freaky fortunes

by bigdreaux 16 Replies latest jw friends


    I had a friend that sold constuction equipment and he made a fortune.

  • bigdreaux

    i could do that. i've worked on it for years. it always pissed me off the salesmen made all the money, while we were the ones doing the work, making it all happen. we would be out at all hours of the night, in the rain, heat, cold, whatever, getting units up and running, and the salesman would get the pat on the back and a big bonus check! it's my turn. lol

  • ex-nj-jw

    Well, whatever you decide I wish you luck and I think you will do fine.

    Me on the other had can't even sell candy for my kids school fundraiser's! When my youngest was in the 2nd grade, he came home all excited with his forms and my middle son said "don't give it to mom if you wanna sell anything"


  • jaguarbass

    People see what they want to see. You have had the thought to get out of mechanics, now your mind is looking to validate that thought.

    A lot of times fortune cookies and horiscopes motivate people into action, they become your ally. Kind of like the frog many people carry in their pocket.

    You know when someone ask you how long it will take to do that repair and your the only one working on it, and you tell them, well, we will have it done by tomorrow. That frog.

  • bigdreaux

    jaguar, i know what your saying, and i totally agree. as i said in the opening post, i don't see this as a sign, and am not about to blindly run out and start a neew career because of a cookie! all i'm saying was i found it weird that 3 times, between missanna and i, we got fortune cookies that had to do with what we were thinking at the time. i just find it funny, not prophetic.

  • jaguarbass


    I didnt pick up on the 3 times part, in that case the universe is talking to you.

  • bigdreaux
    in that case the universe is talking to you

    that does it, i'm quiting my job monday. lol maybe i can start my own cult. i hear that is very lucrative. anyone want in? lol

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