oj simpsons bail sentence

by BR25 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    I think your college teacher, was playing with words, and not in the venacular.

  • ronin1

    I am sick of all this hype about OJ. There is more important news out there about Iraq, the insurance industry fallout (especially in South Florida), the Jena 6 racism in Louisiana, etc. Who cares about OJ.................. It's quite obvious this was a set-up (pre-recorded, etc) with bunch of idiots............... The news media should be concentrating on more important news that is effecting everyone. Ronin1

  • heathen
    Who cares about OJ

    I think the topic has more public interest than say ... paris hilton or anna nichole , I kinda agree they should just not give him the attention like they are , making him a news celebrity which I think he gets off on in some sick way.

  • lonelysheep

    Everyday I wake up in the morning, take my shower, brush my teeth and put on my clothes behind closed doors. I kiss my girlfriend and I go out into the world. All of the moments before this I get to be just Dominick. I work really hard at being just Dominick. Every day someone reminds me that I'm black at least once. I hate it. Not because I mind the color of my skin but because of the sterotypical group that this lumps me in and the predispositions of people that see my skin color first and me second. I work really hard in my industry to single myself out as a hard worker and not as the token black guy. There aren't a lot of us in IT and really? I don't look the part. Proving myself professionally I have no problem with. Proving myself as a human I do. I have to wait all day long to get home so I can just be Dominick again. This entire thread hurts to my fucking core. I can't believe that I come on this site and walk on eggshells because of things and past posters that are "taboo" to discuss, but this fucking bullshit is allowed? People can come here and make a thread 3 pages long of racist comments adn this fucking bullshit stands without a lock or a comment from a moderator? I am appalled. I am now ashamed to lurk here and ashamed to post here. This place started off as a haven of information and acceptance for me. It's been ruined for me.

    Posting Guidelines
    To ensure all users feel safe and keen to participate, please avoid:

    Insulting, threatening or provoking language

    Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or other personal characteristic.
    Swearing, using hate-speech or making obscene or vulgar comments

    The issue for me is not that black people or asians or mexicans have been stereotyped. I like a good racist joke like anyone. Its the context in which statements and jokes are told. I have no problem laughing at myself. It is the twinges of truth and the nuggets of racism that I hear in peoples comments or voice intonations. It is the fact that it isn't a "have been sterotyped" its that in 2007 they "are" stereotyped. That pisses me off.

    And it's still open! When it's Jehovah, or better yet, Jesus who gets "joked" on, it's wrong, though.

  • sweetface2233
    Back to lurking I go

    Apparently not

  • BrentR

    Oh great! OJ is going to be on the news 24-7 for probably the rest of the year or longer. I tried to watch CNN yesterday for real news about what is going on around the world that really matters and every single time it was OJ, OJ and then more OJ. Make it stop!!! please my head is hurting allready. I am so sick of hearing nothing but stories about talentless celebrity losers.

  • 144001
    I think your projecting your shadow again

    It's "you're," frankieboy.

    How do you know I'm a racist or have narrow minded racial views, I was not defending racists, I was saying that to call such persons trash is basically following the same prejudical pattern we see in racisim, namely prejudging them harshly.

    Given your exhibition of poor grammar and spelling, I'm not surprised to see that you have difficulty with reading comprehension as well. My statement was, "[y]our effort to defend racists is indeed indicative of your own racial views." I never referred to you as a "racist" or asserted that you "have narrow-minded racial views," but if the shoe fits, by all means, wear it frankieboy!

    As for your claims that you're "not defending racists," they're as believable as the claim that "armageddon is just around the corner." I referred to racists as "trash," and you responded with a rejection of that characterization coupled with a personal attack on me. Frankieboy, it looks like you learned the art of "theocratic warfare" at the kingdom hall quite well; lie about the facts regardless of how obvious one's lie is.

    Finally, your assertion that calling racists "trash" is "basically following the same prejudicial pattern we see in racism, namely prejudging them harshly" is fallacious and amounts to a false analogy. A racist judges others by their ethnicity, an immutable attribute that causes no harm to anyone. Unlike ethnicity, racism is neither immutable nor harmless, and, accordingly, your effort to analogize racists to those who label racists as "trash" is as much a failure as your laughable effort to lie about your comments in defense of racists.

  • BR25

    I didnt mean to cause such a racial spark. I guess I just tied oj into the whole sports thing. I hear race related topics in sports quite often.

    As far as my understandment. I do believe that in inner cities as far as education, jobs, communities, that things need to improve. Their are alot of intelligent african americans who might be lacking in areas of being able to get a good education due to lack of funding and no help. I understand more problems on more of a local level.

    My problem is just on the sports level. I dont believe it is needed to bring up race all the time when their is a low amount of blacks in a certain position or sport, because their is probably more black athletes in the 3 big american sports ( basketball, football, and baseball) combined than any other race. Mcnabb stated that black qbs take a little more scrunity, and I will agree with that to some degree, but Im a white guy and the qb position is one of the few positions that a white guy have any chance of being in the spotlight. You cant get compared in the other positions because their is no whites. Im not saying that is a bad thing though I was using that for conversation.

    Once again on the local level I can understand where people coming form I just wish wasnt so widely viewed on the sports level. Just for the record my favorite sports star is Lebron James.

  • wednesday

    ramdon thoughts

    I always wondered where the watermelon connection came from.

    Other things like picking cotton also seem to be associated with the black culture. I recall a song called "I never picked cotton" . Common sense tells you that is just has to be associated with the poor, regardless of race.

    I watched the movie "New York Gangs" . It ended any notion that racism was a southern thing.

    More than race- the poor are hated.

  • snowbird
    Other things like picking cotton also seem to be associated with the black culture. I recall a song called "I never picked cotton" . Common sense tells you that is just has to be associated with the poor, regardless of race.

    Yes, you are right. I am the daughter of sharecroppers, and let me tell you we were looked down on and ridiculed by many a better off Black kid. The Whites who were sharecroppers seemed to be treated even worse - by Blacks and other Whites.

    More than race- the poor are hated.

    That seems to have figured quite prominently in the rulers' treatment of Jesus of Nazareth. How dare this peasant, this low-class riffraff claim to be the Messiah. He has got to be out of his mind.


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