?Please explain Evolution to me in simple terms

by Guest with Questions 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    I've been watching the process of selective procreation out my window. A robin family struggled twice this summer to hatch a succesful batch of chicks. I fear both times that the local Magpies, with their own hungry brood to feed, waited until the chicks were plump enough for a good snack. (Or, I hope, the juvenile robins were hustled off to a more secluded location for their final training.) Momma and poppa Robin will try again next year, this time even more alert to local predators. I dearly hope the Magpies have not tagged our tree as "lunch".

    The Robins, in turn frantically dug slugs and bugs out of my garden to feed their brood. While they were in feeding frenzy, my garden was relatively free from slug damage. (I have an ongoing war with the local slug population). I've read that a single slug mating can result in a HUNDRED offspring. This I believe, when my daughter picked a HUNDRED juvenile slugs off her newly planted perennial this past morning. Mom and pop Robin are off the feeding line, and boy can we tell. But I imagine slug parents have the same frantic motivation of most prey. They dearly try and keep ahead of the food chain by producing more offspring than can possibly be eaten.

    The Robins quickly raise a brood of chicks in a few weeks, with their high-protein diet. The slugs, well, they feed under the cover of darkness on vegetable matter. My plants get their energy from the sun, with the help of a soil rich in bacteria, feeding on it's own soup, and water. It's a quick conversion from sunlight-converter, carbohydrate-converter, protein feeder, and predator. And it happens out my window every day.

    Who will survive? The parents with the best strategy and the brightest, most cagey youngsters.

  • Warlock
    There is none were not even the only animal to use tools.

    Tools? After the examples I gave, you bring me tools?

    Maybe they can use those tools and make me a swiss watch.


  • Seeker4

    Nice explanations from Terry, Nico, Deus and Mariusuk.

    Warlock is completely ignorant of the science of evolution, and proud of it. To say that an invisible but incomprehensibly complex being of some sort is the "simplest" way to explain life on earth - well, think about that for a second.

    And RAF - well, just read her stuff and compare it to people who know what they are talking about. RAF is kind of a joke when it comes to this subject. She starts from a platform of nearly complete ignorance of the subject and launches off from there. It's almost impossible to follow her "reasoning," mostly because she has none on this subject, that I've seen. Don't waste much time on her posts, but study the folks who know what they're talking about.

    They give some good explanations here. We may have a right to our opinions, but that doesn't make them all equally good.


  • funkyderek


    The reality is that we were not there when everything began, so then, it's all speculation as to how everything got here.

    This is a short-sighted, unimaginative and downright wrong view of the world. For all your talk about how humans are separate from other animals, you dismiss one of our most useful abilities - the fact that we do not have to directly experience something in order to know about it. All of history and most of science is about events that have never been observed by the vast majority of living humans, some by none at all. To single out the origin of life from all topics is strange, unless you have an ulterior motive for doing so (which of course you do).

    I believe there is a God who created the earth and everything in it.

    There is no evidence for such a belief and it requires further explanation.

    Others believe that everything got here by chance.

    That belief is certainly wrong, although I do not know of anybody who holds it.

    I would say that the most logical, rational and common sensical conclusion one can reach is the existence of a creator.

    "Common sense" perhaps, but even logic can get you further than that (before we start displaying the evidence). The logic that requires complex entities to have a designer must also apply to that designer. Your fundamental argument cannot logically depend on an exception to itself. And yet it does (or leads to an equally unsatisfactory infinite regression).

    Others would say that I am crazy.

    I wouldn't. You are wrong certainly, miseducated, misguided, irrational and closed-minded but not necessarily crazy.

    All of mans negative qualities aside, do you REALLY believe men evolved from animals?

    Men (and women) are animals. We have all the same features as other mammals, the same limbs, the same organs, the same developmental process, the same basic brain structure.

    Why is there this large chasm between man and the lower life forms on this planet?

    That depends on what you mean by lower life forms? Bacteria, insects, fish, apes? If you compare us to bacteria, we don't seem any further removed from them than do other mammals, so I'll go with the apes. Whatever the cause of the huge chasm it certainly isn't a huge genetic difference. We are more genetically similar to chimpanzees than chimpanzees are to gorillas. We have almost identical chromosomes and appear so similar physically that it is only human hubris that has put us in a separate genus. We have similar diets, mating habits and lifespans.

    Please show me the great cities, financial systems, and governmental structures that the lower animals have created. Not just presently, but thru history.

    Show me the music halls where the great musical compositions of lower animals are enjoyed.

    No animals other than humans have the mental capacity necessary to do these things. That is what separates us from what you quaintly call the "lower animals", just that one thing, our larger brains. The tiny, tiny genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees have allowed the former to develop complex culture. The changes are minuscule (this can be easily verified by comparing human and chimpanzee genomes) but their effects are immense, a common occurrence in evolution.

    Please show me anything even close.

    Ant colonies, coral reefs, social hierarchies in primates, birdsong. But then you'll no doubt use those as "evidence" of a creator as well.

    Other than "I've never seen God", show me where I am wrong.

    You are wrong because your idea of what evolution is is so embarrassingly incorrect that it's hard to believe you are an adult living in the western world in the 21st century. You are wrong because you argue from a position of total ignorance, dismissing (literal) mountains of evidence merely because you are unable or unwilling to understand them. You are wrong because you equate your gut feelings with decades of painstaking work by hundreds of thousands of scientists across many discipines all of which is in such incredible agreement that only a fool or an ignoramus could deny their findings.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    reading with interest all the replies here - I agree with other posters, the talk origins site is very good - lots to explore!


    Please remember that RAF's first language is not English. It may just be that she struggled give her explanation and we similarly struggle to understand what she wrote.

    Give her the benefit of the doubt, just saying...

  • Warlock

    Then I guess I am a fool and an ignoramus, but this fool could teach an 8 year old a very simple 70/10 SMA trading system and have them understand it. But as for the highest form of life just underneath man (choose any one you want), wouldn't have a clue and would never evolve into something that would.

    Just as a side question, why did evolution choose to stop here on planet earth, or did it start here and will soon travel thru space to the other planets?


  • AlanF

    Warlock wrote:

    : Just as a side question, why did evolution choose to stop here on planet earth, or did it start here and will soon travel thru space to the other planets?

    Good Lord! This is one of the most stupid questions I've ever seen. As Enrico Fermi was fond of saying, the ideas behind it are not even wrong.

    Evolution is an observed process. The question is like asking, Why did the process of photosynthesis stop here on planet earth, or did it start here and will soon travel thru space to the other planets?


  • Warlock
    Good Lord! This is one of the most stupid questions I've ever seen.

    So Alan, what did you expect from a fool and ignoramus????


  • Warlock
    Warlock is completely ignorant of the science of evolution, and proud of it. To say that an invisible but incomprehensibly complex being of some sort is the "simplest" way to explain life on earth - well, think about that for a second.


    The problem with people like you is you feel superior with complex explanations of what is so obviously simple. Just because a group of men told you "follow us we have religious truth", you take it as an excuse to stop believing in God altogether.


  • heathen

    The simplist explanation I've ever heard was on the southpark episode with mr garison and richard dawkins .LMAO

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