any tea drinkers

by BlackSwan of Memphis 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    jgnat: ok, I have to ask. Why make sure to take the tea bag out first? Normally, if I'm making tea where I will add milk or cream, I make a nice hot pot. But on occasion I do make a cup of tea. So why take the bag out? I've just never thought of it. And orange pekoe. Yep, nice basic cup of tea. Mild, good flavor.

    Poppers: I didn't know Good Earth made a green tea. Lemon grass too huh? Sounds good!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hey JeffT, I just found this really cool brand of tea and for the life of me I can't think of it off hand. It's an Assam black tea, but it's wrapped in a silky type bag which has 3 corners instead of two. Very unique and you can see the way the tea immediately gets into the water.

    I have not quite mastered the art of loose tea, so kudos to you as I've heard very positive things about that!

  • Dragonlady76

    I must be weird, I don't like tea.

    I do however drink sleepy time when I'm sick.

  • R.F.

    I'm like FadingAway here, since i'm here in the south I tend to drink alot of sweet tea. I drink green tea quite often as well.

  • lisavegas420

    I'll take a brewed ice tea with sweetner and lemon. please


  • Finally-Free

    I like camomile, mint, earl grey, orange pekoe, green tea, and others. I never add milk to any of them, but occasionally I'll add a bit of rum to my orange pekoe tea. If I sweeten it it's with honey, never sugar.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Dragonlady: nah, you're not weird. A lot of people don't like tea! Sleepytime is a nice one for illness or even high stress.

    RF: Ok, maybe I'm missing something. Why is it that the sweet tea goes along well with being in the south?

    Lisa: Sweetner and lemon huh? I have only recently started enjoying lemon in my tea.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Finally: Rum??? Wow! That's new. Oooh that just gave me an idea. Get an exotic flavored tea and add Cpn Morgan's island rum ...stuff (can't think of it's name)

  • jgnat

    First of all, it looks ucky.

    Besides, tea never steeps the same once cold.

  • R.F.
    RF: Ok, maybe I'm missing something. Why is it that the sweet tea goes along well with being in the south?

    I don't know, I guess it's one of those things I really can't explain. It just is, well at least to me.

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