Did you have to dress up for meeting?

by ericr 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • ericr

    I remember having to dress up for every meeting even the ones during the week. I had to wear a botton down shirt dress pants, a tie, dress shoes, dress socks and a blazer. This was also required by my parents to dress up when going door to door. I hated walking around having to wear those clothes in 95 degree weather. Because of this I avoid dressing up when possible now. How strict were your parents about dressing up? I know some that let their kids wear jeans which people looked down on.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Yup, being female I had to wear pantyhose in 100 degree weather. To this day I will not wear pantyhose


  • jaguarbass

    I had to dress up. Never jeans.

  • Gregor

    Always Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes even for the Tuesday night book study held in Brother Farkle's unairconditioned squat in August.

  • karnage

    I too had to wear nice dress pants, button down shirt, and a tie. It was like a uniform. Wearing jeans and any other shirt other than a button down shirt was considered a faux pas.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I think on the tuesday night book study I didn't have to wear a suit coat, but other than that it was always a suit and (clip on) tie.

    Edit: I wore a clip-on as a kid, I eventually learned how to tie a tie. :)

  • Hortensia

    yeah, had to dress up. Unfortunately, poor as rocks, no decent clothes, but that's life! Pantyhose, eh. I still wear stockings - only knee highs now - because of that early training. But no bra!!!

  • Mile 0
    Mile 0

    My day was going JUST PERFECTLY FINE until you ressurected those awful memories...

    For a few years the Tuesday book study was at our house. We were cut some slack for that meeting - we could drop the blazer & tie. At the KH meetings, however, Mom showed no mercy. On the hottest of days, we could remove the blazer BUT could not drop the tie and undo the collar button. None of the KH's I went to had air conditioning.

    Field service sucked. On hot summer day I showed up for field sevice with short pants, short sleeve dress shirt, and sandals. One of the elders bitched me out about it. He was dressed in full assault mode, with sweat drippng off the end of his nose. What a moron.

    Mile 0

  • jws

    Suits for the meetings at the hall, button-down shirts w/tie for book-studies.

    I remember being a JW and when you see somebody who wasn't dressed appropriately (jeans, no tie, etc.), people would (A) know they were new and/or (B) think they were being disrespectful.

    Occasionally, I've gone to a Memorial to check it out because a JW I know invites me (I'm undercover here, they don't know I was one). I wore the same business casual I wear to work. I felt really out of place because for years I could never get away with wearing a polo shirt and dockers to a meeting. You can feel the eyes upon you. I enjoyed it!

    It's all so ridiculous. They seem to think it projects some air of respectability. We used to have the same thinking in offices, but now it's mostly business casual. The people are more comfortable and happy. When these guys come to your door with their suits on in 100 degree weather, your first impression has got to be "these guys are nuts", even before they open their mouths. Instead of looking respectable, they look foolish.

  • B_Deserter

    I can't help but wonder if some time in the future they're going to start illustrating Jesus in a suit and tie.

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