treating bi-polar without meds(Crumpet)

by purplesofa 27 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • purplesofa

    I am not advocating doing away with conventional medication and going without meds. I have a daughter on them and know she needs meds.

    I think FOR SOME, alternative treatment is useful,

    I think all of us, spend time thinking out of the box. It was just some info, an experiance of one person, that has a story to tell about her bi-polar experiance with and without meds.

    Sometimes we just do not know what we have within us to overcome or help our own illnesses.

    Please, I am not attacking or judging anyone for taking meds. I wholeheartedly believe bi-polar or any other depressive illness needs to be treated as any other physical ailment.

    There are alternatives for people that want them, or want to research them.

    I have had several people that i have corresponded with that did not like the medication they were taking for bo-polar and depression and are using alternative methods.

    I do not take comments personally, sometimes I just post things to put it out there.

    as far as this being an infomercial, hey, thats how we hear about alot of stuff.


  • rebel8

    I had inpatients whose mania was triggered by natural remedies and others whose depression was worsened by natural remedies. Uncontrolled depression or mania can be deadly, for both the patient and those around him/her.

    I hope there is a natural remedy with no side effects, I really is so sad to see people suffer with both the illness and the side effects of meds...

    ....just hope people very carefully decide what to take into their bodies, find the evidence (double-blind randomized studies with significant numbers of subjects, not just anecdotes), then watch for side effects or worsening of symptoms (and hopefully their judgment is still intact enough to notice, once things get worse).

    I used to be over-the-top into natural remedies and the mantra was always, "There's no evidence because no one will study it because it's a conspiracy by the pharmeceutical companies to hide the truth...." I don't believe that anymore.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I have a close relative with bi-polar. He has been on and off of multiple meds over the years. Right now he is off and doing better. It is sometimes hard to tell whether people are better because the disease is better or the meds are helping. As with most diseases, it is a very individual thing.

    The meds are by no means harmless, they do have some serious side effects. The disease itself can also have devastating effects on a person's life, if not controlled. Everyone must work it out for themselves. I wish they would do more testing of "natural substances" so people could make a more informed choice.

    There are a lot of people who are eager to make a buck off of the suffering of others. They do tend to prey on people with incurable diseases. I know because I have wasted a lot of money looking for a miracle cure. I wish Crumpet and all those with bi-polar the best and I am sure that the info shared was with good intentions.

  • Dragonlady76

    I want to comment on one thing, I think that taking a vacation from your meds for a short period of time is beneficial.

    My husband does this maybe 2 or three times a year, when he starts to feel slow, it works for him, we can tell pretty early on when he needs to start taking them again, usually the vacations last less than 10 days.

  • SixofNine

    Big internet-self-publishing-hucksters vs Big Pharma!

    Battle To The (your) Death!!!

  • moshe

    The experience that I had when I was married to a bipolar lady for a year is this: proper meds are like insurance against events that could overwelm their level mood and push them out of control. Low dosages feel better- higher dosages make you feel sleepy and tired. My wife thought her low dosage of lithium was just fine, until my kids from, my 1st marriage came for summer break. six months after we got married. In just a few days I noticed a change for the worse in her. Even when the kids returned home she couldn't get back to a level mood and ended up in the hospital soon after for 2 weeks to get straightened out. Of course my kids got blamed for setting Carol off- stuff like forgetting that the fancy guest towels were never, ever to be used for drying your hands. The dosage that the doctors determined would keep her from going off the deep end with the added stress of my kids was 3x higher than the dosage she preferrred. Needless to say this marriage did not work out. Maybe a natural method would work in some cases, but I am sure not for her. The risks of what she could do should, if it failed would be too great in my opinion. Try buying 72 bras in one week and then returning all of them 3 weeks later after your head clears and you get an idea-

  • Hermano

    I've been treating myself with alcohol/caffeine for years. Works for me!

  • Kudra

    St John's Wort decreases the effectiveness of birthcontrol pills.

    A friend of mine went on St J's W and got pregnant, had an abortion, didn't tell the guy and he dumped her. ugh.

    But I have read actual med studies (don't remember where...) that say St J's W will cause birth control pills to be less effective or even not work completely.


  • purplesofa
    Try buying 72 bras in one week and then returning all of them 3 weeks later after your head clears and you get an idea-

    thats amazing

    I had about 50 bras one time bought over a years time...........i really had a thing gor them

    that must have cost a fortune.........i cant just imagine the look on a clerks face when they were all bought!!!!

  • moshe

    Purps, let me guess, you were a member of the home shopping bra of the week club?

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