The Greatest Answer In the History of the World!

by smellsgood 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • erandir

    Did that guy actually criticize her during the pageant or was that editted in by another party as an attempt at humor?

    If it was for real, she sure handled it well. Also, he should be fired for lack of good taste.

  • eclipse

    I agree with Tyrone, that question could not be answered accurately.

    I felt sorry for her....even if she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, it was easy to see how nervous she was.

  • nvrgnbk

    Well, her reply made as much sense as some public talks I heard (and
    probably gave)!


    She does remind me of my old Presiding Overseer. LOL!

    In her speaking ability, that is.

  • betterdaze

    Map? We don't need no stinkin' maps!

    Here in the 1/5 U.S. Americans Bible Belt, we've got the inspired Word of the Lord!


  • poppers

    I just saw her 10 minutes ago on the Today Show. She admitted that she simply was overwhelmed and had a mental lockup and didn't even understand the question. It happens to most people; it's unfortunate it happened to her in such a public place.

  • jaredg

    WOW.....just WOW

  • Gopher

    On the Today show, they had her do a spoof on her Miss Teen USA performance. She listed a bunch of facts and figures about the lunar eclipse, obviously aided by a teleprompter. Matt Lauer kidded her that it was amazing how she listed those facts right off the top of her head!

    She's a good sport about it.

  • freeme

    Ok maybe I'm the stupid one, but I think that that is a dirty question from someone that didn't want her to win. How can you answer that? You can only speculate, that the schools have dropped higher standards of learning, but how would you know that unless you were a multifacted administrator that deals with the curiculums of all the geography classes in the United States.

    Incidently, How in the hell, do they know that many people can't find the States on a map.?Did they hand out a survey to every kid in the USA and count it all up? Its ridiculous.

    Is there an actual source that has the answer to this. I'd like to hear it. I'd like to hear the judge give the answer. I'd be curious, cuz I don't know, and I really don't know how anyone else would know.

    She may not be that bright but, it is not something that can easily be reasoned out in my mind. Is it because of poor funding in schools, lack of interest in the subject matter. How do they tally these results. I doubt it's becuse of poor funding. How much does a bloody map cost. She was set up!

    If I'm wrong, no big deal. Any takers. I can tell you right now I wouldn't have a square answer for that. At least she tried.

    im not living in the US... but... when i heard this somewhere that an amount of the US americans cant point on their own country on a world map it did not feel very surprised. its not that i think US americans are stupid ppl :D

    its because i feel like the US is ultimately self-fascinated. Big NATIONAL sports events (NBA, NHL, etc) are somehow BIGGER than international ones (contrary to EUROPE), the news on US news sites are incredible dominated by US events. Patriotism is big, USA rules! ;) I think for some US citizens the world consists of the US only. Everything else is far, far, far away. Like moon or something. Another example... who plays against who in the "WORLD SERIES" in baseball?! LoL :-) They are just not interested in the rest of the world :) And those dont listen in schools when it comes to other countries as well. but thats just my own personal impression. when i was a kid a group of children from the US visited our school (8th grade) and they didnt know ANYTHING about germany. they literally thought Hitler is some weired current german king and we're all nazis (but they didnt know what nazis are). One of them wrote "Heil Hitler" on our blackboard in the break. They even wondered that we have electricity and TV already... no joke.
  • sweetstuff

    Poor kid, I remember having a talk in front of the hall as a teenager, on Absolum's Ass, great topic pick for a teen! Me and my "sister" er croonie, got to the word ass and started pissing ourselves laughing and couldn't finish the talk, to a very silent and disapproving congregation,(was humiliating after the laughter died off) so yeah, I feel for the kid, her public humiliation is all over tv and the net!

  • changeling

    Reminds me of the MS who read the KM announcements from: "Thighland" (aka Thailand).


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