about 11 units, he's lucky to be alive." The blood drianed from my I face and I felt like I was going to faint...I felt sick.

    The thing is the Watchtower tells us that you can survive on a small amount of blood and use "volume expanders" or drugs to increase red cell output etc. but in the end this is only good for "planned" surgery. So my message is this:


    Make sure you understand this. When they pull your son/daughter out of a smashed car, {or stabbing shooting, fall off a roof} chaces are that little card will end their life. {11 bags remember that number} What is it like to lose blood? Due to lack of oxygen in the blood, the patient breaths 100 times faster then normal...when exhusted by this he will need to be put on a resporator...and slowly die. Are you sure you want this for your child/self? Look up ALL articles on "blood" in the "Watchtower Index"....it will shock you how this doctrine has mutated and changed and been warped over the years.

    Are you sure your doing the right thing in God's eyes? Check all the Watchtower facts before anything like this happens to you or your family.

  • greendawn

    That's how it is, the only way to have a chance to live after a serious blood loss is through blood transfusion anything else won't do and that's why so many JWs died after refusing blood.

    And the fact that the doctrine changed so much becoming ever less restrictive shows that they can't be trusted to give the right advice on Biblical matters. Many JWs would have survived had the current policy been in place in the past.


    FRIGHTENING. I wrote on my blood card GIVE ME over "No" above Blood instead of throwing it away.That way there is no misunderstanding, no one saying maybe she lost her card. I also dated it and showed it to my mom and my daughter.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Thats right 007 the WTS has given an misleading and incorrect statement to the followers, so typical of them

    Some more presumptuous ignorant lies bought down by the corrupt big shots in Brooklyn

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    If you pay attention, the jws always focus on things like planned surgery when discussing the blood issue. Yes, it is possible to plan and execute a surgery without using blood transfusions. It is still much more of a risk to the patient, however.

    When you have a trauma with massive blood loss, there is no way to keep a person alive without blood transfusions. The body cannot survive if the oxygen carrying capacity is reduced below a certain level. Volume expanders will not help.

    This is what started my exit from the jws. They are dishonest when talking about bloodless medicine. It is really bloodless surgery they are talking about and there is no guarantee on that either.

    It is not a peaceful death to die of massive blood loss. The heart beats at an extreme rate tring to get oxygen to the brain and vital organs. There is accompanied by horrific chest pain as the heart cannot get enough oxygen. The breathing follows suit, as the body tries to get more oxygen, until the person is in severe respiratory distress (gasping horribly for air).

    I believe every jw should be required to watch a death caused by blood loss before they can sign away their right to use blood in an emergency and that of their children.

    The society uses the bait and switch technique with the blood doctrine. They lie to their followers. They will have to answer for this.

  • restrangled

    I am no JW apologist, and want to get that settled up front before I post this.

    I had a cousin just recentley die in a motorcycle accident. He was given 110 units of blood which made his body swell to the point of no return. Blood does not always save a person.

    After he died, his wife received a bill for over $400,000.00. The blood was meant to keep him alive but his organ's couldn't handle it. He lasted 2 days, with his body swollen and distorted to the point beyond recognition.

    Just something to keep in mind.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    110? Over what period of time? In any event I'm sorry and it likely horrific to witness this.

    Nothing is a panacea. Blood is a treatment not a cure. Blood did not "cure" my Mom. It helped her stay alive until Doctors got the proper diagnoses of her low blow count and treated her properly.

    The whole blood expander thing with JW's is manure. I had a JW buddy of mine who got annoyed with me because my non-JW Mom took the transfusions. I replied that her conscience allowed for it so this is a non issue. He asked why I didn't recommend blood expanders. I replied that blood expanders such as EPO, (Which she was getting injections of), take an avg of 3 weeks for a response. He seemed a bit dumbfounded by that. Looking back at my old literature it appears that the way it's explained, this treatment takes place in a lot less time.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    ReStrangled = Of course doctors can't do miricles but their job is to TRY to save the life {It's expensive$$$} when your lying on the table, would you want they to say..."Scerw it pull the plug, I'm not gonna waste money on this guy." Doctors try to keep someone alive and investigate the possibility of survival. {x-ray, Cat scan etc.} If the body is too damaged of course you may not survive.

  • Mary
    Witness 007 said: A friend of mine wen't to a night club where things got out of hand, and a drunken fight resulted in him being stabbed in the abdomen with a large knife.

    Ah yes, but there's the rub: The elders would tell you that a good Christian had no business being in a nighclub in the first place. Had he been either at the Kingdumb Hall or home studying his Kingdom Ministry, he would have never been stabbed. (While I say this tongue-in-cheek, it's not too far from reality. When my brother was killed in a car accident several years ago, it happened on a meeting night. One of the wonderful elders told my parents that, had he been at the meeting that night, he would have never died. I only found this out a couple of years ago. Had this elder been foolish enough to say such a callous thing to me at the time, I would probably have knocked his teeth down his throat. )

    However, your observations W007 are accurate: If you're a Witness and are in a major accident, you will almost certainly die. I asked my Dub sister about this stupid doctrine a few weeks ago. I said "several years ago it was a DF'ing offense to accept even blood fractions. Now it's allowed. How much longer before the entire blood issue is made a "conscience matter"? And how would you have felt if dad had died 7 years ago from lack of a blood transfusion, and they went and changed their minds?" She didn't know what to say.

    noblood.gif picture by sam3217

  • restrangled

    Witness 007

    Its sad, but that is exactly what happened. After pumping him full of blood and the Drs. saying they didn't think it would work anyway, had to pull the plug on the blood.

    I am not suggesting under any circumstances that this supports the JW belief system. What I am saying is that blood is not always the answer when someone is in critical condition.

    I just don't want to see blood as the be all end all for life support after this experience. It was horrific.


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