First apple pie of the season!

by Cellist 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cellist

    Kitten Whiskers - That's too bad your little bowl broke. We love our china and use it every chance we get. It helps us make just about any occasion 'special'. The pattern is "Dimity Rose", it's been discontinued for about 6 years. Of course, the silver helps make the occasion too. We use our linen every day.

    Purps - I agree, it's easy to slide into the "eating out of a paper bag" syndrome. Especially after a hard day at work.

    Thanks for the link, Junction Guy. I've never heard of the Kentucky applefest before. Of course, it is a long ways away. We've been to the "Corn and Apple fest" in Morden, Manitoba. But it doesn't sound like it would have quite the same line-up of food.

    Thanks for sharing in our little mini-celebration, everyone!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I look forward to fresh tomatoes and watermelon every year. I can eat sweet tomatoes like candy, chilled with a little salt--yum!

  • BizzyBee

    I love to make and eat apple pies! I put a little brown sugar in with the white for a richer flavor....

  • greendawn

    It does look very tasty but I suppose it's still too early for ripe apples. In Britain people use mainly Bramley apples as cooking apples, I don't know if you have them. I always look forward to the arrival of cherries one of my favourite fruit, who dosn't like them anyway.

  • Cellist

    greendawn - I don't know if Bramley apples grow anywhere in Canada. They don't here. The winter is too harsh and the growing season too short. The fruit here has to be ripe by the middle of September. Preferably earlier. We're starting to get a better selection of cherries now. The University of Saskatchewan has been coming out with some good trees.

    Bizzy Bee - Yes, depending on the variety of apple, I use a little brown sugar too.


  • HAL9000

    Hi Cellist,

    It's a cold winter's day here & your pie would go down a treat!

    Will talk again soon.


  • Hortensia

    does anyone want to meet me at Oak Glen, buy some apples and some cider, eat a piece of hot apple pie with some coffee? It's a southern California thing, just north of I-10 out of Banning/Beaumont. On the way out to Palm Springs from the coast.

  • misanthropic

    Wow that looks really good! And your table's beautiful with the white linen and napkins...and those plates, the plates are just gorgeous. I never have my table set all fancy like that, it's just like out of a martha Stewart magazine. Very Nice!

  • Cellist

    HAL - Hi! Are your looking forward to spring? How cold does it get there?

    Hortensia - If we lived closer, we would love to join you.

    misanthropic - Thank you. That's about as close to being like Martha Stewart that I'll ever get.


  • HAL9000

    Winter is pretty mild - here in the mountains it goes to -2 C at night and up to 10 C through the day, although Sydney has been in the low 20's. The downside of the mountains is the wind - blowing a gale for a week at a time making you feel cold & not inclined to go outdoors. Yes, looking forward to spring - the garden is starting to wake up - daffodils & jonquils out and the flowering cherries are getting ready to flower.

    Now all I need is a digital camera.......

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