We Are Dying!

by WeAreDying-Ophelia 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    I've forgotten so many more.

    There's Lady Lee, one of the most sensitive counsellors I've ever met, who counsels people damaged by the society. Her contribution, also, is immeasurable.

  • nvrgnbk
    I wish I were a man and maybe then I could make changes for the better.

    Firstly, as jgnat just explained so well, being a woman is no hindrance to doing great things.

    Secondly, many men that post here thought we could reform the organization. We soon realized that it was a waste of time. After all, Jehovah and Jesus are in charge of what goes on in the organization. If that's really the case, that raises another series of important questions.

    Best wishes to you and yours,


  • WeAreDying-Ophelia

    Hello again,

    My brother has decided to get off the pioneer list. Exactly when he's not sure but within the next 6 months or so. This feels so strange. I don't like it.

    So many here were so very kind to me I just wanted to have someone I could share this with. He started pioneering in his teens now he's getting off because the territory is so overworked and he feels it does no good to continue beating householders to death.

    The problem is I will not have his support in the field service as much as I'm used to. I know it's selfish of me but I've grown used to his being at the meeting for service and working with him in the territories. He is right though we know almost every house and householder in our territory and they seem to know us.

    There is a feeling of change in my family like the changes in the Society we are changing also. My father feels balance requires that we keep active while at the same time using common sense. I don't know, what is common sense in this situation? I ask myself, should I follow my brother? or keep pioneering? Don't know what to do.


  • nvrgnbk

    I pioneered on and off over the years my friend.

    I was Service Overseer.

    Keep searching, praying even, to see reality clearly.

    You are becoming free.

    Your mind is looking out for you. Listen to it.

    My very best to you, Ophelia.


  • Mum

    No one else can tell you what to do, O. It is good to make a list of pros and cons when trying to make a decision. Writing down your list helps with recall and reason. Please remember to include what is best for you, not just what you think is best for others or what will be pleasing to others. You will have to live with yourself and your choices long after everyone else has gone out of your life, whether through relocation, ending relationships, or death.

    Wishing you happiness and all the best,


  • WeAreDying-Ophelia

    Thank you Nate and SandraC,

    I feel among friends and will think about what you said.


  • AuldSoul


    I am tearing up writing this, so please forgive any spelling errors as I can't see all that well. As painful and confusing as this experience is for you, I can only pray that my family is being affected the same way yours is. Maybe eventually they will talk to me again.

    Rosalee asked a very important question: Why are you asking this here?

    I know the answer. I experienced the same thing. You are asking this here because you can ask questions here. When I first started having questions, I felt so horribly awkward and evil asking questions of my Presiding Overseer father, but I could ask them here. There is no anonymous mechanism for questioning among JWs; just as there is no question that will not arouse suspicion, at best.

    I hurt for your pain. Many of us have gone through it. Don't give up in asking questions. Jesus' disciples questioned him often and he never chastised or disfellowshipped them for it, even if the questions were about things he'd already answered before. 1 John 4:1 lovingly encourages Christians to put authoritative statements to the test, to put them on trial, to see whether they originate with God. It also tells the source of every authoritative statement not originating with God.

    There is never a Scriptural proscription on investigating, searching, questioning, or even deciding differently. Don't give up. Make sure of the more important things. (which contextually means the doctrine you hold and teach; Philippians 1:9-11; 1 Timothy 4:15, 16; 1 Peter 1:10-11; 1 Corinthians 2:1-3:23)

    Dig freely in the field of God's word. You will find ample silver and gold, plenty of treasure that has been doctrinally hidden from your view up until now. Just, please, promise that you will not give up. I know the Shakespearean play your name comes from, and Ophelia's end was not at all a pleasant one. You are capable of your own distress, you can cope, you can survive, you can do even much better than that.

    Do not despair, do not give in to distress. There is ample reason to live and love and thrive than just the one you were raised on. I know for sure what I say is true, I very nearly took the path Ophelia took and now cannot imagine that I ever got to that point. I now have a happier and more fulfilling life than JWs believe possible in this system. Sweet lady, do not give in to despair. You are neither mad nor sinning to seek answers (wherever you may find them) to these troubling questions you have. You would be both mad and sinning to do any otherwise.


  • WeAreDying-Ophelia

    Dear Brother AuldSoul,

    I call you brother because I know that is what you are, my brother. And though we have never met I love you as my brother and friend. Thank you for your advice and love.

    Jehovah's blessing be with you always,


  • lostlantern

    Welcome to the board.

    I know exactly how you feel. I understand the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, you don't understand what is going on or why things are changing. Things shouldn't change, these changes affect the very universe that we wrapped ourselves up in so tightly, that comfortable world that we were raised in. It is disconcerting to see these things initially and scary to explore the reasons but I encourage you to delve in and find truth. This board is here for you and they provide a lot of support in times of need.

    There is life outside of the congregation and it is has been good. Be courageous and live.

  • jeeprube

    Welcome to the board Ophelia!

    From your posts I see that you have experienced here what I discovered two years ago....surprise. These are not the evil people we have been warned about, instead they are full of love and understanding.

    I know how you feel, for I have felt the same. Unfortunately, within the organization there is very little room for questions. What you are going through is something most here have experienced, an awakening. It can be both beautiful and painful.....many of us, myself included, have lost our families because of our questions.

    I wish you the best in your journey.

    May Jehovah bless you!

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