You Need To Give Credit To The Society For Your Education

by The wanderer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    I would first wade through the inflammatory rhetoric to ask this person to give statistics on the education level of JW's compared to the rest of society....or other religions for that matter....

    Unitarians usually run #1 with nearly 50% having advanced college degrees. I was brought up Unitarian my father has a Masters from MIT. My mother has a Masters in Education. All four of my grandparents had advanced degrees. I married a JW. None of her parents or grandparents had any college, much less advanced degrees. They were all raised as JW's.

    I guess it depends on your definition of education.

  • daystar
    The Watchtower and Awake magazines have been helping individuals receive a G.E.D
    or high school diploma. Where did you learn the art of public speaking?

    That "art" has since been utterly useless to me. However, if I'd needed it, I could have learned it elsewhere, and much, much better, along with critical thinking skills, logic, etc.

    Discipline and study were always the primary foundations of the organizations apart from
    the field ministry.

    I don't think they understand what discipline truly means. True discipline comes through understanding Self, not through unthinking rigidity. And study? Their methods of "study" don't exactly transfer very well at all to the real world. In fact, it makes learning real study practices much more difficult.

    It is saddening to see the lack of honesty some have toward not giving the Society credit were credit is due.

    You're right. I should give the Society credit for teaching me how to drop key words into sentences and phrases in order to ellicit emotional responses from people. Oh yeah, that's called manipulation. And don't talk to me about "lack of honesty".

  • WTWizard

    They should have excelled in the fields of public speaking and discipline, but they would have sucked in subjects that matter more. Such as math, science, history, and computer science all have to fall by the wayside. It is those areas where the jobs that pay the big bucks lie, and you would have fallen flat on your face in those areas. Plus, you would have been misled in theology. What a waste of life to be specialized in spreading a scam!

  • LongHairGal


    Good education?? I guess it is a 'good education' if compared to actual total illiteracy.

    That is like saying potato chips and hot dogs is a 'good diet' when compared to starvation.


  • mrsjones5

    The society gives out degrees for fashion design?

  • minimus

    Who says "you need to give credit to the Society for your education"? Who???


    You're really helping us to sharpen our skills here!

    Sincerely, Minimus.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I shall give them credit - where credit is due!

    • They kept me from pursuit of education and career, in order to sell sloppily written periodicals.
    • They taught me to 'spare the rod and spoil the child' - resulting in a chasm between myself and my daughter that I am still trying to heal
    • They showed me that charity, real charity, was expendable and excused by pseudo-religiousity.
    • They taught me by example that old people should not still be cleaning toilets into their 70's due to having no retirement income.
    • They showed me that children who die as a result of following their twisted 'scriptural understanding' would get a memorial picture on the front of a sloppily written periodical.
    • They taught me how to give public talks about fantasy and lies, and turned me into an unwitting manipulator.
    • They most importantly, taught me to be a biggotted, self-righteous ass, and to assume that the Watchtower measurement of a persons' spiritual and real worth was the only one that counted.

    In short - they taught me nothing of worth.


  • ex-nj-jw

    The only thing they taught me was how to recognize Bull SH*t and avoid it


  • changeling

    I'd look at the homeschooled loser who said that to me and laugh!


  • manhasbecomelikeoneofus

    it drives me mental to give any credit to that ridiculous cult but my career consists of speaking for a living and the tms was the basis for much of my skill set. i wouldnt need this career if i had been alowed to actually get an education but my speaking skills have provided me with a lucrative profession. so...thanks?!?...i guess...dirtbags!

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