staying "in Truth" for family--is it worth it?...hyporcrite needing help

by oompa 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    I have just been outed on this site due to my own stupidity, and lost my anonymity after just a short pleasant while here. I have been turned in folks, compete with screen name/avatar, by family and I have a ton in. It is easy to tell it is me, although I never use anyones names. So I have vented some steam here that is going to burn me now. Or is it? Do I deny it is me because it is not, just a dang screen persona sounding off. Do I take a stand? I mentioned exactly where I lived, and cited some comments I made at meetings that pissed off my elders. Do I say it is none of their biz? I only spoke truth here, no lies about WT or anyone. Boy do I sound like a kid instead of a married person with some.


  • Dragonlady76

    I don't blame you for trying to stay in for family, no one here can judge you.

    Only you really know what is best for you and your family, I recomend that you think long hard and do what is best for you. Don't do anything on emotion, use your head.

  • Mum

    You have only posted twice. In your previous post, you didn't say anything about individuals. Is oompa a new screen name?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes - what Mum said.


  • xnmad

    I carried on in the truth for the sakeof my family for a long time. what i eventually realised was, (and this was a quote that saved my neck so many times)if i,m not doing this in a heartfelt way for me and nobody else, its pointless, i,m wasting my time and yours.You r wasting your life if you think you can keep evry1 happy and b happy yourself,you cant. get out there and enjoy life.(former hypocrite)lol

  • oompa

    I have a new screen name and have many posts, and know many nice people here.

    please hurry.........oompa

  • Mum

    The best thing you could do for yourself, oompa, is to take a vacation of sorts, find a job in the new location and move on.

    If you can't do that, be ready to be the pig at the luau. The elders will want to talk to you, grill you and otherwise mess with you.

    Has a judicial hearing been set? Do you have a small tape recorder? Do you have a nice legal pad and plenty of writing implements?

    From what you say, you are going to be "no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses." Do you want to do it on their terms or on your own?



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    New screen-name should work to hide your identity now.

    If they challenge you, you have to know where you want your life to go. Your posts seem somewhat discombobulated at the moment. How can we help specifically?


  • oompa

    Jeff, you and gopher have been great. I have been really screwed in the head for about 2 years now after really waking up. I am on FIVE meds and local body know this, plus one suicide attempt. This place has given me hope, but I really don't want the comlex of one in and one out, but do not want divorce, but can have been kicking my partners crutch way too hard recently and it is ugly.

    what a dumbass....oompa

  • JK666

    If your family is like mine . . . it is not that great a loss.


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