tattoos and piercings, do they have a meaning for you?

by memario 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Smiles_Smiles

    I have a pair of eyes on my right shoulder. I saw this on a girl when I was about 19. It caught my eye and I wanted it right away. I didn't know why it attracted me so intensely. I waited 2 years or so before I got it because I wanted to make sure the desire for it would last. I have never regretted it.

    What it means to me: Through the years I have always wanted to see things clearly. To see what is REALLY going on with people and situations not just what appears on the surface. It played a huge part in my parenting, in my growth to healthiness (releasing a jacked up childhood), and in my waking up and leaving JWism. Interesting enough I just took the Briggs personality test. I wouldn't normally put any stock in stuff like that but it described me to a T. And validated my feelings in this reguard by calling me a 'Seerer'. Pretty Cool!

    I do want another one 'a cum shot one' (oops, did I actually type that? tehehee). One in the small of my back. I want it to be like a yin/yang made out of two people in motion circling each other. I can see it in my head but I have yet to find a good pic of what I see in my head. So anyone reading this feel free to pm me if you run across anything like that.

    BTW ~ I also had my navel pierced for years. It didn't mean anything I just thought it was sexy. It started feeling irritated off and on so I took it out.

    ENJOY ~ Whatever you decide to do. And remember piercings can be taken out but tats can not be removed.


  • sweetface2233

    I have 2 small tattoos and 2 piercings, all of which are on concealed parts of my body. I'll be completely honest here...I originally got them for a few different reasons. The first was a form of rebellion to my parents and the Organization. The 2nd was to feel sexier and more desirable to the opposite sex. However, after getting them and realizing how all of the reasons were for other people and not for myself, I've been able to accept them as my expression of individuality. I love them all, would get them again, and am considering one more piercing (the tats just hurt way too f'ing much).

  • freedomloverr

    yeah for sure. I have one tatt that has a lot of meaning for me and I'm planning at least a couple more. Tattoos are beautiful IMO, and I love studying the history of them.

    Dude, for real - you need to chill out.

    **Do what you like. It is your body. Unfortunately the rest of us have to look at your permanent selection in its monotonous banality.***

    You're right, it is my body. as for the second half of your statement let's just say we're even then. while you have to look at my "permanent selection in its monotonous banality" I get to listen to your monotonous banality here on jwd. ;)

  • lost_light06

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions on tattoos, and everyone has an opinion on them. To compare a person with a tattoo to a bathroom wall...... whatever man. I wear the same nose, mouth, eyes, ears, arms, legs, etc. every day. My tattoos are just an extension to that. I have my children’s names on my back. I also have a Celtic lion on my shoulder. It's a symbol of courage (to me, a symbol of the courage I mustered to leave the witnesses) and to my heritage. I regret none of my tats and don’t believe I ever will. My kid’s names were a no brainier for me. It took me 3 months to decide on the lion and after 2 sessions of over 3 hours each I can confidently say I am happy with my decision. I plan on getting more and they will be in the same line as my previous tats, either symbolic of my children or my heritage. My advice: no tribal, no arm bands, no tramp stamps, but that’s just my personal opinion.

    BTW, I find that most people who are strongly against tattoos are either old codgers or got a crappy tattoo in their living room when they were 17 by a trippy meth head and regret the Iron Maiden album cover on their bicep.


  • nvrgnbk

    BTW, I find that most people who are strongly against tattoos are either old codgers or got a crappy tattoo in their living room when they were 17 by a trippy meth head and regret the Iron Maiden album cover on their bicep.


  • kwintestal


    I'm getting this on my back, across my shoulders (minus the purple rays) next month. It represents the strugles associated with free thinking.


  • nvrgnbk

    I love that, kwin!

  • free2think

    That's really cool Kwin.

  • kwintestal

    Thanks. I'll post a pic when it's done!


  • purplesofa

    I have not forgotten the tattoos I need to do for peeps from the board.

    I don't have pretty skin so I dont want to draw attention to it.


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