The Sh** has hit the fan.....

by ex-nj-jw 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    You are not evil, when you where a little baby you could not be evil. Your Mother saying you are crazy, she got it back words. She is crazy and evil. Yes I have a crazy Family, I would not know where to start telling you about my Family. It starts with a x husband and his Bible and his God, that push down our throats.

  • Warlock

    Seems like the consensus is your mom is a little emotional and this emotional outburst will pass.

    Maybe this is not quite what you were expecting, but it looks like you will not be totally cut-off.


  • greendawn

    It seems like she is a typical JW she never helps when needed and whenever she contacts you she does it to cause trouble. Since she hasn't given you any help or comfort for 24 years you have every right to ignore her.

  • flipper

    Ex-nj-jw- Hey, so sorry you had to go through that. Mr. Flipper here. Sounds like what I went through when my jdub family found out I was marrying " worldly" Mrs. Flipper. Ex wife and youngest daughter accused us of living together, which was untrue. Didn't stop my super righteous ex bethel elder brother from condemning me without any evidence in a nasty letter," you are no longer welcome in our house until you turn back to Jehovah!". Also my superdub older sister,ex gilead graduate," You need to explain to your fiance why your family won't talk with you". I said," I did, she thinks it's stupid."

    But my mom and dad are fine with me and support me and still talk with me. Two grown daughters who won't have much to do with me in spite of being cleared of all charges by the elders. So yes my friend, hang in there, sounds like your dad is a kind and understanding man. Your mom sounds like a fanatic, much like my ex wife still a witness. At least it sounds like your family knows that about her though, I hope they support you in spite of her. Peace to you my friend, good luck, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • OnTheWayOut


    Sorry to hear your story. I imagine your story isn't over. At least your dad sounds
    like he's there for ya. I bet your mother doesn't shun you for long.

  • Sparkplug

    Oh baby gal! I so have a wacked out Crazy Ex JW family. All wacked out and messed up. I feel for you.. They really can throw you some crazy stuff and funny thing is as you handled it is exactly how one does tend to handle crazy when you have been raised in crazy. With a grain of salt. It does not seem that crazy to you, and not that unexpected. Sometimes you have to ask someone if it seems that odd to them just for a bit of validation to make sure that you are correct in thinking it is odd, but don't second guess yourself too much, it is wacked. You seem to be doing well and have been doing well. It is just hard sometimes when it is finally put into words. It seals what you already know. But it is really nothing new really. huggs hun!

  • RR

    Ah, typical New Jerseyan

  • LearningToFly

    ((((xjnw)))) So sorry you had to go through that, no matter how crazy it is, it still hurts. You were very brave and confident in who you are to send the letter to your mom, already knowing what you would likely expect back. I am so happy you have your dad on your side, perhaps in time he can change your moms mind.

    Be strong, you know you are not anything she said to you.

    I have a wacked out family too.. with limited contact.. and I am not brave enough yet to send them such a letter. I know what I will get back.. so I truly applaud you for your determination to be who you are.

    Once again.. so sorry to hear your news..


  • AuldSoul
    nvr-natekebob: You're too good for that shit.


  • Bobbi

    *hugs* You don't deserve to have a mother like that. Your parents sound so much like mine and they don't know I am fading, that will be a nasty day for sure. Not much you can do, You know how you feel about your kids and you wonder why your own mother doesn't have the same feelings towards you. Very depressing. Not a whole lot I can offer to comfort you other than I feel for you.

    Bobbi (who thinks some women are just a incubator and not mothers)

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