Who "Inspires" you on JWD?

by JH 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • AudeSapere
    HS wrote: A friend once noted that the Board often walked dangerously close to becoming a day-care centre for emotional and spiritual infants, and I understand what they were saying. This is not a discussion forum where intellectual honesty can be brandished with ease, perhaps due to fact that within the WTS intellectual dishonesty is viewed as good behavior and here, honesty and a good argument are often confused with arrogance and bad behavior and many have newly exited from their WTS cocoons.

    Nicely said. Thank you. Even though I don't post much, I do read and didn't have the words to express this part of what I am learning here.

    I am inspired by and impressed with the newbies and the teens/young adults who post here. Always look for their threads and love hearing their updates.


  • Crumpet
    those who can write creatively (hello Crumpet - at least for today),

    Hillarystep - that just has to be the most backhanded compliment ever. I like that you say exactly what you think, consistently.

  • greendawn

    Crumpet does come across as a warm and affectionate person. She is inspiring in that way.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    In no particular order: Ozziepost, Dogpatch, Leolaia, Alleymom, Mary, FJ Toth, Alan F, Farkel, Metatron

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