Potty training kids and different views...

by FreedomFrog 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnie

    I have 5 young children and apart from the first, have never really toilet trained the rest. The 3 year old had the occasional accident (only twice in the last year), and that was only because he was so tired, he slept right through without waking up for the toilet. My 2 1/2 year old son was dry during the day, but has now regressed back to wearing a nappy 90% of the time. I refuse to buy pull ups, not only because they are so expensive, but I don't see the difference between these and nappies. When I did try them, the kids didn't pull them up and down like undies (as you see in the ads). They just thought they were nappies with character pictures on them! And besides that, when I did have them, they purposly wet them (and not always when they were wearing them...I'm talking about under the tap) just to watch the picture fade.

    Maybe for her grandparents, if the reason they prefer to use pull ups is because it's easier for them, maybe they could become her 'special' pants just for grandma's house etc. In any case, she will soon outgrow them and refuse to wear them. As someone else pointed out, kids usually toilet train themselves when they are ready, regardless of what we do to help them, and when that time comes, they will refuse to wear any kind of nappies.

    (It's nice to 'hear' someone else call a dummy a 'binky'. Here I get all kinds of odd looks!)

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    my son turned 21 months old today.

    everytime he goes pee or poop in his diapers he lets us know and even will grab our hands to take him to get his diaper changed. every once in a while he will let us know before hand so we try to sit him on the toilet but he just crys. its funny though, he knows what the toilet is for because he will see me go in there and if im standing he says "pee pee" then he will flush the toilet for me. and if im sitting he says "poo poo."

    so i know the time is coming soon where he will want to go on the toilet. but i wanted to get all of your opinions with those little toilets for kids to potty train them. has anyone used them? does the child learn quickly by using that? or do they get stuck wanting to use the small potty training toilet and not want to use a regular toilet? basically whats your experiance with those and how do you feel about them?


  • winnie

    I had a potty for 4 of mine, and the most they ever did with it was use it for a toy. They went straight for the 'big' toilet. Those little seats with kiddy stairs and rails for your toilet are good though. It makes them feel more secure, they will not 'fall' in. They can go themselves as well, without you having to hold them.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Much of the information I have read on getting kids to sleep through the night without having an accident is that it's "normal" for a kid to take up to the age of 7 before they aren't having accidents.

    My younger one wears a pull up to bed, and the deal is once she is dry through the night she can have underwear on.

    She's awesome through the day but night time is harder.

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    well i know i was one of those kids that had accidents through the night, in fact i didnt stop wetting the bed till i was like 15 or 16. its really quite embaressing because i couldnt spend the night at my friends house because i feared wetting the bed. and sometimes i would and id wet the bed or sleeping bag. it sucked so bad, its detrimental to a child to have to go through that. it lowered my self esteem soooo much. i dont want my child to go throught the same thing. although my mom thought it was something more serious but couldnt afford to take me to a doctor to figure out why i wet the bed till i was old enough to drive. i even had accidents when i was 17. although not many. it suck to be in high school and wet the bed.

    i never wnat my son to experiance the pain of being a bedwetter up into the teen years.

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