The Discussion Board Your Connection To The Past?

by The wanderer 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    The Discussion Board Your Connection To The Past?

    Each individual on this board has their own motivation regarding this discussion
    board. Some join in to find common ground with individuals who have had similar
    past experiences about the Watchtower Society, others to vent their frustrations,
    others still, to keep updated about the Watchtower Society.

    What Is Your Motivation Regarding The Board?

    Admittedly, this board has a psychological pull for me linking me to my past.
    Personally, I find comfort with those individuals in which I have this common-
    ality of having been in a similar situation regarding the Watchtower Society.

    What are your reasons for taking part in this discussion board?



  • minimus

    I like this DB because it has spawned others who try to emulate Minimus with his questions.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am happy to share my understanding with others- if it can help.

    My main reason for posting is that I can't draw myself away from JWD, it is an addiction.
    I think it's more productive (at the moment) for me than therapy would be. I have some
    bitterness issues with the WTS. They are starting to subside, but the addiction to JWD
    hasn't quite gone away.

    If the bitterness and addiction lessen to the point where I don't come here often, I expect
    that I will still need to come occasionally to learn the latest about the meetings and the
    religion that my wife follows. I learned about 30-minute talks and "Members-only WT mags"

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    All hail minimus! (LOL) No harm intended.


    What do you mean about this? Can you
    offer an explanation please?

    "I learned about 30-minute talks"-OnTheWayOut



  • minimus

    Public Talks will be 30 mins. long starting January.

  • nvrgnbk

    Yes sir!

    Minimus has helped me alot.

    Back in my lurking days, especially.

    I appreciate his continued presence on here.

    I come here because it's therapeutic and because I want to give something back.

    If I lurked on here for a couple of years, while still an elder, there must be more doing the same now.

    They need to know that we've all been there.

    I enjoy your contributions as well Richard.

    Edited to add: OTWO helped alot too.

  • minimus

    Why thank you, Nvr.....Perhaps Richard needs to ask less questions and read more ofwhat other posters say in THEIR threads.

  • OnTheWayOut

    What do you mean about this? Can you
    offer an explanation please?

    "I learned about 30-minute talks"

    I learned from current threads that eventually, the public talk will be shortened to 30 minutes.
    My wife didn't say anything about this, I don't even think she knows yet.

    I am still reading threads that say all the outlines will be changed and others that say
    the elders will have to figure out how to shorten their own talks. I am certain that this will be
    clarified soon. Either way, I didn't know about this without JWD.

    My wife also said nothing about the "Members-only" WT. Yet I know.


    All of the above, these reasons are what are keeping me sane right now. Except the part about emulating minimus.

  • Sassy

    Originally I joined it because I had been active (and I mean VERY ACTIVE) on pro JW boards at the time.. When I decided to start my fade, I didn't feel right staying on them.. so I left them..

    SimpleSally (who had been with me on the pro boards before she was dfd) was here and still in my life.. she recommended I join here.. one to fill the void I'd miss from the ones I was leaving.. and two for support as I dealt with issues that might come up as I left the dub world.. moral suppport so to speak..

    Ive stayed (even though not as active as I once was) because although I am also on other boards un JW related.. I still like that fact that people here get things about me that no one can..

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