Moshe visits a KH today- did he walk out or was he thrown out?

by moshe 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • moshe

    Everytime I start thinking about doing it I get a sickening knot in my tummy.

    How did you feel when you were there?

    The first time I did something like this was almost 20 years ago and it was like going into a bat cave- scary until you realize they are more afraid of you. It must be unsettling to a JW to see Jehovah allowing apostates to just waltz into their KH and get the upper hand over them. They talk tough in thier publications, but in reality they are not. Life in FS must be getting harder for them as the tract campaign last year was primarily just a way to find some easy pickings for Bible studies, while keeping the publishers away from the homes of informed opposers who could burst their bubble.

  • Alana

    GO MOSHE!!

    The first time I did something like this was almost 20 years ago and it was like going into a bat cave- scary until you realize they are more afraid of you. It must be unsettling to a JW to see Jehovah allowing apostates to just waltz into their KH and get the upper hand over them. They talk tough in thier publications, but in reality they are not. Life in FS must be getting harder for them as the tract campaign last year was primarily just a way to find some easy pickings for Bible studies, while keeping the publishers away from the homes of informed opposers who could burst their bubble.

    I remember Moshe from when we temporarily attended the congregation he went to many many moons ago. We were helping that congregation and then we went back to our own congregation. Later I remember my mom telling me about how he 'went crazy' and how he was tormenting the poor brothers and sisters, and how he must be totally controlled by Satan....blah, blah, blah. My mom is pretty meek and mild and I bet if he would have come up to her and spoken she would have fainted out of sheer fear! The elders are look bad, not have real answers, be proven wrong, or lose their 'followers'.

  • moshe

    Alana, I was hard on my old KH, the one I helped build and served as an elder in for some years in 70's. After I left the WTS and moved back to that city, I visited every home with my own tracts that told the story of how JW's can destroy your family , take away your freedom and their false prophecies. On the back was a " no visits from JW" sign that was to be taped to their front door. It took almost six months for me to visit every home. I also visited neighboring churches and gave talks and left them bundles of tracts for their members, too. I guess I took all their joy of going out in field service away and they had their Bible studies cancel, too. Those no visits sighs were still on neighbors homes 10 years later after I moved away- yellowed, but still standing guard.

    The JW's who could, moved away rather than take the cold shoulder they got from the community. I guess it made them feel better to put the blame on Satan and his alleged agent, Moshe, rather than face the facts about their false religion. Anyway, I felt responsible for spreading false 'good news' in that town, so this was my mea culpa to them and perhaps my way of getting any collective WT bloodguilt washed off my hands. I went door to door with truth, not false WT dogmas to be clean from the blood of all men. Acts 20:20, 26

  • anewme

    Im impressed Moshe! If only we all had such courage!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Moshe; is a man of IRON BALLS he can handle most any jw wearing a yarmulke or SOMBARARO. why ? he knows his stuff. and is not a crybaby apostate. like many here on jwd. alot of x jw's here are scared of persons like Moshe. BECAUSE they don't have IRON BALLS. and cry how then wt is killing them inside., WHO WERE THOSE $HITASSES Moshe stood up to at the KINGDUMB HALL . nothing but a bunch of CRYBABIES.looking for elder TOILET BOWL cleaner to BAIL THEM OUT OF THE $HIT they don't know how to preach. after 35 years going door to door jw's are a total joke. al it takes is a little balls...............john

  • moshe

    John , they just need to dring some of the special whupp ass energy drink! You gave me inspiration when I first visited JWD almost 2 years ago to renew my old 'in your face' ministry to JW's- thanks John!

  • Stealth453
    Stealth453 are my new hero.

  • Brainfloss


  • SpeedRacer

    I find it amazing how you reasoned with him. NICE!


  • Terry

    I haven't heard from Moshe in about a year and a half.

    I think he worked with the nuclear industry. He told me he might be coming through the Ft.Worth area.

    I never heard from him.

    Does anybody know if he's doing okay?

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