staying "in Truth" for family--is it worth it?...hyporcrite needing help

by oompa 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    Honesty you gotta be kiddin! Even the early ones, if there were, never called themselves that.....only "chosen ones" over and over.

    I feel like I am in high sad though...oompa

  • serotonin_wraith

    oompa, I feel like giving you a slap (in the nicest way possible).

    You hit the nail on the head when you said you felt like you were in High School- What would you tell your younger self if you had the opportunity? To not care what people thought? To be yourself? There's your answer.

    Work around the family issue by all means, but don't deny who you really are. You have just as much right to think as you do as they do to believe in such crap.

  • stillajwexelder
  • moshe

    If possible you could claim that someone else in your KH was doing the posting and were trying to throw the attention off of themselves and onto someone else. In the end, a man looks in the mirror and decides whether to take the high road and follow his conscience, or slither on his belly and kiss up to the elders at the KH and pay homage to the great and powerful Governing Body in NYC. I was tired of the KH charade and decided to take my lumps for 16 years in a false cult in exchange for personal freedom. We tell our kids that everything we do has a cause and effect, but then we try to make a deal with the devil to avoid the consequences of our actions.

  • oompa

    I want to be free, but how free if totally isolated? How high should the cost be? Is there a way out of full confrontation, and how hard will elders want to did into this site? I attended some, but am in no way active, and everyone knows I have really been in bad emotional shape for awhile. This site was going to help me tough it out.

    such bad luck........oompa

  • greendawn

    A lot of people choose to do just that to stay in, fade and keep the peace in the family though the dubs don't really think much of inactive members. At least they usually don't shun them.

    The WTS is an org that lives on never ending lying and deception and deserve to be lied to in return so I wouldn't mind doing that to them.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Why post so much personal stuff if you fear being outed?

    Don't you think that if they are watching now, they will put 2 and 2 together and see what you are saying now?

    It's gonna be hard to deny anything if you are spilling it under a new user id. IMHO


  • Blindbutnowisee

    You are a grown, don't let a pack of wolves in sheep clothing rule your life!

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    In order for you to be outed someone else had to be looking at this site. You have a right to face your accuser. Ask them if they ever saw you posting or reading this site. If not, deny it was you. Tell the elders someone is trying to set you up. Better yet, are there 2 witnesses to your posting, whats good enough for pediphiles should be good enough for you.

  • BFD

    Tell them the truth of how you feel. Take your licks and get it over with.

    Life sucks but it gets better.


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