Were YOU Raised In "The Truth" or Did You Convert???

by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Plus, once that stink gets on your clothes, it's pretty hard to explain.

  • dobbie

    I was converted by my best friend got baptised at 20, i'd already fallen for my now hubby so it was the only way to get him!Plus, they all seemed so nice ...... at first

  • Chameleon

    Parents learned of DA TROOF when I was 8. Been in it since then, planning to leave as soon as the conditions are right.

  • minimus

    How many 35 year olds become JWs? It seems the young and impressionable convert.

  • Dragonlady76

    I was raised in.

  • dobbie

    Well i was also attracted by the social scene, all those young men in suits which is a big pull when your'e that age! The thing i noticed with our congregation is that all the converts whether 20 or 40 were all single, we never had married couples joining or families.

  • littlerockguy

    I converted as a teenager; studied Live Foreve book and United in Worship book with a relative at 17 and baptized at 19; that was 20 years ago.

  • dobbie

    Oh no the live Forever book, me too. I still remember the amazement when i read chapter 4 and God had a name, and i am sooo embarrassed to think how i lapped it all up and told my family about it and how disgusting it was hiding Gods name, no wonder my dad wanted to chuck me out of the house- i totally sympathise with him now!

  • Tristram

    Raised. Still "in" too.

  • RisingEagle

    Born and raised. My dad was baptized just a few months before I was hatched. He faded in the early 80's, was diagnosed with Alzheimers in the early 90's. Just as soon as he was malleable enough mentally, mom started dragging him back to the meetings until he was to far gone to take out of the nursing home. I still believe that had he not lost his capacities he would never have gone back.

    Oops, threadjack, sorry.


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