"Brothers at NY Ground Zero"

by HoChiMin 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Howdy Toddy,

    If it's true, I think it's a positive statement, but..........

    The brother doing the announcements read an experience from near Ground Zero which apparently came to a sister from Bethel. It related a brother and his wife

    It's interesting that the "brother doing the announcements" didn't verify whether this account could be proven true or not -- just related it. A non-named sister (with no authority at Bethel or any other place in the WTBTS) relates an e-mail from a non-name couple who spoke to some non-named people near ground zero. And this is taken as proved truth, and announced from the platform as if the same as coming from the Governing Body of Jehovah's People. Yeah, right.

    Even here, and on the old H20 -- any e-mail evidence, particularily if the source was not a proven good source - and their source was not a proven good source - was looked upon with severe speculation. Why? Because, it had been proved inaccurate before, even if sources were good ---- but this woman's e-mail is totally devoid of sources, proofs, etc., - even to the point it can't be proven that the woman, or an e-mail, or a jw couple witnessing to the President of the US exist. It can be proven that the President exists, but that's it.

    If verified by the President, then I'll accept it as something said by a politician, but then --- that truth can be surely argued, eh?

    I would really like to know what can be proven that the WTBTS actually did to help in this disaster. Not what they preached -- how they physically aided the victims.


  • dungbeetle

    I got an email from a JW who also talked about all the 'aid' offered. I then asked her"did they happen to get any names?"

    I then emailed her various news snippets and web references, and said "names, see?" I asked again, "any names?" These people were given all this aid, and they were never asked for or gave their NAMES? Just president Bush? Buuuusted.....

    Run Watchtower Run....

    Dungbeetle...so much dung, so little time...

  • Patriot

    :".........So Bush wants to hear this message himself. He calls for the brother and sister. The security team checked them for guns, etc... and then let them meet the pres. The pres asks them what this message of comfort is all about and so the brother whips out a Knowledge book and places it with him........."


    I was there about 30 feet away from Bush. He had 1 secret service man, Pataki, Guliani, PC Kerik and the fire comm. not to far away. Thee were a few other trying to keep up.

    At no time did he send his only agent to investigate a "group of happy people". That is so full of sh*t!!!

    The only way Bush could have seen a group of civilians "smiling" is if he had telescopic vision to see them half amile away from the epic center.

    And before Bush got there there was a full sweep of ID's from everyone.
    We were all accounted for, not one extra person or thing out of place. This is normal precedure for his arrival.

    Please don't believe those rediculous "experiences".



  • Bridgette

    I had heard on another DB that they were being encouraged to represent themselves as "grief counselors" in the witnessing work. If this is true (and I wouldn't put it past them) I believe that would be fraud. That's so vulture like.
    Oh well, I'm sure the propogandist/urban legend mill will be going full throttle spewing out garbage. I remember a similar urban legend about George Bush senior putting a live forever book in the white house library. Oh well, political heads are used to being "used" for promoting things (like, We're not saying you should drink caffeine free pepsi, but a friend of mine's cousin saw George W. drinking a caffeine free Pepsi--if it's good enough for the president....) . But I would think a group that hates the wild beast and the harlot who rides the wild beast SOOOOO much would want to steer clear of political endorsements.
    Oh, yea, I remember, it's only harlotry when a group who's not JW's does it. When JW's do it, it's okay. vomitous.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    "grief councelors"????? UNREAL

    How can you "councel" the grief-stricken with fairy tales and false hopes???

    What happens if some grief-stricken one listens to it, believes it and then finds out its just a pipedream??? Double the grief!!!!

    I don't believe any of these concoctions we've heard so far...especially something that comes from a friend's mother's cousin's brother-in-law who heard it from his mechanic's uncle who saw it on the internet!!!!! I'm sickened by these crowing, self-important blowhards.

    How can they look out at the audience or an individual's face and actually spew this stuff????

    I want to hear proveable facts of their physical help and material donations!!!!

  • Yerusalyim


    Even if they were trying to pass themselves off as Grief counselors they would have to present some kind of credentials. Either a degree in counseling or Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)certification or something of that nature. Patriot is giving us the good poop on this, no none creditialed people are on ground zero. Even the CIRT folks are not on site where the actual work is being done.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Patriot

    Just wanted to clarify..

    Bush had on agent with him at all times, the rest were close by and around the perimeter and rooftops.

    If anyone can get the video footage from CNN you can see his whole trip from when he got off the chopper 'till he got back in his suburban.

    You'll see he did not have a Knowledge book with him.
    Geez how silly.

  • mommy

    Hey all,
    Remember when we were in and these stories flew through the congo's like the plague? And we all believed them because we wanted to? Same thing different day.

    I worked at the Red Cross for 2 weeks following the tragedy. I spoke to many EMS workers who went to GZ. Most were disappointed because they could not get hands on and help. I didn't ask many details because I never thought that the org would stoop so low! I wish I could go back now and ask. I do know that they were assigned a postion and were not allowed to leave that spot until they were relieved. So the idea that many were walking around is just utterly ridiculous.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Fredhall


    Your heart is in the wrong place.

  • teenyuck

    Fred Hall

    It is Saturday-why are you not our preaching? Did you put in your quota for the week? For someone who is so pro JW, you sure have an awful amount of free time to surf the web. You must be an elders son...unemployed and "pioneering."

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