Harry Potter and the exasperated mum........help

by fifi40 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Muggles just don't understand!

  • proplog2

    Just saw the movie "Jesus Camp". Evangelicals condemn watching and reading Harry Potter. They claim Harry Potter would have been stoned if he lived in ancient Israel. Witnesses are in good company!

  • fifi40

    Thanks all for your responses

    Mrs Jones...............unfortunately sometimes I have to fight my corner and in turn Alex's........I remember to well the 'fear' of displeasing your parents..........Alex is not quite mature enough to reason with his dad..............when you have adults who have opposing beliefs you are caught up in the middle..............I try to be accomodating to my ex's viewpoint but there are occassions where I need to step in and have my say, adult to adult.

    Daystar.................I understand what you are saying........but in part my son's conscience is being moulded by a distorted religion......I have said before on other threads if I demanded he stop attending meetings he would say he wanted to go so all I can do is follow the advice given by the likes of Mum and Terry and aid him in the art of thinking for yourself................unfortunately because of his upbringing this may on occassion hurt his falsely developed conscience..........if that makes sense..........but I appreciate your concern, it is one I share.

    Emma, Mum and Terry thank you all for the wonderful advice!

    And thanks again to all

  • daystar

    Daystar.................I understand what you are saying........but in part my son's conscience is being moulded by a distorted religion......I have said before on other threads if I demanded he stop attending meetings he would say he wanted to go so all I can do is follow the advice given by the likes of Mum and Terry and aid him in the art of thinking for yourself................unfortunately because of his upbringing this may on occassion hurt his falsely developed conscience..........if that makes sense..........but I appreciate your concern, it is one I share.

    Your son's conscience surely is being molded by what I consider to be a distorted religion. But that doesn't make it any less real to him, any more than it was for the likes of myself.

    A damaged conscience, whether rightly maintained so in your, my, or anyone else's opinion, is still a difficult thing to recover from. Feelings of guilt, etc., could last for years. I know I'm taking this pretty far. I just mean to say to be careful. If your son wishes to stand upright with the JW view of what's "right" and "wrong", seeing this film is most certainly a "wrong" in the Witness mindset as a whole, whether some JWs are going to see it anyway or not. You should consider whether it is worth being the source of his being "led astray" in their viewpoint or not.

    I think it quite wise to assist him in learning to think critically and independantly. Absolutely. Just be aware of the risks.

  • changeling

    I agree with daystar. If you do anything that causes your son to go against his conscience, it will hurt him and it will come back to haunt you. Let him know that if he wishes to see the movie you'd be glad to take him and you will deal with Dad's displeasure, but that the desicion is his. Give him a measure of control over the situation and then leave it alone. Respect his desicion if it's not to go and stand up for him if he wants to go. If he does go, play it down, don't go "wasn't that the best, aren't you glad you went?" or any such thing. Let him say what he thinks about it , if he says nothing, let it go. No big wup.

    Try not to make this or anything else a "big deal". That may add a lot of stress to your son. He's already caught between you and his dad, he does't need any more "issues".

    changeling (mother of a sensitive child)

  • sass_my_frass
    If you have joint custody, just take him. This is crazy, no stupid.

    You absolutely can't do that and then expect him not to take your son to a meeting. You're far better off explaining to your son that his father forbids him from seeing the movie and letting it become one of the stupid things your son puts in his big book of stupid things his dad believes.

  • sparrow

    send him home with a Harry Potter edition of an ouija board.

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