Moshe visits a KH today- did he walk out or was he thrown out?

by moshe 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BizzyBee
    well, maybe", was his answer-" "so you could have put this in my door?", I asked. He motioned for HELP and scurried away into the auditorium. So much for being a bold messenger of the WT good news.

    ...more like rats leaving a sinking ship...

    Good job, you brave, bold Jew, you!

    Between you and Johnny Cip, the KHs are going to have to post armed guards at the doors to do body cavity searches (for printed "old light") instead of the usual love bombing!

  • moshe

    Open Mind- what a devious person you are! I have often though that two former JW's going to a KH could play a good cop-bad cop type of game- bad guy gives a expose' comment at WT study- study conductor cuts him off- them the other guy- says out loud from the other side of the KH."let him speak,I want to know what he has to say- we aren't afraid of the truth are we?"

    Yiddish- meshugenah- someone who does wild and crazy stuff- that's me. In the Lion King movie sequel , Timon is called a meshugenah before he leaves the meerkat group find his place in the world. Which from the viewpoint of the meerkat group he was crazy for leaving the safety of the group to explore the world.

    This is the second time I have went inside a KH to visit and in both cases the elder who talked to me privately wanted to meet with me again.

  • moshe
    Jesus was a JEW He goes to EVERY MEETING!!! but every one there ignores him. They follow the Man at the front. !!!!

    Mouthy, I will remember that one. "Victory in Jesus" is not in their songbook, either. They are not expecting a Jew to be a threat to them and consequently I believe a JW listens to me longer than they might otherwise- The apostate radar doesn't go to alert with me. Of course, I deliberately use non-JW terms, like excommunicate instead of disfellowship.

  • flipper

    Moshe- Way to go my bro. You certainly do have golden steel brass ones, and whatever other metal you can think of! To go in on their own turf, awesome! It's been said the best defense is a good offense, which you showed. While you're at it, get their take on the child molestation settlements. See how scared they get then. They might just go run and hide under their seats chanting ," Help me Jehovah, Help me Jehovah" !! Brother with the cane might strike you with it, but remember you really are being persecuted for righteousness sake. Really , truly righteous! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ok, Moshe, if I'm ever "out of the ex-JW closet" how's this sound?

    We'll go visit a K Hall where neither of us is known. I'll dress up in full dub-drone apparel and play the "elder visiting from out of town". You can be the jeans & yarmulke-wearing proud, stubborn Jew who just coincidentally happens to be visiting on the same day. I'll show up first to establish my JW-elder "credentials".

    During the WT you can try making a controversial comment and you'll probably get cut off. Then I can raise my hand, and pick it up where you left off. Of course, my version would be just a little more "sanitized" to preserve my cover. After the meeting you can approach me and we'll have the dialogue that I first posted.

    How's that sound?

    Open Mind

    p.s. Still wonderin' about the yiddish word for "testicles". Inquiring goyim minds want to know. ;-)

  • greendawn

    They certainly don't expect people to go to their own nest and raise issues with them they think they are the ones to visit and trouble other people. Surely if they try to argue on those issues they will end up losing the arguments, every expert in history knows 607 is wrong.

  • Honesty

    I think I must have been the first Jew who ever came to their KH

    Moshe!!!!! Braveo.... But I have to disagree with you!!!! Jesus was a JEW He goes to EVERY MEETING!!! but every one there ignores him. They follow the Man at the front. !!!! Mouthy

    You Rock, Mouthy !!!

  • Mum

    Yay! Way to go, moshe! I could use a few chutzpah lessons from you!



  • SirNose586
    We talked for an hour and he wants to meet with me again to prove that 607 is the true date of the fall of Jerusalem- not 587 and did the WT Society ever forbid organ transplants and if so, do they suffer bloodguilt for the needless deaths of JW's? He might not be aware of the change in organ transplant dogma in 1980. He seemed so cocksure of himself today.

    That guy is going to get a whalloping; I'll be looking forward to that story, if he ever shows up to debate with you!

    Nice way to make 'em cower. Put the fear into 'em...

  • startingover

    What you related sure shows they run a dump truck religion. I think most JW's just love the tract work because they can dump it and run, they really don't want to talk about it.

    Great job BTW!

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