by Ranchette 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • slipnslidemaster

    What? do they have a mother writing to her "bad" child form letter?

    Slipnslidemaster:"It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar."

    - Jerome K. Jerome

  • COMF

    I'm sorry things have gone this way, Ranchette. I'm sure you must have had hopes, perhaps against all hope, that this blatant hypocrisy and deceit on their part would open your mom's eyes and restore her to you. I often long to have my own son, whom I raised as a witness, restored to me as a seeing, understanding, reasoning adult. However, every time we get together, he makes comments that are so blind, so unquestioningly accepting of society drivel, that I know I cannot try to show him the truth and run the risk of having him react defensively and shun me. It is left to others to reach him; I won't try. This is the only hold that horrible religion has on me, but it remains a strong enough one to still yet reach out to control my behavior, at least regarding my son.

    It isn't about who's right and who's wrong. It isn't about who can get the upper hand, who can win the most points in an argument. It isn't about emotional oneupmanship. It's about reclaiming your family members. I understand, and mourn with you.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Wow Your mother is one tuff cookie!

    I feel for you and hope you find the strength to deal such nonsense.
    Mind Control is so harmful.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • Thirdson


    Or should I say dear sister, because your mom sounds just like mine; is she the same person?

    I wrote my mom in January when the article in the British Medical Journal was published. Her response included at the end a statement about how Hitler and Christendon had tried to destroy Jehovah's people without success. (I only sent a link to the BMJ site!)

    She never repsonded to my follow-up and neither did my brother, the Elder, because the questions were too taxing. I haven't asked her about the UN thing yet. I am still hoping the story will get greater coverage. However her response will be much like your mom's I guess. We can only try, something will stick eventually,


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Sunspot

    Hi Ranchette,
    We have a situation in reverse here. I DAed myself by letter to the PO in 1999, and my oldest daughter (model JW-pioneered right out of high school) married an elder out of state almost a year and a half ago...I sent a nice card for their 1st anniversary, but received NOTHING when MY anniversary rolled around last month. (We never got an invitation to her wedding either, BTW, although my nonJW son gave her away.
    MY letters and cards go unacknowledged, but she will visit her DFed brother!

    Cruel? Hateful? Meanspirited?

    Take your pick!

    I'm hoping that the recent "exposures" of the WBTS will open her eyes

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • Sirona
    When you “open peoples eyes” so to speak, what do you give them in return?? You tear down their faith and what hope for the future do you give them?

    What a ridiculous argument! It reminds me of an adolescent who refuses to grow up.... "what do you mean theres no Santa Claus?! What hope do I have at Christmas NOW?!"

    The hope for the future that you give them by "opening their eyes" is freedom. Freedom of thought, religion, freedom to pursue their own life course. Its strange that she should use the phrase "open peoples eyes"...does she accept that they are currently closed?

    As with all JWs, your mom is in a little cocoon that has a mirror on the inside. All she can see is her own views reflected back at her. This obscures her view of anything on the outside.

    At the end of the day, remember that she does love you but her skewed vision just makes her say these things (cos thats what she thinks is best for you). Respect her wished to remain blinded.


  • Prisca

    Dear Ranchette,

    You have my sympathies and understanding. They're like a broken record, aren't they?


  • Ranchette


    Thank you for your comments.
    Yes, this was a disappointment. I realize now that this was bad timing on my part.
    The witnesses are at an all time cultic high now after the WTC tragedy and war etc…

    It’s so hard to know what the best thing to do is when we personally have so many personal emotions involved.

    JW’s are especially superstitious now. In trying to help them I only succeeded in sinking them deeper into the fantasy.

    I haven’t lost hope. The information has been assimilated and may come into play later.
    The results could have been worse. I could have been completely cut off.
    I’m not feeling close to them right now but I’ll try to back off so I don’t loose all contact.
    They feel threatened now so I think I’ll just send a neutral card letting her know I love her and ignore all this nonsense in her letter.

    Your right it’s not about who is right or wrong.


  • patio34

    Dear Ranchette,

    My sympathies and all of us here know exactly the frustration you are feeling.

    I had an unsolicited e-mail from my JW son. Mind you, I never have brought up this UN thing or much else. In his e-mail, he stated that it "made him sad that I had taken a stand against the witnesses." !! I was sputtering for a whole day before I answered it.

    I told him an apology was due and that my thoughts were personal and private. It was not up to him to decide that I was the worst thing he could call me in 'witness-ese.' I was very upset.

    I can imagine his reaction if I actually brought up any of the news about the WTS!

    Best wishes,

  • Seeker

    Ranchette's mom:

    I didn’t find the info you sent interesting and neither did your dad.

    Orwell, in 1984:

    The first and simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children, is called, in Newspeak, crimestop. Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction.

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