We Are Dying!

by WeAreDying-Ophelia 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rosalee

    Ophelia ... nice to meet you.

    Why all the concern about 15 minutes less at the public talk? Can't imagine how you expect to cope when things get tough if this throws you off so much.

    Why would you ask this question here? Most posters here are not Witnesses so how can you expect them to give a proper answer?

    Ask your brother and father what they think and let us know what they say. 15 minutes less each week sure doesn't sound like a deal breaker to me.

  • nvrgnbk

    All she is saying Rosalee, is that there are too many odd changes going on in the organization.

    Her instincts are telling her something is up.

    The cult propaganda you've been subjected to has taught you not to ask questions or be critical.

  • JH
    Why would you ask this question here?

    Because Ophelia felt comfortable asking this question here.

    Most posters here are not Witnesses so how can you expect them to give a proper answer?

    I think that most people here are or were witnesses so they have the same knowledge as those who still attend.

  • journey-on

    Okay, everybody....I have a feeling this is NOW going to turn into a Rosalee-fest. PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN. Stay focused on the poster, please. By the way, Welcome, dear. The biggest lesson I had to learn after leaving the witnesses was God does not equal THE WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY.

  • BizzyBee
    Most posters here are not Witnesses so how can you expect them to give a proper answer?

    You'd be surprised how many are here who are current, active members of congregations.......maybe even someone you sat next to at the Sunday meeting.......maybe.....even.......the brother giving the talk................or conducting the WT study..................


    WELCOME BACK ROSALEE - where you been, girl?

  • WeAreDying-Ophelia


    15 minutes is a big deal to a speaker. It's the difference between individualizing a talk to the audience or just doing the outline. This recent change is the last in a long string of changes that are happening it's not just one thing but a whole series of changes that are not always understood on the congregational level.

    I came here because a relative who used be one of Jehovah's Witnesses told me that active brothers and sisters were among the members here, I hoped to ask them what they thought. I realize this is not a site friendly to Jehovah's Witnesses but I had hoped some here might know what we did not. As for my father he has not a clue as to why this all is happening other than what was said at the meeting which is something he does not fully believe.

    Thank you to all who chose to respond.


  • ex-nj-jw
  • Rosalee

    Ophelia ... could you give me some examples of the changes that have bothered you? None of them bother me and I can't possibly understand why anyone would be so concerned. No offence and I truly would like to hear your concerns. Like other changes, we adjust to new things rather quickly and wonder what we worried about.

  • eclipse

    Welcome Ophelia...

    The phenomenom your congo is experiencing is not uncommon.

    My sister's hall has dropped attendance by a considerable amount. And they didn't move out.

    There is a definite feeling of unease in the air and there is good reason for it.

    Keep your eyes peeled, keep your ears open, and keep your mind sharp about things that do not make sense.

    TRUST YOUR GUT and your INSTINCTS. They are right, and won't let you down.

  • poppers

    Welcome to the board. You said, "Several of us are feeling that the Society is out of control." I wish you would stick around and tell us more about this statement. Even if you don't wish to post I hope you will continue to read what's here.

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