I Can't Believe it! I got DF'ed!

by RollerDave 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    Yes my friends,

    Rollerdave has been disfellowshipped, but not by any elder, and without anything approaching process.

    I believe I had previously mentioned the ugly situation my niece finds herself in:


    Although I have taken to referring to NonDub as Tofu now.

    We had spoken rather uncomfortably a few days ago, seems Matilda wasn't answering the phone whenever he or HH would call, he wanted me to try.

    I did, and she answered, claimed to be unaware of Tofu and HH calling. I then spoke to him, and asked why Matilda could not spend more time here and he replied he was in a rather tough spot.

    I agreed. He is. 'I know what you mean, your wife can't stand me"

    And he breaks in 'No! no! no!, HH doesn't hate you, she's upset over things you have done and because you despise her'

    What can you say to an assertion framed in such a way? Any response would tend to show acceptance of his premise. It was like talking to a dub, but he's never been one.

    Her dislike for me? Perfectly understandable as anyone can see; my dislike of her, completely without reason!

    The assertion that must never be questioned changes from 'the WTS is God's org and there is no honorable way to leave it' to 'HH is sweetness personified and there is no honorable reason to dislike her'

    She had previously made a bald faced false allegation against me that nobody ever took seriously, so she changed her story so that Tofu could support her story, the only way I could 'make peace' with these people would be to admit what I have not done, and feel 'sorry' for it.

    To continue denying it is to make HH out to be a liar, and that violates their unquestionable assertion.

    I also would have to basically agree with every foul and derogatory thing they believe about me, because they cannot be wrong, I mean they KNOW I am an 'ass' and a 'jerk' and worse.

    Of course I have no intention of doing any such thing.

    Well, yesterday I have a simply awful day. The worst. I was going to post about it, but there was already a post about someone having a simply horrible day, much worse than mine. I didn't feel like disrespecting them, so I let it be.

    Simply put, nobody knows where the coolant goes in my truck, it's vanishing and I suspect a head gasket, we gave our boat a ride all over town looking for a boat landing we liked, once we found one and got the boat into he water, it DID NOT return the favor and embarrassed me in front of all kinds of people I don't know and will never see again.

    So there I am on the couch recovering and ol' Tofu calls me. He tells me he and Matilda had a meeting with her Dr. and what he is now saying is that I need to step out of the situation.

    I attempt to clarify 'so what you are saying is that I am to have no further contact with Matilda.'

    He says, 'yes. (your daughter) is fine because she is good for Matilda, but you are not because...' and he sputters out.

    "(Your daughter) can still call or even come over and visit but you are not to have contact with Matilda anymore."

    I say 'Ok, thank you. Have a nice day.' and hang up on him because I had a hard day and his reasons would just be more of the same assertions with built in presumption of my bad intent. I feared that he would get me riled, goad me into validating his opinion of me.

    I had no words, no ready bit of wit or snide commentary. I sat there with my mouth open like a fool. I reached into my big bag of adjectives and came up dry!

    I just felt numb.

    I have been, in effect, DF'ed from seeing my niece. I refused to agree with their GB, HH, and am thus an 'apostate' against the 'troof' that HH is just lovelywonderful. I am to be shunned by the only remaining family member I have that is not a dub because she has no choice.

    I call my sister, Mrs PO and she is amazed by the news, but reveals that Tofu had complained to her that Matilda's Dr refused to hospitalize her. They want to institutionalize her!

    They couldn't because she is not a threat to herself or others. Boy am I glad I explained to her that she had to be a threat to be locked up so she wouldn't use 'feeling suicidal' as an excuse to get a break when she wasn't really.

    Wow, hard to top that, but them Mrs PO tells me that our Mom has gone downhill so bad that she will require institutionalization in the near future.

    At that point, I just went to bed.

    Mom's Alzheimer's will do what it is going to do, there is nothing I can do but love her and cope, and Matilda is going to turn 18 and tell them to go to hell. I can't imagine that they really think this is going to work.


  • JK666


    Sorry that you are going through the family crap, had a little trouble following it though. It seems like the JW's all over have dysfunction in their families.

    Your truck does sound like a head gasket problem, or a cracked head (hope not). Check to see if you have coolant in your oil. If so repair it without delay, as it will ruin the whole engine. Since you just bought it see if they will fix it under warranty. (many used dealers have them)

    Good luck


  • ex-nj-jw



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'll be a "second witness" to what JK said...

    Simply put, nobody knows where the coolant goes in my truck, it's vanishing and I suspect a head gasket,

    I think THE ANARCHIST'S COOKBOOK mentions how mixing antifreeze iinto engine oil will destroy an engine. Gotta get that looked at, Dave.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sorry to hear the family problems, Dave.
    I wish we could tell you there's a way to make it better.

    How about this- one day your niece will not be a JW.

  • Dragonlady76


  • nvrgnbk

    What Nathan said about the engine.

    Sorry about your drama.

    It must hurt bad.

    Time will help things to work out.


    You're a good man, Roller Dave.

  • brinjen


    I'm very sorry to hear of this Dave, I'm sure your niece won't forget you.

  • RollerDave

    Well, I ain't out of the game quite yet.

    But it does kinda gall me. I mean, to be DF'ed by folks who were NEVER JW'S!

    The knowledge that I am so hated for made up crap...

    See, here's how it works;

    HH and DF sit around working themselves into a lather about what a jerk and an ass I am, and building what I like to refer to as the 'Straw Dave.'

    Straw Dave is an extension of their hate, rage, ignorance, and fear which bears no actual resemblance to the 'real Dave' but allows them to place blame on him for every imagined potential offense as if it had already occurred.

    So when Tofu calls, he is often upset by things he thought I would say, and then quickly deflates when I fail to play the Straw Dave role.

    After he deflates, I can often relate to him as an equal, and have reasonable discourse, but when the subject comes around to anything involving HH his shields go up. And If I have any useful suggestions, he actually wants me to help him strategize how to introduce it as coming from anyplace but me so it will have a chance of being liked by HH.

    We say our goodbyes, and I know he will re-inflate the Straw Dave as soon as HH notices it has been deflated. It's the 'company line' and he has to toe it if he wants to stay in her little world.

    The parallels with how active JW's treat df'ed people are striking. IF they talk with any, and get past the dehumanization, they can be congenial. But they have to reconstruct the straw man in order to relate once they are back among dubs.

    What changed most recently was that the Straw Dave resisted my attempts at puncture and will likely keep on growing until it pops of it's own accord. The allegation HH made about me keeps surfacing and if it were true, I would be a dangerous awful person, but if it's not.... She's a liar. Easier for him to get laid with me being awful, I guess.

    In Re the truck, the oil is being monitored for signs of antifreeze. diagnostics have been scheduled. I aint messing around and taking chances, in it goes!

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