If Jehovah went to a psychiatrist, what would be his diagnoses?

by flipper 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    i once wrote a thread about this. hilarity if i do say so myself:


  • saywhat29

    Hmm, okay so we all know that "Jehovah" then has like multiple personalities (since he answers to different names), anger issues, and image issues. Don't forget about his self-esteem.

    I mean, I think he really needs to love himself more. Like all those times Israel had left him to serve other Gods, but he kept taking them back over and over again- but not before doing some pissed-off-ex-girlfriend- sh*t, like kiling people, having them enslaved, and sending them into war without his backing when they thought he was there.. Bitter, much? Jehovah would probably key your cars for not serving him (if he could) Like if I could I would have told him to forget those ho*s and that he was fabulous without them.

    ***Also another thing that sets off my Gaydar about Ms. Jehovah is the fact that his temple always had to be decked out. Gold, the best jewels, and when his temple wasn't right, he would throw a fit. I mean in today's standards, its kinda of tacky, but back then I guess that was what was hot. And like a queen, whenever his folks conquered another place, he made sure that their Gods temple was trashed 'cause he didn't want anyone to outdue his.

  • BizzyBee

    Megalomaniac (delusions of grandeur), neurotic, anger issues, homicidal, conflicted self-image, etc.

    Probably constipated, too.

  • IP_SEC
    image of God but ratehr a projection of their own inner psychology

    umm no GD. He is what he projected of himself into the bible.

  • Jim_TX

    Did anyone mention bi-polar yet?

    I mean... he goes from 'god is loving' to 'destroy mankind!' (booming thunder from the heavens - flood) to 'i feel sorry for man' (rainbow) - to 'god is love' - to armageddon 'let's destroy mankind!'

    What sort of personality is that???!!! Not very stable person/god, if you ask me!

    Plus, he's perverted. (Many examples in that 'good' book.) Probably sexually repressed.


    Jim TX

  • IP_SEC

    I think he kinda sucked for nocking up a virgin and then left her for a more spiritual bride.

    Certainly lacks character.

  • changeling

    Narcissistic personality disorder. Megalomania.

  • Mastodon

    Bipolar, with multiple personality disorder, extreme narcissism, borderline homicidal rageaholic with sociopathic tendencies...

  • brinjen

    I am dismayed and horrified at what I'm reading here.

    Jehovah is a loving God!

    And to prove it, He boasts of having slaughtered and promises to slaughter millions and millions of men, women,children, and animals.

    If you can't feel His love, then you're all doomed as well!

    I'm sorry brother nvr. Satan blinded me, won't happen again...

  • journey-on

    I think God is a woman and ever so often, she just has a bad case of PMS.

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