A call to HQ about the settlement

by parlay 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • skeeter1

    Perhaps Bethel should have a recorded message. This would help insulate the Bethalites. Here's a start....

    "Thank you for calling Bethel. If you are calling about the pedophile issue, please press #1. [press #1]. Thank you for calling the pedophile hotline. Please listen to the following choices:

    To find out who the JW pedophiles in your area are, please press #1. [Press #1] Thank you, we are connecting you to legal department.

    To find out about the recent settlements, please press #2. [Press #2]. We confirm that we have settled lawsuits regarding pedophilia. We deny that we promote pedophila. Our righteous organization is inspired by Jehovah. We can not be held responsible for the acts of a few bad weeds.

    If you are an abuse survivior, please press #3 [Press #3]. We regret to inform you that you have been disfellowshipped for engaging in fornication and encouring a fine brother of ours to sin."

    If you have any other questios, please press #4 [Press #4]. Disconnected.



  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Wow!! That is awesome!! Wouldn't it be funny if everyone here called Bethel and did the same thing with a slightly different twist?? But ask the same questions in the same manner?? you never know who at Bethel may actually decide that they need to do some serious thinking about what is going on. You did great Parlay, thank you for sharing!!


    Lady Liberty

  • avengers

    A few years ago a couple of JWs came to my door. I asked them about the UN issue. There were about 5 persons (two whom were elders) in the service and not one of them knew about the UN issue. All of them said that there's no way in the world that the society would do anything like that. Actually they called me a liar. The fact is that the WT did not inform the R & F about the UN issue. What I did was write the Society and got a letter back with so much bull that I just left it for what it was.

    It's the ol' usual sweep under the carpet technique. It's getting full under the carpet though.

    Andy, of the super disappointed in the "slave" class.

    edited to add:

    Skeeter. good idea. Let me expand on this.

    Please press # 1 for the pedophile issue.

    Please press # 2 for the UN issue.

    Please press # 3 for the military issue. (remember the deal we had with the Navy?)

    Please press # 4 for the environment issue. (several year ago we were fined for polluting our own grounds)


  • Tatiana

    avengers....could you expound on "the deal we had with the Navy?" and "the environment issue." (several year ago we were fined for polluting our own grounds) I haven't heard these.

  • avengers

    Here's the thread about the deal the WT had with the Navy. It's several years old and the WT has given back the shares to the "2 brothers".

    It still is a fact that they indeed had shares in a company which makes military equipment. I don't know what the "brothers" did with the shares.

    I know that if I had shares in a company which makes military equipment I would get df d. In 1989 I was advised by elders to quit my job, since this aircraft company I was working for was making parts for the F16. If I had known then that they had shares I probably would have made an exit then. Well, have fun with the thread.


    ps. let me find the info about the pollution.

    Gerard is the one whom discovered it, if my memory serves me well.

  • unique1

    Wow poor dude. He will probably leave soon as he can get out of Bethel.

  • Tatiana

    Ok...thanks avengers. I do remember now about the Rand Corp. Thanks for linking. Will be interesting to read the pollution thread.

  • Seeker4

    What's the number?


  • greendawn

    It's obvious why they wanted to keep the abuse cases under the carpet to and avoid having to pay compensations something in which finally they didn't succeed at least wholly. Now they want to keep quiet about the settlements so as not to damage their image with their followers.

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    What's the number?

    Seeker, and others that asked:

    Patterson's number is (845) 306-1100. Brooklyn can be reached at either 718-560-5000 or 7500 (both work).

    Here's a trick for you if you want to talk directly to Legal and "make up" complex sexual situations that need WT advice. Elders are advised to tell the switchboard when they answer "I am an elder in <state> calling to speak with Legal." No questions asked, you'll be transferred.

    The elder in legal who answers will ask for two things: your name and congregation number. (Note: You can get an elder's name from the bookstudy list and the congregation number off any correspondence or literature packing slips posted on the information board at any KH.)

    Then, they'll then ask for a description of the situation you're calling in for advice regarding: "We had a young sister approach us recently with accusations of a ministerial servant in the congregation fondling her... we formed a committee and met with the brother, but he denies any wrongdoing. blah blah blah blah blah" (What kind of strange stories can you come up with?? They've heard it all...) They won't ask for names of any individuals involved (don't ask, don't tell?) but will listen to the story and then give some suggestions as to how the body should proceed. Sometimes they follow up with a letter to the body with specific points they should address... your made-up situation should prove interesting for the local body to address! :-)

    Note that I'm not actually SUGGESTING you do so.... But, should you choose to do so, have fun!

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